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Prank Calling
  • What a turn of events...

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    I am very impressive
  • Jeez why are you describing my life....

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    shrimprule as can be
  • It's as shrimple as that

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    What the hell happened to my youtube titles?
  • I wonder if the youtube client made an offset to the titles so that they no longer align

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    Large rule spotted
  • Pspspspsps

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    Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦
  • Next time change the delivery to a postnord delivery box. Most of then are pretty close to housing, and you can pick it up any time you want

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    So professional looking it must be true
  • Has north Korea started marketing themselves on lemmy?

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Oh sorry I forgot to add the world wide web

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
  • Omg that's so cool! Check out this fan website if made for you http://localhost

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    Why Don’t Cyclists Use Bike Lanes? | Oh The Urbanity!
  • There are some bike lines in my city that are intertwined with normal roads, meaning I don't feel safe riding in traffic whilst being close to a giant semi.

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    Did you say BEAM?
  • They should be wearing JEAMS

    Bean jeans

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  • I see beans, I upvote

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    A unique fixer-upper...
  • Quite the "open concept design"

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    Pure evil
  • You can add an image to a comment or post like this

    ![](url to your image)

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    Mad Max has arrived
  • The new Toyota hilux

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    I tried photostacking for the first time
  • Jeez those images have to be huge. My stack took about 5 minutes to complete on a low end laptop with 16gb of ram.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • If you had decent hardware for Vista, it ran like a champ. Those who upgraded from xp running on base specs had a hard time

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • Grew up using Vista

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    SOH CAH TOA Rule
  • Thank you. Now I can finally have a slow laugh h a h a h a h a

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    I tried photostacking for the first time
  • Take a look at stellarium. It's an app that uses your phone's compass to show a map of the stars. I've not used it as my phone has a god awful compass so the map is inaccurate.

  • High res image

    I took about 30 raw 30s exposures from my phone propped up on the roof, stacked them with deep sky stacker, and I'm impressed at the result.

    http:// /cdn/jpegxl_test/1.jxl

    ! Testing to see if clients render jpegxl images properly


    This poor laptop drive was serving me well as a jank storage pool on my Nas for almost 8 years now and today it died.

    Edit: Coasters and fridge magnets acquired !


    Jeg har lagt merke til at de siste årene, når en butikkarbeider spør meg om jeg vil ha kvittering, og jeg sier "nei takk" så får jeg den allikevel. Er det en greie at de fleste hører "takk" og antar jeg vil ha kvitteringen, eller er det sånn at de må alltid gi kvitteringer til kunder?

    Jeg har alltid sagt nei takk til kvitteringer, men de siste årene så har det poppet opp en trend der de bare gir meg kvitteringen selv om jeg sier nei.



    The green one says "white wannabes"


    I've tried posting an h264 mp4 file from a webserver i own, and I noticed that most clients fail to load or outright crash when trying to open the post. Some give an "invalid MIME type" error even though "video/mp4" is a valid one. Posting the link as a hyperlink works, but then you don't get a preview. So what's the best way to share video on lemmy? Is it youtube/imgur or am I doing something wrong?


    I was going on a walk and chose to take some photos of my local air traffic control radar. Also found this buddy, but couldn't take a good picture as i was being eaten alive by mosquitos :) !

    Both photos were taken on an old Nikon D5100 and edited in adobe photoshop. (adjusted the colors slightly)


    I'm on vacation in paris, so I thought why not take some photos. Also here's my obligatory eiffel tower pic: !

    Both are shot on my phone in RAW and then edited in lightroom mobile


    I've seen these all over Europe. Some have simple images of the cross flashing, some have windows screensaver esque animations, and some have 3d renders of various things rotating in all sorts of ways. Why is that? Wouldn't a simple green cross be enough to get the point across, or do they need to be overly verbose? Here's the full video instead of a gif


    Some years ago, I saw a neat photo collage centered around power lines by some artist, and thought it was a neat idea. Here's my attempt at making one using photos I've taken on my phone throughout the years. This was a project i did a while ago, and thought you might appreciate seeing, even if it's a bit jank in some spots. I wanted to share the before photo of the power lines, but can't find the original DNG file, nor the Photoshop project file. I'll go for a walk to find the original spot i took the image at as proof :)

    Found the rough spot I took the base picture in. Yes, I did remove the 2nd tower in the edit ! !


    Link to the site

    The map contains exact locations of homocides from the 2000s to now. You can zoom in far enough to see the neighborhood the murder(s) happened in. I'm sorry that the site is primarily in Norwegian, but you should still be able to zoom around. Wonder of there's a global map that's that detailed.


    Brightened photo if you cant see the contents of the original one !


    Shot on an old Nikon d5100, edited on photoshop. Had to scale the image to 25% of it's original size as i dont want to waste 50mb on people's instances.
