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What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • I always found it weird that voting in the US takes so long

    The longest I had to wait in queue was 5 minutes. Normally I just walk in, vote, had out

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    Be careful.
  • not when there was a user intent like clicking a button.

    For example in this screenshot, it's likely that there's only the "verify I'm human" button first, you click it, the steps pop up, and at the same time the command ist copied into your clipboard

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • I've stopped using them for over a year now.

    Granted, most of the apps I used were snap based, but some of them were flatpack.

    Most of them were single-use "use this tool with flatpack" tools via github, so I really can't remember what those were when they just didn't work.

    The ones I looked into why it didn't work were always some filesystem permission stuff. Configurable? Sure. Not something you should be needing to do on first launch if you want to just use the tool? Absolutely

    The biggest issue I remember I had was with Vorta, a GUI for borg. Which also just had massive filesystem issues (plus some settings saving issues, which I assume also is a FS issue). Having problems reading your filesystem is quite a problem when you want to use a tool that, well, needs to read your filesystem.

    I'm honestly not really interested in stacking a pile of tools up that just didn't work for me.

    If you like flatpack, go ahead. More power to the people who do.

    It's just not a tool that I had any luck with. And I don't really see a point in trying again for the forseeable future

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    I like both, but usually prefer Ubuntu
  • I mean, it's great that it works for you.

    But I'm not even kidding. Literally every single one.

    I've now completely purged all snap and fp apps from my system and live a less angry life

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    Oppressors when they're held accountable
  • One of the biggest meat product companies in Germany (Rügenwalder) started making more revenue from their vegetarian/vegan products than the meat based ones

  • Source:


    /r/rats is what I miss from reddit - now we just need to get all the chaos potatoes moved here!


    Website with more details:
