Brow raising article
Brow raising article

What will happen next?
Brow raising article
What will happen next?
Honestly guys I think we should just let her have this one. I think she needs it.
Totally agree.
She looks like shaggy 2 dope of icp.
Maggie 2 Dope
Drawing them yourself shouldn't count
I know there are a lot of upper-class Tories with a stick up their ars that voted Brexit, but if I think of a Brexit voter this is what I see.
They're called Gammons
Hey, let’s not resort to racial slurs.
(Btw love the picture they chose in the article.)
Well that photo is the first photo to make me realize Groucho Marx's eyebrows and mustache were extended with paint.
I never noticed Cesar Romero's Joker just painted over his moustache either.
Couldn't really tell on a 14" TV on the other side of the room.
Americans have to use meth to get that kinda glow-up. Damn, Britain.
She's from Lincolnshire, so her father is probably her brother.
Oi, this is slander, we might be one of the most awful places in the country, responsible for giving the world Doncaster, Grimsby and Scunthrope, but were not Norfolk.
Body dysphoria is a real thing.
Nasty teeth even by british standards
Damn, she drew such big brows and you still noticed her teeth.
Any good horse trader would
Quick someone get this women a Faygo
Dentistry, one might hope.
They're not eyebrows if they're painted on. They're paint.
And why do Europeans have such janky teeth?
It's the British who have janky teeth. We make fun of them for that too.
I usually just make fun of their horrible cuisine. Who in their right mind would eat bland mashed peas?
Because putting bits of plastic over them and pretending they're good never took off here
Because over the last 14 years, the Tories have annihilated NHS dentistry.
Growing up, I'd see a dentist every 6 months or so for a checkup. About ten years ago they swapped most people to appointments every year. Then about 3 years ago they sent me a text telling me that my dentist had left, and they'd tell me when they had another. Given they haven't contacted me since, I'm assuming that was a typo, and what they actually meant to type was "fuck you".
They probably have a shit dental system.
Kinda like how places with poor social safety nets have a bunch of homeless people, or places with bad sex ed have a bunch of pregnant teenagers.
It's more that dentistry is more about health than cosmetics.
Can confirm the UK is in the middle of a dental crisis.
My own experience was waiting on a list at the practice the rest of my family goes to for 5 yrs before they admitted they are short on dentists and haven't been able to fill spots.
I then had to spend an afternoon phoning around 40 of the local dentists looking for someone that could put me on there books.
On the up side I am getting the tidy up work I have needed since just before lockdown on the teeth I smashed as a drunk teen at last
Oof, that stung.
Those are also paint.
Prob tattooed on which is a big thing these days for some reason.
Brits, not all of Europe.
Her mouth looks like she just got done eating a whole sleeve of Oreos and forgot to wipe her face
those are not brows (no hair involved), its just stupid warpaint.
Reminds me of Uuno Turhapuro, an old Finnish movie character
So there are juggalos in the UK. TIL
The only person who will beat her record is herself
She looks like a motorbike did skidmarks on her face
I think Groucho did it better. Though if she grew a mustache she could be close.