/r/popculture is closed following Reddit's decision
/r/popculture is closed following Reddit's decision
Nice thing, someone mentioned Lemmy there: https://old.reddit.com/r/popculture/comments/1j5jngg/rpopculture_is_closed/mgi48zn/
/r/popculture is closed following Reddit's decision
Nice thing, someone mentioned Lemmy there: https://old.reddit.com/r/popculture/comments/1j5jngg/rpopculture_is_closed/mgi48zn/
Wow. I remember when the Digg migration to reddit finally reached critical mass. Feels like this might be it for reddit now. Ha ha. Edit: r/Fednews should probably move over here for safety too.
Isn’t Reddit banning big mentions of Lemmy though?
Apparently not fast enough, because the mention of Lemmy in the comments of the aforementioned Reddit post are what led me to join here today.
They don't. Some subreddits ban it, not Reddit itself.
From what I've seen it's mostly mods of specific subreddits removing comments that promote Lemmy. A few instances do get caught in the site-wide spam filter though.
Yeah, but obviously they are also pretty dumb (they didn’t even consider what would happen if people edited comments after people upvoted then). So, not too hard to get around that.
There's a mention about a digg reboot at the bottom of the post
Digg is relaunching with one of the original reddit co-founders
Unfortunately people will see that first over the comments mentioning lemmy.
We should welcome ethical competition
Well, at least all of us that came from Digg shouldn’t be fooled by that…Maybe the first posters at the new digg can also give a shout out to Lemmy.
Pffft I love that even Digg is preparing to make a come back
You know you fucked up when Digg is preying on your weakness
I'm not real thrilled that O'Hanian is one of the new owners, makes it feel creepy and unsafe.
They refuse to shutter porn subs that facilitate the sale of known CSAM but you cannot say Luigi?
They aren’t afraid of kids. Unfortunately, they also don’t care to protect them.
Edit: they also aren’t afraid of us, obviously. but, we know who they are afraid of now.
Man I've been away from reddit for a while I guess. This is the first time Ive heard that. Horrifying, but seems about right
It's very niche and obscure sub. It's only because of a weird post that I figured it out.
I would love for there to be a decent pop culture community on Lemmy to break me out of non-stop doomscrolling. Maybe this will be the kick in the pants to make it happen.
You can help posting on !popculture@lemmy.world
i get a sneaky feeling not that many folks here care about Ariana and Spongebob to the extent we might
Be the change you want to see on Lemmy
Fuckin Spongebob. She's going to cheat on him, too, and hopefully he realizes he fumbled a beautiful doctor who, for some unknown reason, actually loved him.
It’s Friday, the day where Mr Krabs tells us job well done for making it to the weekend on !bikinibottomtwitter@lemmy.world
It’s the niche communities and the participation within that op speaks to. Ariana and SpongeBob might as well be picket fences or Mia Farrow as far as how relevant they are. Compare that to a whole community about a programming language or board game.
Don't worry guys, you can incite violence here to the hearts content!
Americans glorify violence every year on the Fourth of July
Give it 48 hours before all mods are purged and the sub is no longer "closed"
probably give it to the 92 mods that own 500 subs , to help them gatekeep the content.
banned for upvoting an article from the guardian about the dorito despot
I’m not sure why people still use that website. “Move fast and break things” works out occasionally, but this feels like every decision Reddit has made in the last 10 years. There were some good early choices mixed in with the bad, and denying those would be silly.
Whenever we think someone is making that many mistakes over that many years, we have to eventually accept the fact that it was likely deliberate all along. The point has likely been to push away free thinkers and smart people this whole time. We aren’t the part of the bell curve they are concerned with, as we are not as easily controllable (ie. influenced)
I’d hesitate to call lemmy users free thinkers or smart. I’m bog standard, at best, and others here are usually about par with me. No, it’s been pretty apparent that they enact change because of pressure from above and outside, leading to constant issues. The company’s leadership is simply incapable of creating anything better.
They chase money, respect, and trends, in that order, but rarely successfully and even more rarely proactively. They’re a poorly coordinated, reflexive, and myopic behemoth, and have been for a long while. The company’s just too unwieldy for them. But, the intentionality of their mistakes is irrelevant.
TLDR; The only thing of import is the frequency of their mistakes and my lack of tolerance for them.