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What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • As a counter to perfectionism:

    If it's worth doing, then it's worth doing poorly. [source: a reddit user]

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • Metaverse in my ass.

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    Linux smashes another market share record for August 2024 on Statcounter
  • That'll definitely come in handy. Thanks!

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    Is there any easy way to install a Linux distribution directly to a USB drive?
  • without having to reboot to run the installer?

    I'm not sure that I understand what you mean. Are you saying that you want to be able to load the OS without having to reboot your computer? Or are you saying that you just don't want to have to click the equivalent of "try the OS" when booting a live USB? If it's the latter, you should be able to just select the flash drive as the install point (though, tbc, I have never tried this, but I don't see why it wouldn't work) (I think you'd need 2 USBs, though — you'd need 1 to be the installer source, and one to be the install point — I don't think theres any installer that can run as a desktop application. Though, if it's Arch Linux, you might actually be able to call pacstrap from the host OS — I've never tried this after having already installed the OS). There's even OS's that are specifically designed to be ephemeral on hardware in this way — eg Tails OS.

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    A tool for concealing writing style using LLM
  • Very clever use case!

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    type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
  • Arch Linux for Android phone case with the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the app in the [...]

  • There's currently 2 follow up videos:

    • "stranger illegally moved in, so i made her life a living hell". Asian Andy. YouTube. Published: 2024-08-11. Accessed: 2024-09-04T04:27Z.
    Starlink tells Brazil regulator it will not comply with X suspension
  • As of 2024-09-03T22:10:25.545Z, Starlink is now complying with Brazil's X ban [1].

    1. "Starlink says it will block X in Brazil". Emma Roth. The Verge. Published: 2024-09-03T22:10:25.545Z. Accessed: 2024-09-04T04:17Z.

      “We immediately initiated legal proceedings in the Brazilian Supreme Court explaining the gross illegality of this order and asking the Court to unfreeze our assets,” Starlink says in a post on X. “Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing of our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil.”

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    Starlink is refusing to comply with Brazil's X ban (Update: Starlink will comply)
  • As of 2024-09-03T22:10:25.545Z, Starlink is now complying with Brazil's X ban [1].

    1. "Starlink says it will block X in Brazil". Emma Roth. The Verge. Published: 2024-09-03T22:10:25.545Z. Accessed: 2024-09-04T04:17Z.

      “We immediately initiated legal proceedings in the Brazilian Supreme Court explaining the gross illegality of this order and asking the Court to unfreeze our assets,” Starlink says in a post on X. “Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing of our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil.”

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    Linux smashes another market share record for August 2024 on Statcounter
  • This is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this!! Would you mind telling me your process for extracting the data from the graph? Did you tediously manually extract eye-balled data-points? Or, did you run it through some software which extracted them? Or, perhaps, did you just find and use the original data source?

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    Linux smashes another market share record for August 2024 on Statcounter
  • I'd like to see a logarithmic version of this graph. Picking out a straight line in a log graph is easier than trying to discern an exponential. I that juicy exponential.

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    PSA: Git exposes timezone metadata
  • Not really as those are public things.

    Would you mind citing an example of exactly what you are referring to? I feel like I'm presuming a lot of things in your statements here.

    Dhcp is more of a issue.

    I don't know if it's "more", or "less" of an issue, but all these things are worthy of concern.

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  • If this is a legitimate test, note that there is a community specifically for this purpose: !

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    how do you do, fellow anarchists?
  • Using the term as it is currently defined, not all markets need to be voluntary [1][2]

    I’m talking about A being a subset of B, you are talking about B being a subset of A.

    Ah, that's my mistake, then. I didn't initially read your comment as it stating that all voluntary interactions between people are themselves a market. I agree with that. However, I would still personally be more general in that all interactions between people form markets — they need not be voluntary. At the very least, I am not currently aware of an interaction that could not be thought of as a market.

    Capitalism is defined to require that the markets be competitive [1], yes.

    Same mistake.

    Sure, but you're still misquoting me. What I originally said was:

    For a market to be capitalist it must be competitive

    From this statement, I am stating that A implies B. You responded with:

    you said only competitive markets form capitalism

    Which is stating that B implies A. A competitive market need not be capitalist.

    Voluntary exchange is a central characteristic of capitalism [1].

    Looked to your reference and - same mistake.

    This is part of the following quote which I read as being one thing:

    you said only competitive markets form capitalism, thus voluntarism doesn’t necessarily mean capitalism.

    I don't really see how the latter half draws from the former half. Yes, capitalism is only formed by competitive markets, and yes voluntary interactions doesn't necessitate capitalism, but I don't see how the latter can be drawn from the former.

    The way you are wording your replies is somewhat hard for me to follow, so, for me, they are likely susceptible to misinterpretation. I feel that I have to reply to them in fragments.

    Not necessarily. For example, if the market were consumed by anti-competitive entities it is no longer competitive. An example of an anti-competitive entity could be a monopoly. Collusion is another example of a behavior which is not competitive.

    It’s also no longer formed by voluntary interactions.

    I disagree. You can choose to not do business with a monopoly. You can choose to not do business with entities that are colluding. Having choice implies voluntarism.

    I would agree that basic principles of ancap do not mean capitalism as leftists describe it.

    How are you defining “leftist” in this context?

    One can say - people refusing to discuss the possibility of markets not intentionally rigged by some non-market force.

    An interesting definition. At any rate, the original point is just a matter of the definition used for a word — "capitalism". If they understand it as something different, then that is more an issue of poor communication.

    Voluntarism and self-ownership.

    I don't understand why you are all of a sudden bringing up "self-ownership", but yes if one fundamentally has self-ownership, then that implies that they can voluntarily take part in things. Do note that voluntarism isn't all or none; you can have certain things that aren't voluntary, eg taxes, and other things that are, purchasing goods and services. One could argue the degree to which one has self-ownership by how many non-voluntary things are required of them. Philosophically, one could perhaps always fundamentally have self-ownership — there may be social repercussions for an action, but there is no universal law preventing one from doing, or forcing one to do anything. It sort of depends on one's frame of reference.

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • The rules are written so the admins and mods can maintain their positions and feelings without having to explain themselves.

    There is no requirement that they must explain themselves. The beauty of the Fediverse is that if one doesn't agree with an instance, then they don't need to interact with it.

    Its an insistence that whatever they do is right because they own the place.

    It is their instance to run as they see fit. I make no attempt to force my opinions on them for how they should run their instance. I can only voice my personal opinions and challenge them to be accountable to theirs.

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • I agree — I was mostly stating that for the sake of clarity.

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    PSA: Git exposes timezone metadata
  • What’s the use of storing the timezone?

    Imo, mostly QoL.

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    PSA: Git exposes timezone metadata
  • That would certainly also be worthy of concern.

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    PSA: Git exposes timezone metadata
  • have the machine pretend you’re in UTC.

    That is a possible solution, though not exactly the most convenient, imo. That is, if I understand you correctly that you are talking about setting the OS timezone to be UTC.

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    PSA: Git exposes timezone metadata
  • could be defeated by doing an analysis of when the commits were made on average vs other folks from random repositories to find the average time of day and then reversing that information into a time zone

    This is the first thing I thought of upon reading the title

    It's also in the post body.

  • Git records the local timezone when a commit is made [1]. Knowledge of the timezone in which a commit was made could be used as a bit of identifying information to de-anonymize the committer.

    Setting one's timezone to UTC can help mitigate this issue [2][3] (though, ofc, one must still be wary of time-of-day commit patterns being used to deduce a timezone).

    1. Git documentation. git-commit. "Date Formats: Git internal format". Accessed: 2024-08-31T07:52Z. > It is <unix-timestamp> <time-zone-offset>, where <unix-timestamp> is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. <time-zone-offset> is a positive or negative offset from UTC. For example CET (which is 1 hour ahead of UTC) is +0100.
    2. jthill. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2014-05-26T16:57:37Z. (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:27Z). > to set the timezone for a specific command, say e.g. TZ=UTC git commit
    3. Oliver. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2022-05-22T08:56:38Z (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:30Z). > each commit Git stores a author date and a commit date. So you have to omit the timezone for both dates. > > I solved this for my self with the help of the following Git alias: > > ``` > [alias] > co = "!f() { \ > export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > git commit $@; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Autor: %an <%ae> (%ai)\"; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Committer: %cn <%ce> (%ci)\"; \ > }; f"




    Git records the local timezone when a commit is made [1]. Knowledge of the timezone in which a commit was made could be used as a bit of identifying information to de-anonymize the committer.

    Setting one's timezone to UTC can help mitigate this issue [2][3] (though, ofc, one must still be wary of time-of-day commit patterns being used to deduce a timezone).

    1. Git documentation. git-commit. "Date Formats: Git internal format". Accessed: 2024-08-31T07:52Z. > It is <unix-timestamp> <time-zone-offset>, where <unix-timestamp> is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. <time-zone-offset> is a positive or negative offset from UTC. For example CET (which is 1 hour ahead of UTC) is +0100.
    2. jthill. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2014-05-26T16:57:37Z. (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:27Z). > to set the timezone for a specific command, say e.g. TZ=UTC git commit
    3. Oliver. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2022-05-22T08:56:38Z (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:30Z). > each commit Git stores a author date and a commit date. So you have to omit the timezone for both dates. > > I solved this for my self with the help of the following Git alias: > > ``` > [alias] > co = "!f() { \ > export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > git commit $@; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Autor: %an <%ae> (%ai)\"; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Committer: %cn <%ce> (%ci)\"; \ > }; f"




    Git records the local timezone when a commit is made [1]. Knowledge of the timezone in which a commit was made could be used as a bit of identifying information to de-anonymize the committer.

    Setting one's timezone to UTC can help mitigate this issue [2][3] (though, ofc, one must still be wary of time-of-day commit patterns being used to deduce a timezone).

    1. Git documentation. git-commit. "Date Formats: Git internal format". Accessed: 2024-08-31T07:52Z. > It is <unix-timestamp> <time-zone-offset>, where <unix-timestamp> is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. <time-zone-offset> is a positive or negative offset from UTC. For example CET (which is 1 hour ahead of UTC) is +0100.
    2. jthill. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2014-05-26T16:57:37Z. (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:27Z). > to set the timezone for a specific command, say e.g. TZ=UTC git commit
    3. Oliver. "How can I ignore committing timezone information in my commit?". Stack Overflow. Published: 2022-05-22T08:56:38Z (Accessed: 2024-08-31T08:30Z). > each commit Git stores a author date and a commit date. So you have to omit the timezone for both dates. > > I solved this for my self with the help of the following Git alias: > > ``` > [alias] > co = "!f() { \ > export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE=\"$(date -u +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z)\"; \ > git commit $@; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Autor: %an <%ae> (%ai)\"; \ > git log -n 1 --pretty=\"Committer: %cn <%ce> (%ci)\"; \ > }; f"




    You can sort GitHub issues by most "upvoted" using this syntax: text is:issue is:open sort:reactions-+1-desc Thanks to gromenauer for making me aware of it in this GitHub comment.

    Full documentation for sorting GitHub issues and pull requests can be found here.

    EDIT (2024-08-27T05:20Z): There are also UI options that enable sorting by most "upvoted":

    • On desktop (through a web browser):


    • On mobile (through the app):



    I'm looking for a cheap and portable tablet that I can use for writing. Microsoft Surface Pro tablets, at least around the gen 4 models, are rather cheap to buy used, and they seem decently well made. Naturally, were I to buy one, I would have to install Linux onto it.

    I've been peripherally aware of the Linux Surface project for some time now. I looked at it recently, after having not for some time, and it seems that they have really made good progress compared to what I remember, and it's making me much more interested in trying to install Linux on a Surface Pro.

    Having never owned a Surface Pro, I'm not sure which models are the most reliable and sturdy. I'm not looking for something that's the flashiest; I want something that works well. I want something pragmatic — something akin to the idea of an older era of Thinkpad (eg T460). I want a pen with low input delay and good accuracy, reliable and responsive touch controls, and a decent display. I was thinking the Surface Pro 4 might be a good choice, but it's hard to know as there aren't many videos out there of people installing Linux on them, so I'm wondering what your experience has been with Microsoft Surface Pro's and installing Linux on one.




    In one of my posts, I noticed this removed comment:


    I was curious what it was, so I checked the modlog, but it states that the last mod action in this community occurred a month ago:


    What's up with this? Are mod actions being scrubbed from the modlog?


    I'm looking for a cheap and portable tablet that I can use for writing. Microsoft Surface Pro tablets, at least around the gen 4 models, are rather cheap to buy used, and they seem decently well made. Naturally, were I to buy one, I would have to install Linux onto it.

    I've been peripherally aware of the Linux Surface project for some time now. I looked at it recently, after having not for some time, and it seems that they have really made good progress compared to what I remember, and it's making me much more interested in trying to install Linux on a Surface Pro.

    Having never owned a Surface Pro, I'm not sure which models are the most reliable and sturdy. I'm not looking for something that's the flashiest; I want something that works well. I want something pragmatic — something akin to the idea of an older era of Thinkpad (eg T460). I want a pen with low input delay and good accuracy, reliable and responsive touch controls, and a decent display. I was thinking the Surface Pro 4 might be a good choice, but it's hard to know as there aren't many videos out there of people installing Linux on them, so I'm wondering what your experience has been with Microsoft Surface Pro's and installing Linux on one.









    Found in Cascadia/PNW in mid-August.

    If it is indeed chicken of the woods (ie laetiporus), I'm curious as to which species.









    Found in Cascadia/PNW in mid-August.

    If it is indeed chicken of the woods (ie laetiporus), I'm curious as to which species.




    My config for reflector is currently set as follows: ```

    Set the output path where the mirrorlist will be saved.

    --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

    Select the transfer protocol.

    --protocol https

    Use only the most recently synchronized mirrors.

    --latest 200

    Sort the mirrors by synchronization time.

    --sort rate

    Return, at most, the following number of mirrors.

    --number 20

    Print extra info.

    --verbose ``` I have Reflector set to run as a Systemd service, so it will run when my computer boots.

    The "issue" is that I update my system as soon as I boot. Since Reflector is sorting mirrors by their measured download rate, I wonder if downloading updates, or simply doing any action that downloads data, would interfere with those measurements and cause Reflector to choose mirrors that may not be the fastest. I could simply wait for Reflector to finish before using the computer, but it takes quite a while to sort through 200 mirrors.

    Is this concern justified? If so, are there ways to mitigate it that don't require me to wait for Reflector to finish? I've thought about setting it as a Pacman hook so that it runs after updating, but, then, that relies on me to perform an update for the mirrorlist to be refreshed, and that still leaves the concern of other actions eating up network bandwidth, thus skewing the measurements.


    I'm looking for an open-source medication/pill tracking app.


    • Android support
    • Ability to create custom medication/pill entries
    • Ability to set notification reminders for taking pills
    • Ability to arbitrarily create entries at any date/time


    • Data export/backup
    • Data-at-rest encryption
    • Data visualizations


    Cross-posted at


    I'm looking for an open-source medication/pill tracking app.


    • Android support
    • Ability to create custom medication/pill entries
    • Ability to set notification reminders for taking pills
    • Ability to arbitrarily create entries at any date/time


    • Data export/backup
    • Data-at-rest encryption
    • Data visualizations


    Cross-posted at


    I use Workman.

    EDIT (2024-08-10T19:23Z): I should clarify that I am referring to the layout that you use for a physical computer keyboard, not a mobile/virtual keyboard.

    80 2024 Stack Overflow Developer Survey

    In May 2024, over 65,000 developers responded to our annual survey about coding, the technologies and tools they use and want to learn, AI, and developer experience at work. Check out the results and see what's new for Stack Overflow users.


    Does there exist a community contributed wiki for hiking trails?

    I'm looking for a wiki to use and contribute to that provides information similar to what AllTrails provides, and functions similarly to Wikipedia. I would like for the wiki's data to be free and open, and for it to operate under a reasonably permissive license.


    Cross-posted to:


    Does there exist a community contributed wiki for hiking trails?

    I'm looking for a wiki to use and contribute to that provides information similar to what AllTrails provides, and functions similarly to Wikipedia. I would like for the wiki's data to be free and open, and for it to operate under a reasonably permissive license.


    Cross-posted to:


    Using a VPN that is blocking port-forwarding, why would an established torrent be able to seed, but a new one wouldn't?

    Using qBittorrent (v4.6.5) and Mullvad VPN (post their removal of one's ability to port-forward) I am able to seed a torrent that I have downloaded; however, if I create a torrent locally and try to share it, it will not seed. It's only when I disable the VPN that it will seed. I have not port-forwarded manually — qBittorrent is using UPnP (which I assume Mullvad VPN blocks).

    I don't understand the difference, though. Why am I be able to seed an established torrent, but not a new one? Afaik, both cases would need to accept incoming connections, which would require a forwarded port.

    • "Linux hits another all-time high for July 2024 according to Statcounter". Liam Dawe. GamingOnLinux. Published: 2024-08-01T11:35Z. Accessed: 2024-08-04T19:21Z.