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Smoking PSA
  • Hell yeah white baby

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    JD Vance says school shootings are a "fact of life"
  • I'd say "what the fuck" but I'm not even surprised that he said this. Bro is scum.

  • She isn't even close to be fully broken and I knew the risks going into it lol. I got back on after she threw me and we finished the session on a good note. Getting more protective gear to prevent injuries like the ones I'm currently dealing with, since I expect to be thrown again during the training process.

    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Worked at a place where the average age of the people in charge was 80. Oldest person making decisions was 95. I hated it

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    People need to remember this.
  • Only ever left a doctor's appointment mid-appointment once. The doctor said he doesn't believe some of my medical conditions don't exist and I wasn't dealing with that shit

  • Got thrown out of the saddle by a horse today and got mildly fucked up. I want to invest in more protective gear than just a helmet but there's so many options. I want elbow pads and wrist guards definitely because of the bad scrapes and sprains I got. And maybe some kind of vest to protect me from any gut punches the horn of the saddle will give me if the horse tries to throw me again. My stomach has some nice big bruises from the horn.

    is your blue my blue ?
  • I have the nightlight setting on my phone turned all the way up. Every color shown except the first one was green to me lmao

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  • Yep. Apparently my records for years showed it and nobody ever said anything to me. I'm looking into replacing a lot of my doctors because of it. I also keep a better eye on results on my own now.

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  • I was like this. Saw a new rheumatologist who took my various symptoms seriously. Turns out I'm chronically deficient in vitamin D. Had to take weekly megadosea for 3 months and now I'm on a daily supplement of a lower dose. I also started hydroxychloroquine for whatever autoimmune disease I have (I'll hopefully be getting a formal diagnosis on the 16th)

    I feel so much better than I did. I actually have a life now and can go out and do things I enjoy.

    Absolute life-changing treatment. I've been trying to get rheumatologists to take me seriously for 20 years.

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    The bridge is an orange-pilled urbanist
  • I lived by a historic covered bridge as a kid. The people in the area would have been PISSED if something like this happened. The bridge was originally designed for horses and buggies, so if your vehicle weighed too much, you couldn't go on it.

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    They're all vital
  • I feel attacked

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    What is your favorite room that you got to be in? How long and why?
  • I would hang around in a specific and lesser-known classroom in college. The professor gave a few students permission to get it unlocked by administration when we wanted to hang out in there. We'd mostly go there for naps and to watch movies.

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    A universal experience?
  • I had the same thing happen constantly when I broke my leg and ankle last year.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • Yeah. Dicks are disgusting. Naked women are attractive in all aspects. Porn is great if the focus is on the woman and her enjoyment. But I can't get over how gross oral seems. Like, idk if I could handle it. The thought wigs me out.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • I'm 27 and seriously questioning if I'm actually gay or just some flavor of ace with an aversion to most sexual acts. I haven't had any sexual contact with a woman except for a single kiss, so I don't know if I can be sure yet. I absolutely despise the touch of men. It took 3 boyfriends to realize that men disgust me in regards to phyical/romantic/sexual contact.

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    This silly guy is who I ride for my riding lessons.
  • It honestly depends on the horse. Some are easy to break, train, and ride and others are not. This guy is only partially trained, so he gives me a bit of a hard time when I'm in the saddle. He just wants to do whatever lol.

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    This silly guy is who I ride for my riding lessons.
  • It honestly depends on the horse. Some are easy to break, train, and ride and others are not. This guy is only partially trained, so he gives me a bit of a hard time when I'm in the saddle. He just wants to do whatever lol.

  • He's always trying to see my phone. Gives off "you got any games on your phone?" energy. He splashes me when I give him water and tries to steal the end of the hose. He also demands pets as soon as I enter the barn.

    It's time for a change
  • Same. I've decided to do at least one mural in each room to live the place up more. I might paint my bedroom ceiling to look like space and stick some of those glow in the dark stars up there lol

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • I was outside in 96F yesterday herding my ducks for 10 mins and my whole night was ruined because I got so sick from the heat.

    Idk how people who work outside constantly do it

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    Nissan develops paint that keeps cars cool in summer heat
  • I live in Pa, so our weather isn't crazy hot like the south. I can't imagine the weather where you've lived. 85F is my upper limit. Anything over makes me feel like I'm going to die.

  • She gets offended when I make her listen to me, but we're still buds. She gets excited to see me because she knows I take her outside to graze when I'm there lol


    Getting therapy for the emotional damage from being unlawfully fired from a job almost two years ago.

    There's 3 months left in the statute of limitations. My therapist really thinks I should go after my former employer for this shit.

    Idk if I should. I am employed at an amazing place rn and can't really afford time off, but I also want justice for myself and anyone else who got the same treatment I did.

    What do y'all think?


    Considering painting several murals over time. In my bedroom, my home office, and my dining room.

    I'm kinda okay at art and love to paint. I'm better at abstract or cartoony shit.


    Just watched my sick pet duck have a seizure and die while swimming, so I'm really fucked up mentally and want to get my mind off of it.


    Want to write a novel-length story and I want to post it somewhere as I write for others to see and enjoy and critique. Idk where to post it though.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!


    Unsure of what settings to adjust to fix it. It's bothering my eyes pretty bad. Also, people on screens in game are moving in slow motion, but that's not an issue for my eyes. Got the Steamdeck 2 days ago, so it's brand new.


    Spent so long waiting for end-users to be ready for me to fix their shit lmao


    Asked him very politely to move so I could sit and he gave me this look.


    My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I'm dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.


    Every Friday, I work from home. Immediately after clocking out, my dogs and I take a nap. Radar was looking forward to it the most lol


    I have very painful joints and expect to get formally diagnosed with arthritis tomorrow. I love cross stitching, but my god does it make my hands hurt. I also work in IT, so my hands are in use all day for my job. I want to be able to craft after work to relax, but my hands just hurt and cramp immediately when I try to work on a project.


    I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

    I will die on this hill.


    Then she got an exam and her smile went away. She doesn't like the vet touching her. It makes her nervous.

    She also has allergies and was put on allergy meds. She's thrilled because she gets pill pockets every day now. I'm not thrilled because her medicine is $130/month
