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  • A fucking turkey.

    Company takes over previously non profit happy and its associated home health company.

    Employees had previously gotten cash bonuses end of year, even us plebes at the bottom of the chain of command. The year before I had gotten right under 300 bucks. Not a huge thing, but respectable.

    That money was direct deposited with no issues, and came with an invitation to a party thrown for employees.

    The turkey? You had to drive to the services building, which was on the other side of the county (where they handled bookkeeping and such) to pick up the damn turkey, had only a two hour window during working hours to do so, and they didn't even have enough for everyone if everyone had shown up. They ran out, and it wasn't everyone that did show up, because that window of time excluded everyone doing patient care at the hospital, all of the home health workers at a case, and many of the support staff like maintenance that didn't get breaks at that time.

    Yup, it was that bad, and intentional. "We didn't think there would be that many people showing up" was the response given.

    Like, fuck you. Fuck you and whoever decided to insult all of us this way.

  • We used to get bonuses at my one company (like 500 bucks at Christmas but better than nothing). Then the last year I was there they instead gave us little buttons with the company name on it and how many years we had been working there. I quit that year.

  • Well, this year, its looking like a change in payment/appraisal system, with a "conversion bonus" less than the (current) expected increase in taxes. This also being before taking into account inflation.

    TL;DR, GS payscale to ACQDEMO/NH payscale.

    Oh, and because I'm not a GS-12 or higher, the potential bottom of my pay grade is 34K (before locality).