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Now that the industry has stabilized around 70$/€, how has your monthly spending on video games changed?
  • No, I still wait 1-2 years and buy them for a few € at at least 70% discount. I can wait... Like horizon zero dawn costs 11€, hogwarts legacy 33€ or starfield already at 40€

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    What android phones do you recommend and why?
  • I bought the Xiaomi 13t and I am satisfied so far. Not a huge Xiaomi fan but this is my second one. Also people dislike the MIUI but you can change it back to the usual android interface... The only thing I don't really like is the reversed bottom menu buttons. Haven't figured out if you can change it

    Bought it for 620€ with a tablet included. Definitely not worth it if you only want the phone, but I also wanted a new tablet so this was a good choice.

    I really wanted the Google pixel, but 128GB was just not enough for me and it was also more expensive for only a phone

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    How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"?
  • I started to use murican years ago and use sometimes u.s.tard for mentally challenged people like Karens, flat earthers, anti vaxers, subscribers to family/scammer youtube channel, and so on 😔
