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Is there any way to save storage on similar images?
  • Storage is cheap. You suggest combining the images and storing the difference.

    You can't separate the images anymore. You have to store them in a container such that you have one common base image. You can then later on decide which image to look at.

    You could also take a short video and only display one image.

    Avif uses a video compression algorithm, meaning it's basically one frame of a video.

    Btw, I wouldn't care about your problem. Storage is cheap. Try saving 10 4k videos and you'll laugh about your image library

  • What's your take on parquet?

    I'm still reading into it. Why is it closely related to apache? Does inly apache push it? Meaning, if apache drops it, there'd be no interest from others to push it further?

    It's published under apache hadoop license. It is a permissive license. Is there a drawback to the license?

    Do you use it? When?

    I assume for sharing small data, csv is sufficient. Also, I assume csv is more accessible than parquet.

    19 GitHub - PranshulGG/WeatherMaster: A Weather app for android 🌦🌞☔

    A Weather app for android 🌦🌞☔. Contribute to PranshulGG/WeatherMaster development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Just want to share it. Found it on fdroid.

    The Largest Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender, Ever
  • By measuring dialogue, we have much more objective measure of gender inclusivity.

    So what? What now? Does a book/ movie/story get better if it's 50/50?

    It's nice to analyse data but what is it good for?

    Now, you could rank the movies by popularity and draw the conclusion that the more men talk, the more popular the movie.

    Correlation != causality

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    I got a new job. whatsapp group (20 people) is migrating to signal because I don't use it.
  • I don't have to. Matrix is coming anyway. It's not an if but a when.

    For official (internal) company communication though I will advertise matrix instead of signal. I'll report back once I've talked to the right people about it.

  • I understand that it may be problematic sometimes but this was very smooth. I didn't even say anything.

    A: what's your number for the whatsapp group Me: I don't have whatsapp because of facebook. B: ok, we have to use signal then A: ok

    And that was it. Life can be very easy sometimes


    Neither newpipe nor libretube work for me anymore for a while now. Is there an alternative?

    Edit: when using my vpn it is blocked. Without von it works fine

    Google removed Organic Maps from the Play Store
  • There's no other repos. It's not federated, it's not decentral. It's like google's store but from someone who's endorsed by grapheneos. Maybe it'll become the official grapheneos app store. (Its just a random thought) in that case it'll get graoheneos' reputation but still, there's a reason why many people love fdroid and with the rise of reproducible builds it'll become difficult to conquer their castle

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    Google removed Organic Maps from the Play Store
  • True. I pushed them when they published the first build. I like it yet it's not as open as an app store should be like fdroid or flatpak

  • I'm diving into the concept of open/ free music. I love and live foss IT stuff and would like to move to open music as well.

    Is there some notable movement? Apps? Servers like peertube but for music? How to contribute? How to follow artists/ support artists

    There's a section in the free music wikipedia article which I'm currently browsing. What's your experience? How do you live with free music?

    I'm not interested in using it for video production but as an end user who's part of the foss movement.

    • free music
    • open music

    I am going to ask if I may use linux for work. We are using windows but there is nothing that couldn't be done on linux. Privately, I am mainly a fedora user but I'd be happy with any OS and DE or wm. What do I need to look out for when I suggest an OS? What does a computer/ linux/DE need in order to be ready for enterprise workstation? Will I only have a user and no sudo rights? May I install all flatpak apps? Does the admin have to be able to remote ssh?

    42 Big cleanup and smaller repo | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository

    This Week in F-DroidTWIF curated on Thursday, 18 Jul 2024, Week 29F-Droid coreF-Droid Client and Basic 1.21.0-alpha0 are live, the changelog has all the fun ...


    Where can I buy linux stickers?

    Probably, I'd like to get some red hat stickers. Tux is too sweet and fedora is just white and blue. A red hat is more striking.


    is there a routing app/ service for canoes?

    Edit: I ended up using brouter or osmand depending on the task.

    5 Release v1.108.0 · immich-app/immich

    v1.108.0 CautionThis release includes a security update for Node.js. While we don't think these CVEs affect Immich, we strongly recommend you update. For more details, see

    5 Linux when? Linux now. - Zed Blog

    We've stabilized our Linux build, download it today!

    1 Linux when? Linux now. - Zed Blog

    We've stabilized our Linux build, download it today!


    is there a bookmark manager like jabref for linux url bookmarks?

    I use Jabref for papers and books. I group and rate them and keep track of reading status. There are a lot of websites that also provide valuable information but firefox' bookmark manager can't be used to rate sites or make comments. I can manually add links which is cumbersome.

    Is there a similar tool like jabref for internet links?

    In the optimal case it would take firefox' bookmarks and work with them such that I can bookmark a site with Ctrl+D and do all the site related work within that manager.

    edit: Bonus, if it automatically fetches the article to preserve it


    I want to install a package, I lookup for the package here I can find multiple versions. two that sound right, two sound like rubbish and one is a plugin for something. How do I decide which of the two good sounding packages I should choose? What if the package or even both not work? How do I know that it is up to date? How do I know that it will be updated in a timely manner? Can I update it?

    7 Modern SQL Style Guide

    Modern SQL Style Guide. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

    I found this SQL style guide which looks good. I'm not a pro at SQL but it looks good to me. I mean, you use the style guide your boss wants you to use, or what all others use, but what if you could choose?

    2 This Week in Matrix 2024-06-21

    Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communications


    Today, I wanted to have another go with nix. Previously I just read about it and didn't do anything for a couple of months. Now, I installed nix package manager with very few lines of code and two more to install many packages as described in his post. Installation was very fast on my banana laptop. Until now I used distrobox but I always wondered which distro/ package manager to use. What's your experience with it? For now, I'll test it. It's super easy to use. It may not be straight forward to a linux newcomer but if you know what you want, e.g. ffmpeg you can just add it with home-manager edit and install it with home-manager switch. So far, I love it!


    I wonder if there is a nptocable difference between a HDD and SSD. Did someone already test it? I run it off a good SSD but wonder if a HDD would be enough.


    What's up with homebrew that you'd have it installed by default on linux?

    I don't understand the appeal of it, can someone help me?
