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Every day is Labor Day!
  • Sorry, not trying to put you down. Thats not at all what I want. I just see it a different way. Rather than focusing on the self we need to focus on the group. Saving so you'll be able to wait it sounds OK but what would be better is building the trust or just trusting that we won't stop striking until all our needs our met. That includes the damages caused by the strike.

    Stirke tomorrow and trust that we are all going to have each other's backs, so if you need food that food will be provided. If your landlord is threatening to evict the town will show up to the court house and protest until all debt related to the strike is forgiven.

    Unless we are using that 4 years to get this message across nothing will be done.

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • I mentioned no party affiliation. So you're the one assuming anti-democratic. I'm pointing out there is no hypocrisy on this issue amongst the people I know.

    And my second statement is directed at OP and his continued campaigning for the fanta menence.

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    That AIPAC money hit different though
  • It's so crazy that you think anyone of us is completely ok with lobbyists and super PACs. Everyone one I've known hates that shit but sure we just love the fact that monied interests get to influence our elections. Sure.

    But of course you will ignore the fact one party has spoken out against citizens united and one party has installed supreme court justices that will keep bribery legal.

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    Anon doesn't like reddit
  • On one hand we have to move away from Google. On the other hand information should be made available to people. Hopefully we are just in a transitional phase and this isn't just reigning in a internet dark age.

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    Anon doesn't like reddit
  • Yeah but what good has ever come from 4chan?

    Always seemed like a place for people to be subversive and provide a haven for hate and degeneracy.

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    FBI dossier reveals Putin’s secret psychological warfare in Europe
  • Not the US population. They would never be taken by an obvious lier with zero scruples to speak of. They are way too disciplined to for that.

    I remember when my dad use to always try to get me to look at this site that listed all of the lies Obama ever told. Watching his unwavering support for trump I try now to understand what that was all about. He obviously doesn't care about politicians lying. Outside of the racism I think it was just an attempt to radicalize me knowing he just wanted Republicans in power. If there was legitimate moral concern there I wish I could tap into it now.

  • One for the ages


    Should anyone be suprised?

    Trump, the same Trump that killed boarder legislation because he didn't want to give biden a win?

    Not him, no, never.

    Via user kingshrubb: Apparently she retracted her comments


    No weird, no weird. You're weird.


    I can't figure it out, which one am I again???


    Despite the constant negative press


    Won't someone think of the buildings?


    "Trump for president!" Been there, done that. Go fuck yourself.

    Conservatives rn, "how dare you bring rudy into this. 911, never forget."


    We don't deserve you Kamala


    Your callous, "thoughts and prayers" was all you ever thought those children's lives were worth.

    So pissed rn


    How is it the right can muster an infinite amount of compassion for donald trump but the people who've suffered the most deserve what they get?

    I don't need to go through all of trumps offenses for you to know he's truly a despicable person who has never faced a real consequence his entire life.

    Shout out to those who didn't win the genetic lottery, I'll cast my lot with you. Real trauma deserves real compassion.


    Suburban white women right now


    "Concentrate. Microphone. Podium. N*. Teleprompter. Shit!"
