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Jeremy Corbyn addresses meeting on formation of new leftwing party
  • Electoral reform is arguably one of the most important things that needs to happen in the UK. I'm a big fan of Jeremy Corbyn and would support a new party like this, but realistically it's probably just going be another party that sort of just comes and goes.

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  • Bisexual - No

    Introverted - Yes

    Leftist - Yes

    Gifted Child - No

    Depression - No

    Ice Coffee - No

    Sleep till noon - No

    2/7 not bad

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    In what videogame you're currently stuck and you gave up or drop it for a while?
  • Seems like a somewhat unpopular opinion but AC has sucked since Black Flag for me. I have a particular dislike for Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla for the shoehorned RPG elements and repetitive boring busywork.

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    Pray for my boi
  • You've given him the best possible life. He knows that he's loved. When he goes to sleep, he will go to sleep happy.

    My best wishes to you and to Bear.

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • This is the future of US politics.

    2024 - vote Democrat or the Republicans will end democracy.

    2028 - vote Democrat or the Republicans will end democracy.

    2032 - vote Democrat or the Republicans will end democracy.

    2036 - vote Democrat or the Republicans will end democracy.

    2040 - vote Democrat or the Republicans will end democracy.

    And so on.

    At some point, people will have to start voting third party because the two major parties will never give up the status quo.

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    What are the ethics of Piracy?
  • I've actually been on a spree of buying games lately, supporting smaller developers. Still won't buy from Ubisoft/EA/Activision-Blizzard though.

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    Turkey's Erdogan says Russia must return Crimea to Ukraine
  • How do we know that Crimea won't be completely Russified and it's Russian inhabitants wouldn't resist any attempts to return it to Ukraine?

  • Obviously crying is the result of feeling strong emotions. But is there a physical/biological reason for it? What is the purpose of tears and wet eyes?


    So I have Tasker and I'm a total novice with it.

    I'd like to create a simple task that shows the auto-rotate icon in my status bar when auto-rotate is on. Then when it's turned back off, make the icon disappear.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    I know this is kind of random. I've got a black necklace with a long round pendant on it, and I think I look better topless when I wear it. I'm not sure why.


    I bought this game 3 days ago and I'm totally hooked. It's still in early access alpha, though.

    This is my totally made up WW2 Japanese light howitzer, built from scratch!


    I'm looking for a watch that is able to do basic "smart" things like show notifications and ping my phone if I misplace it. A timer/stopwatch would also be good, and a long lasting battery.

    I have no interest in an Apple watch or Galaxy watch, so I'm looking for something comparatively cheap.
