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Lemmings, which communities are you blocking?
  • I've blocked one page that's posting mostly in Russian, one page that's posting mostly in Croatian, and beyond that a number of overrepresented, locally US centric ones. About stuff like the NFL or the Bay Area.

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    Is the US finally getting ‘all aboard’ with electric trains?
  • That would mean that instead of an engine, you're lugging around a battery pack, which is just as heavy while giving you a fraction of the range of an engine. Not to forget that battery cells have only a finite lifespan.

    Meanwhile, OHLE gives you infinite range and room for major weight savings. Plus you can keep running the same power system for decades.


    Me: Is this birdcage made out of nickel? Pet Store: Aluminum I think Me: So there's no nickel in this cage? Pet Store: Don't you dare! Me: It's a nickleless cage Pet Store: GET OUT!

    [pictured is a long-haired Nicholas Cage, looking fabulous in the sun and wind. To his left, it's captioned with the text "Worth it"]


    Pretty much what it says on the tin.

    If I click the chain icon on a comment with MMB on the website (, BE: 0.18.3, accessed via Firefox), it opens to a blank tab. If I do so with LMB, it works just fine.
