Trump’s social network, Truth Social, has been blocked in Ukraine.
Trump’s social network, Truth Social, has been blocked in Ukraine.

Trump’s social network, Truth Social, has been blocked in Ukraine.
This actually looks like Truth Social is blocking Ukraine as opposed to Ukraine blocking Truth Social
100%, the logo image wouldn't load if this was state block.
Not necessarily, it would depend on the type of block but 99% of the time you are right.
Correct. Also for those interested:
So they are also blocking Russia?
Or they are blocking a Russian vpn endpoint?
I didn't even consider the alternative
Not sure why "Truth" Social needs to run outside of America anyway, it's just an American misinformation disinformation platform aimed at Americans.
American misinformation is free to all
Not sure why "Truth" Social needs to run outside of America anyway, it's just a
AmericanRussian misinformation platform aimed at Americans.
Misinformation is unintentional. Truth Social is a disinformation platform.
True, used the wrong word there! It's definitely intentional!
Last time I looked around there, there were a ton of scammers which I assumed were Russian. Lot of crypto scam shit. Also figured Russians were helping with the propaganda. But someone else in this thread posted what appears to show the site is blocked in Russia too. Which seems odd.
The general russian people are being fed a completely different set of propaganda messages. They don't want them getting confused.
ukrainian isps blocking truth social, or truth social blocking access from ukrainian ips? looks like the latter
i bet that both of ukrainian users are real mad about it rn
Orange crybaby temperature tantrum incoming in 3, 2, 1...
More like "Lies Social"...
Taking bets on how long before Trump claims this means Russia was right about Ukraine being run by nazi's, and cuts off all aid en route cold turkey?
"they're being run by Nazis" says the guy standing next to the Nazi salute guy and the secretary of defence with the Nazi tattoo ..
Every accusation is a confession, as usual.
Lucky Ukraine
Wild it took them this long to block an obvious tool being used against their civilians, but then again we still have Twitter and TikTok dumbing down Americans...