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  • They're looking for a way to save the live of people in respiratory distress, such as intensive care patient with Covid19 and damaged lungs.

    Doctors and biology researchers need to move passed the ick factor sometimes to make progress. Joking about it is a good way to do that.

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    Ig Nobel prizes 2024: The unexpected science that won this year
  • Link to other sources are welcome.

    I searched for sources and picked this article as it's both relatively exhaustive, and one of the firsts ones published on this topic.

  • Ig Nobel prizes 2024: The unexpected science that won this year

    From drunk worms to mammals that breath through their anuses, founder Marc Abrahams on the winners of this year's Ig Nobel prizes, for research that "makes people laugh, then think"

    5 Black Mirror en vrai : ce que vos appareils connectés font en secret pourrait bien vous choquer !

    Les théories conspirationnistes semblent avoir raison pour une fois. À en croire un document confidentiel de Cox Media Group, vos appareils connectés vous écoutent. Mais rassurez-vous, ce n’est...

    Iron as an inexpensive storage medium for hydrogen
  • Thanks for sharing.

    Are there more details available on roundtrip efficiency? I doubt this can compete against pumped hydro, given it has a very high efficiency. But that might be useful in situations where it's not possible to use more efficient options.

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    GOP Politician to Pay $200,000 for Defaming Drag Performers
  • An idea: use some of that money to start or contribute to a legal defense fund for drags and queer people.

    There's so much lies and hate in some places/groups. If more victims had access to a decent lawer to defend themselves, politicians would think twice before launching random accusations.

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    Failure is not the end
  • Thankfully, regulators aren't betting on perfect reliability to keep these power plants safe. Critical systems need to have double redundancy.

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    China, Tanzania and Zambia sign initial agreement on key railway project - CNA
  • Thanks for the links, it's interesting background. In that article from February 2021, The Artlantic states "There was also never a default".

    There was indeed no default as of February 2021. The default occured later, in April-May 2022, so we can't expect a past article to include that information.

    All major lenders need to take part in restructuring the debt indeed. That occured in 2023, and multiple lenders asked for a restructuring deal similar to the first one signed with China. I don't know about the US, but Japan/India/French lender were looking for a similar restructuration terms. That sounds fair to me.

    A debt rework between Sri Lanka and countries including Japan, India and France was also expected this week, but news of the EXIM deal took them by surprise. The three nations request comparability of debt treatment with China.

    "As far as the information we have is concerned, conditions set by China are comparable to ours," Kanda said.

    The country's default is clear evidence the overall debt wasn't sustainable. Both Sri Lanka and its lenders have a responsibility on this. China is often the first mentioned because it was (still is?) Sri Lanka's biggest foreign lender, although it would be good to have transparency of the country's debt and interest rates on a per-lender basis, to see which ones are the most sustaonables.

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    China, Tanzania and Zambia sign initial agreement on key railway project - CNA
  • The 2022 bloomberg article you cite first state:

    It didn’t provide details on the value of the loans which it said matured at the end of 2021, nor did it state which nations owed the money.

    I couldn't read much further due to the paywal.

    The Bloomberg article has too few details to make conclusions. We don't know if AP and Bloomberg articles are referring to the same countries, nor whether it's a significant portion or that country's debt toward China.

    The Reuters 2021 article has more details, and cite write-offs, as well as specific countries benefiting from deferrals: Angola, Pakistan, Kenya, the Republic of Congo. It's good to read there's some willingness to accomodate some countries.

    Sadly that didn't prevent Zambia and Sri Lanka from defaulting. China has lended hundred of billion of dollars with unsustainable terms, and this contributed to countries defaulting. That's a bad situation for everyone involved.

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    Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.
  • That's true. If there's lots of flexibility in the energy consumption, then it would be easy to keep adding lots of renewable. And there's lot of potential for demand flexibility.

    In reality there's limited flexibility, in part due to laziness and inertia. So adding more solar is giving diminishing returns. Which means adding solar gets harder to do economically as the share of renewable increase.

    There need to be better incentives for flexibility in demand (ie push consumer to shift energy usage) and for storage (ie give energy producers bonuses depending on the amount of energy storage they have available).

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    YubiKeys are vulnerable to cloning attacks thanks to newly discovered side channel
  • Knowledge of the account is an obvious caveat. Yubikey-based MFA is an added layer of protection for accounts, so any kind of attack against MFA assumes the attacker already knows which account to target.

    It's like saying "our door lock is flawed, but the attacker would need to have knowledge of the door".

    The cost and complexity is what's noteworthy and is more relevant. Although attack cost and complexity usuallu goes down with advances in tooling and research. So it may be a good idea to plan a progressive retirement of affected keys.

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    Geofence warrants - general warrants demanding information about all people within a specific geographical boundary - are unconstitutional, Appeals Court rules
  • That data comes from Google. They aren't billing android users. They're just hoarding data for no good reason.

    Police isn't going after Apple for this kind of data, probably because Apple isn't collecting it.

    Even mobile telecom company probably don't need to collect that data. They need to process the location/cell location when a call happens to process it, and to increase a counter for local vs roaming call duration for billing purpose. As soon as the call ends the location information can be discarded.

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    Ce que contient la proposition de destitution de Macron rédigée par LFI
  • La situation est intenable pour de multiple raisons. Macron qui refuse de nommer la candidate de la NFP, quitte à ce qu'elle soit censurée. Les différents partis de gauche/droite/centre qui annonce d'avance qu'ils censurons de toute façon si c'est Castets (ou si ca n'est pas elle) sans avoir même essayé de négocier un compromis de coalition. Les médias qui amplifient la moindre querelle de clocher.

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    Le Conseil d’État annule le décret qui permettait la location de logements indignes
  • Construire des logements oui mais pas n'importe comment. Sans politique d'urbanisme bien pensée, on perpétue ou crée des déséquilibres (cités dortoirs, quartier non mixtes) ou de l'étalement urbain (45min de voiture pour aller travailler).

    Un exemple : Les projets de centre administratif/commerciaux géants impliquent une grosse demande de logements pour les fonctionnaires/employés qui vont y travailler. Mais aucun ou trop peu de logements sont prévus dans le quartier pour répondre au besoin créé.

  • Third Party Cookies Must Be Removed

    Third-party (AKA cross-site) cookies are harmful to the web, and must be removed from the web platform. This finding explains why they must be removed, and examines the challenges in removing them. We highlight some use cases that depend on third-party cookies and offer some examples of designed-for...

    3 Démarches administratives et fracture numérique -

    L’actualité du logiciel libre et des sujets voisins (DIY, Open Hardware, Open Data, les Communs, etc.), sur un site francophone contributif géré par une équipe bénévole par et pour des libristes enthousiastes

    0 Le FAI associatif FDN bloqué par AWS, Reddit, YouTube et Engie - Next

    French Data Network (FDN), association fondée en 1992 et un des pionniers d’internet en France, explique dans un billet de blog que ses membres, auxquels il donne accès au réseau, ne peuvent plus accéder aux sites d’Engie. Du côté de YouTube, depuis peu, les utilisateurs du réseau associatif ne peuv...

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    La hausse des prix du gaz en Europe, attribuée à la récente incursion de l’Ukraine à Koursk, contribue à augmenter les revenus du Kremlin provenant de la vente de combustibles fossiles, creusant ainsi l’écart avec le montant total de l’aide de l’UE à Kiev.

    1 Fashion brands are failing to act on decarbonisation

    In its latest transparency ranking, Fashion Revolution calls out the lack of progress towards fashion’s climate goals. The critical path to decarbonisation — and a just transition — remains elusive.

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    3 Comment la Russie influence les élections en France grâce à une armée de bots

    Une étude d’un chercheur du CNRS révèle les manœuvres de déstabilisation menées par le Kremlin sur les réseaux sociaux pour faire monter l’extrême droite en France. Les narratifs poussés par la...

    0 Assurons la défaite de l’extrême droite le 7 juillet ! - LDH

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    Appel de syndicats et associations dont la LDH
