What infuriates me about articles like this is that it really should just say that the school Satanic Club had its first meeting, the kids had a great time, here's everything they did and what they plan to do for the year, and here are some kids' reactions and quotes about the club.
Instead, it says the kids had "a great time" and then moves on to the protesters, offering them several paragraphs to spew their vile hate speech, repeating the garbage that their hate-filled signs say, and then even quoting two people. And then it follows that with basically an advertisement for "the Good News club, a Christian evangelical Bible club that meets before school hours."
It's a sign of how biased society is towards religion that an article about a non-theistic after school club gives half of the article to a handful of religious bigots to let them spew their hate speech and then promotes their own Christian school club.
Those kids are very brave. School bullying is no joke. My daughter was bullied so harshly in her middle school that we had to pull her out of school and put her in online school. The school administration did nothing for her and they'll do even less than nothing for kids in this club that get bullied by religious students. I feel really bad for them in that regard and I hope they make it through without too much scarring.
Always amusing that people protest this stuff based on some made up fear of their "soul", that can only be "saved" by preaching HATE for others different than you, instead of inclusion like the Temple. Hopefully these kids see the protesters for what they are and go on to have a more positive impact on society instead of trying to bring us all backwards.
Meanwhile, another protester, Samantha Harmon, said, “There is no reason that Memphis should have ever allowed an after-school Satan club to come in. It’s time to revise policy and it’s time for parents to get on their post and pray and protect their kids.”
Speaking to WMC, ASSC’s national campaign director pushed back against criticisms, saying: “We don’t go to a school unless there is another religious club operating.”
Oof. Nice rebuttal. I wonder how many kids attended; being in elementary school, I would imagine a lot of parents told their kids they couldn’t go. I’m glad it was successful but I’m honestly surprised they had any kids attend, given Tennessee and all.
Just got done celebrating malicious compliance on another thread. So this one I'll just give a big cheer and thumbs up for The Satanic Temple and all the good it's doing in this country!
It's crazy how these Satanists are indoctrinating children. It's not like a child just naturally chooses to be a Satanist- their parents put them up to it.
Ain't gonna have none of that shit in our home- we take them to church every weekend and make sure they believe exactly what we believe or I'll tan their hides.
Satanists don't believe in Satana btw, they're mostly atheists, but adhere to the rule of Satan who happen to be better than the "all-loving all-good" God who brutally kills everyone opposing him
I'm a member of the local chapter of American Satanists. At least we're making some progress in schools that are in close-minded states. It's the hate speech of the protesters that keeps me keenly aware of why I love belonging to a group that gets so firmly and deliciously under their skin in every sense.