Doesn't matter how you try to justify it...
Doesn't matter how you try to justify it...

Doesn't matter how you try to justify it...
Replace Christian with person
You can't be a good anything and be a landlord. At least if we use the moral meaning of "good".
You could only ask for as much rent as you need to cover the expenses for whatever you're renting out.
Okay, but why do we need the landlord then? We'd just need a custodian.
The issue with that is that you're still making money on a human right. That property is gonna gain value and eventually you'll be able to sell it for more than you bought it for, all on the back of the tenants. Unless you're planning to give the tenants the house when they pay the value of it but at that point there's no reason for you the own it to begin with.
You can’t be a good anything and be a landlord
A good parasite?
That's an odd spelling of "capitalist".
I think you could be a good Dalek and a landlord
If people actually followed the teachings of Jesus, it would be a very difficult world. Christianity is supposed to be socialist as fuck.
Landlording is fine by christian teachings but making a profit and getting rich by it is a bit iffy
It wouldn't be difficult at all. In fact it would be a true utopia.
Problem is gods aren't real and human instincts prefer selfishness and tribalism over "socialist" ideas.
Humans love the idea of socialism until it comes down to "us vs them" then socialism is the greatest threat there is.
That's not true. You'd have to gauge your eyes out for lusting after a woman. And women? They aren't allowed to reject their husband's sexual advances. Which doesn't sound extreme until it turns out hes got a scat fetish.
I had a good landlord, so they’re definitely out there. Mine didn’t raise my rent more than $50 in a decade of living there, and was pretty great and quick about repairs. I am sorry others have had the experience they’ve had, and I think it’s more to do with private equity buying real estate, or some kind of landlord with 10+ units etc. I think the mom/pop landlord with the odd house they rent out when their family isn’t using it are pretty chill. I am sure there are examples to prove me wrong though
You're right, there are good examples out there. The point is they're statistical anomalies not the rule. Landlords by and large serve very little societal purpose.
Christianity was invented by landlords, maybe not the Christ parts specifically but the rest for sure
Ianity was invented by landlords
People think the oxymoron is between 'Good Christian' and 'Landlord'.
When it is in fact between 'Good' and 'Christian'.
This is ridiculous. There are a lot of sanctimonious fundamentalists in the world, and there are a lot of genuinely good people who identify as Christian. Some of the best people I know are Christians. They're not inherently hateful bigots, in fact I'd wager those are a loud minority.
There are good people who are Christian, sure. But they're only good people because they are bad Christians. They (their denomination) have cherry picked the least contentious passages and ignored the most hateful.
A 'Good Christian' is a creature of bigotry and contradiction, who spares no bias for which passages are morally good or bad. In some sense, The Westborough Baptist Church embrace many of the worst aspects of Christianity, they are Good Christians (but bad people).
It's not the people, it's indoctrination. They're just as much of a victim as anyone else.
I'm keenly aware of that as I have recovered from religion.
The fact remains that being a Christian is at odds with being a good person. Bigotry is baked in to Christianity. If you want to cherry pick the good parts, that's great, but it doesn't erase the suffering which is still being perpetrated due to the explicit wording in the bible.
There are warlords in Africa who justify enslavement because the bibles explicitly permits it, and never makes any effort to clarify that slavery should no longer be permitted.
You would think that at some point, God would want to convey to everyone that slavery was a symptom of the times, thousands of years ago, and is no longer permitted as of the New Testament, but that never happens.