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After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...
  • Oh yeah wireless dongles can be annoying. I had a stack of intel combined wifi/bt laptop chips mooched from an old job that I had been subbing in on family computers because they just work and motherboards with built in wifi use the same ones usually. I did that thing again where I resolved the problem for myself then forgot it existed for others.

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    When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?
  • The mower I got from my grandpa has never had an oil change and it still works as of last week. Your mower will almost certainly be fine.

    Now my pressure washer... I forgot to empty the gas from my pressure washer before storing it for several years and it became mucky glorp inside.

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    After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...
  • if it's not already an option in the power settings, it should be feasible to adapt any linux laptop guide on how to do this. Look in to TLP. There may be easier options or graphical frontends too.

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    Reminder: seeders, please seed on I2P
  • I haven't used I2P since high school or maybe earlier if it existed then. Was it one of those faster the more people are using it things? I was skimming over setting up the docker container thinking even if I don't use it myself it might help others (and I have unlimited data on the isp plan) but I haven't gotten around to actually setting it up.

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    Nicky Jam
  • I mean if that's how the person in question identifies, but the article didn't say and seemed to imply some akwardness before coming on stage, plus trump changed how he addressed the musician, so I would imagine not. Not that it really matters as someone openly endorsing trump probably doesn't give enough respect to others to deserve any in return.

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    After having run Windows on my desktop for years (as I thought it was necessary for gaming), I decided to take the plunge to try out Linux again...
  • driver for what? I put all my old people on bazzite so I'm not maintaining 3 versions of windows and several linux distros and so far everything works except one printer I had to install the driver via rpm-ostree.

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  • Where I live that's not even the problem any more, and not because it was fixed either. You have to leave early regardless to have time to get stuck in traffic, find the only parking spot is far away, then walk 10 min in the rain, then dry off for work.

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    Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • from what I can gather its currently recommended to use quadlets to generate systemd units to achieve what compose was doing. podman compose is a thing but IIRC I didn't find that was straight drop in and I had to change the syntax or formatting a bit for it to work and from the brief testing I have put in quadlets seems less hassle, but if you use a non systemd distro then I don't know.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • I don't really see being poor as a tradition. I've seen enough people present racism as a tradititon and I don't like that either. My dad has been facebook'd and keeps wanting to do ancient medicines because "the government took them away from us", and has asked where to get some definitely dangerous substances. There are indeed a lot of things people call tradition that I don't like.

    I don't think changing a couple ingredients breaks tradition when most old recipes were just throwing whatever we had together and trying to make it at least minimally enjoyable for bonus points. I guess it's different for wealthy people in the past much like it is now, but if it could be improved cheaply or for free when it was new either due to ingredients or skills and knowledge, everyone would have done it. Some things were probably also just good enough that nobody bothered changing it, but now most people are conditioned to really high sugar and salt or just stronger flavour in general.

    Actually one of my time travel fantasy wishes is to see people in the last eat the modern versions of their favourite food. I'd feel bad about shocking their systems with large doses (to them) of microplastics, pesticides, and who knows what else though.

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    As a Italian-Polish person, I don't know how to feel..
  • the worst is when people are like this for a dish that was invented as a way to use the shitty limited ingredients of the area because everyone was poor and that's all they had back then. That's not even tradition. Or slightly less annoying is when people try your traditional dish from the country your family comes from and say its not correct in some way, but they are from one of the 6 neighboring countries with pretty much the same food but the name is spelled slightly different and have regional plants as seasoning instead.

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    New week, new improvements: 140% faster encryption speed on macOS
  • I only use Linux or as I've taken to calling it GN Bazzite on my desktop and Debian for my server stuff for now, and none of them use proton because of this.

  • Is anyone familiar with what the iron workers memorial bridge foot/bike path is like in the winter? My new work commute goes over the bridge and I'm wondering if it is viable in the snow or if I should budget for having a car by then. Also the state of the trans canada trail from where it meets the bridge to willingdon would affect my planning. I have heard snow on the roads is poorly managed in Burnaby and I don't like biking on them to bevin with so I'm a bit worried. The north van side I have already seen and its a mixed bag of both excellent and awful. Maybe its a city and district difference but I've seen atv plows clearing bike lanes and other parts where the bike lane has snow above my head height. I have a second bike configured for snow and with mid drive electric motor now.


    Saw these while looking at apartments but have no idea what they are. they were found mostly on carpet, but some were in other parts of the unit.

    edit: after looking up the suggestion of carpet beetle I am fairly convinced that it is indeed what they are. I also saw a few adult beetles that look like one of the species found in photos online. thanks everyone.


    So I used something like these some years ago to recover data off a phone, but I was wondering if the reverse is possible in having a bga soldered adapter with a microsd slot on top. Or if PCBs can even be soldered together like that. I've never actually checked if bga chips have raised pads or something. The purpose would be for rapidly testing custom firmware for shitty old devices that were designed to be replaced without removing the emmc to flash it separately.


    Its been a decade or two since I've had any sort of plants growing but when I was last trying to grow I was looking into companion plants. There are some that are pretty much ancient standards like beans corn and squash, but does anyone know plants that have a similar beneficial relationship with cannabis?


    I'm currently using the blocklists included with unbound in opnsense on a mini PC and I have used pihole on a pi which now operates my 3d printers instead. I haven't tried any of the other network wide options. Has anyone made any blog posts or similar detailing performance testing of different options?

    I have an 8 person household with each person having at least a phone and computer and probably some consoles or something. I haven't noticed any obvious differences but whitelisting seemingly can't be done in bulk efficiently with my current setup.

    We are all going to be moving in the coming months so I am revisiting different aspects of the home network and trying to figure out what can be improved and if anything is irritating enough in it's current state to tolerate a potential performance loss.


    I'm trying to find out what purpose this type of design serves and how they are designed but have hit a wall with knowing what to even look for.

    This piece of the voron stealthburner is the only example I can think of off the top of my head but I have seen them before in some sort of fan duct or funnel thing.

    !other side


    So I've run mods on a bunch of different games which were downloaded and installed with the deck alone. No man's sky, lethal company, Subnautica, etc. with generally no problems but some modding software run through wine had visual bugs but the games worked as intended.

    So I thought I'd try something bigger and install fallout ttw. I installed the base games from gog without issue, and MO2 ran fine with my overridden default of wine-ge. Even the ttw installer seems to work... slowly. I started it two days ago and the picture is now. I guess some mods you really are better off using a beefier computer and transferring the final product.


    I want to link my brother's network to my own in the lowest maintenance and power consumption way possible. I want to be able to remote admin the computer and for his devices to access my network storage and potentially other stuff eventually.

    My home network: Cable modem from ISP in bridge mode AliExpress Intel n100, 4x i226v, running opnsense bare metal Generic switch Wifi AP Multiple old computers and sbc's for self host stuff and 3d printers. Tons of wifi devices due to 10 person household.

    Brother's network: ISP modem with built in wifi in default mode. Everything is wifi except tv and the previously mentioned computer. 2 person household.

    I had previously tried using wireguard on an openwrt router on both ends, one a nanopi r5s and the other an orangepi r1 plus lts. I think I ran into issues with being unable to install packages due to being out of date or something. I tried compiling openwrt myself but it would fail and diagnosing that was beyond me. At the time the r5s was my home router.

    I'm looking for recommendations for how I could connect at least his wired devices as if they were part of my network. Unfortunately it seems I'm still at the point where I don't even know what I don't know when it comes to networking.


    Dall e 3 via bing. The only way I could get it to all consistently plain rings not reminiscent of LOTR was making it Sonic's hand... with too many fingers?
