The exponential frigate growth of a certain navy
The exponential frigate growth of a certain navy

The exponential frigate growth of a certain navy
The F22 in the image is about 7 diagonal pixels long, that is √2⋅7 pixels length. The ship in the picture is 1727 pixels long, which equates to an actual length of almost exactly 3300m.
As a bonus this allows us to calculate the barrel-diameter: At 14 pixels width, this indicates a 27m diameter or a barrel-strength of a bit over 12m. Not sure if that is enough to contain the nuclear explosion that is mean to be fired inside it…
Not sure if that is enough to contain the nuclear explosion that is mean to be fired inside it…
The image is clearly a red herring to distract from the real use of the uranium. They use nuclear pumped lasers to accelerate a conventionally fired tungsten rod in the air. That's why there are four barrels, two guns and two lasers
2000mm caliber means each of those barrels are at least 2.2m (≈7ft3in) outer diameter. probably more. just for reference.
They have to have a lot more barrel strength though: If you look closely, the propellant charge is literally a nuke.
only a tiny one
How much is a "tiny little bit" of uranium? Asking for one of the Phosphene Girls. Is it enough to rest comfortably on a ruffled potato chip?
Needs more AAA flac guns.
Who is this going to rescue/liberate us from?
Unemployed shipyard workers
goat herders with AKs.
It can be a liberatory force in any possible conflicts, except a border skirmish between China and Kazakhstan.
Have you not seeing the helicopter blades in the schematics? This is obviously a hovering frigate
A navy f22? I’m all in! Just don’t let the kid hear about this, and don’t let him talk to Franklin. If the kid hears that a whole ass dump truck full of trash is boutta pull up he might get suspicious.
The runway is almost long enough to land a space shuttle, you don't need a naval version of any plane to use it.
But I want a naval F22 😤😭