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Klan trying to recruit in Springfield
  • I always pictured them being really proud of having shit themselves. Just waddling about, pants full of shit, with big smiles on their faces. Happy boys, who reek of shit.

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    Anon needs to pay the rent
  • It can’t be it’s a green text on 4chan.

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    Oh the humanity!
  • Oh fork! This was the Bad Place all along!

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • Hear me out, but pickle pizza is pretty damn good. The sauce is mayo, sour cream, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • The paleo diet exists.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • Has anyone asked the Polish if they’re ok?

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    Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs
  • Yeah, I enjoyed it too. Felt bad for Duncan Jones when it seemed to get shit on from all directions.

    That said, I was never much of a WoW player, so didn’t know any of the lore going in. My wife is though, and she enjoyed it too.

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    Borderlands' theatrical run grinds to a halt with just $31 million worldwide, which is barely enough to cover the marketing costs
  • The way I see it, SMB93 is just mental enough that it slipped into cult movie territory. It’s obviously not a cash grab rammed full of fan service, so there’s an authenticity to it that makes it endure.

    Is it a great movie? Fucking right it is.

    Is it a Super Mario Bros. movie? Weeelllll…

    But I come it from the perspective of someone who was 12 when it came out, so didn’t really give a shit about it being faithful to whatever story the games had. It was just a stupid, fun movie for me.

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    As it should be
  • The Apple TV remote is rechargeable, though not backlit.

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    Steam Families is here
  • If you’re using an M-series Mac, download the Windows Steam installer and Whisky. Install Steam through Whisky then simply install games through Steam as normal.

    There’s a bit of a learning curve, but /r/MacGaming on Reddit is a useful resource.

    There are some that simply won’t work because the hardware won’t run them (Red Dead 2 is the most disappointing one for me), but have a play and see what works.

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  • My company finishes at 4. 3:56 every day I clock out so I can get out of the yard before everyone else and not get stuck in traffic.

    My mama didn’t raise no fools. Well, apart from my little brother.

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    Steam Families is here
  • Between my wife’s enormous Steam library and Whisky/Crossover on my M2 MacBook, I’ve been playing more games than ever since the beta of this popped up. It’s actually quite impressive how many games just work - albeit with some compromises in places.

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    Me haha
  • Native English speaker, can confirm.

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    Apple’s Tim Cook to unveil reasons why your current iPhone is already a piece of shit
  • I had a XR until 18 months ago, and honestly, it was still a solid device. But part of the good thing about using an iPhone is how well they hold their value, so I made the choice to sell it while it was still worth £150. Put that towards a 13 mini which will serve me nicely for a couple more years yet.

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    TIL about lunch shaming... america are you ok?
  • (my posts were being ironic, sorry if you thought i was being sincere)

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    Apple’s Tim Cook to unveil reasons why your current iPhone is already a piece of shit
  • I know it’s an unpopular opinion in these parts, but honestly, 8gb is often fine for the people who are buying entry level machines.

    I use a 2014 Mac mini for work, which has 8gb of soldered RAM. For sure I’d increase it to 16gb if I could, but I honestly can’t say I have any issues with it. It’s running Sonoma via OCLP like a champ.

    But yeah, what Apple charge for RAM is downright criminal.

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    TIL about lunch shaming... america are you ok?
  • “Compassion” and “humanity”. What’s that? More communism?

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    TIL about lunch shaming... america are you ok?
  • Hol’ up, that sounds like communism.

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    ‘Do not store guns in your oven’: Loaded gun stored in oven fires multiple rounds after getting overheated
  • Right. My oven has a few roasting dishes in it that live on the bottom, and that’s it. Who the fuck puts non-cookware in an oven when it’s not in use?

  • Can anyone shed any light on why you can't swipe back and forward in Finder with a trackpad? The option in Settings allows for two finger swipe between pages in eg. Safari, but that doesn't extend to Finder, and I can't work out why?

    I've been able to activate it using BetterTouchTool, but it seems like a truly bizarre omission, considering how much Apple have optimised macOS for trackpad use.

    I don't know why I've never really thought about it before, but now I can't stop...


    Well, what’s left of it.


    First up, I realise that Automator does so much more than Shortcuts. But my question is: why?

    I have a couple of spreadsheets that I want to be reminded of once a week so I can keep an eye on the dates they contain. My stupid ADHD brain is likely to forget to check them, and a reminder is only as useful as whether I'm able to act on it at that moment in time. So I've set up an automation to open them up at a specific time. Given that Shortcuts on macOS doesn't support automations (as far as I can tell), the only way to do this is;

    • Create a shortcut that will open the documents I need to open.

    • Create an automator application that uses a bash script to open the shortcut.

    • Create a calendar entry where the alert is set to open the automator app.

    So I guess I want to know why Shortcuts (for macOS) can't run automations, why Calendar can't open Shortcuts, and why Shortcuts didn't subsume everything that Automator can do? Who at Apple thought it was perfectly right and proper to have to distinct and powerful apps essentially offering the same functions, but that neither of them fully encompass the abilities of the other?


    Thought you lot might want to know where you can buy a polar bear cub.


    As much as I don’t like negative threads, there’s one thing in iOS that really irritates me, and I want to air it…

    Pressing and holding the tab button in Safari to access tab groups, should have a haptic response.

    Because it doesn’t, I often end up opening the tab view instead, so I have to huff a little, hit Done, then try again. I don’t know why it annoys me that it doesn’t because none of the other buttons in Safari do, but I feel like it should.

    No, I have not contacted Tim Apple about this. Yes, I probably should.

    210 How Google Alters Search Queries to Get at Your Wallet

    Testimony during Google’s antitrust case revealed that the company may be altering billions of queries a day to generate results that will get you to buy more stuff.


    I've been using the free version of Cold Turkey blocker on my Mac for a while now, but it doesn't offer an iOS/iPad app, so there's nothing to stop me from just picking up my phone to fuck about online when I should be working, so I'm not keen on spending £30 on the full app.

    There are other alternatives like, but they want £3 a month / £25 a year, and there's a bit of me that rejects the idea of having to pay a recurring fee for the maintenance of what is essentially just a glorified IP block list. It feels kinda predatory, like those of us with ADHD have been fucked over by apps and sites being designed to be little dopamine boxes, and they have the only solution, but we have to pay for it.

    So, do any of you use a similar app? If so, what, and how much does it cost?
