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Why do we still use stepper motors?
  • Which makes them superior, which is why they are used. Cost can't be ignored any more than the torque or speed, speccing parts that are considerably more expensive that achieve equivalent results is bad engineering unless you have a very specific application that requires it.

    If it was 'objectively inferior' we wouldn't use them. You build to your requirements, not by playing top trumps with competing technologies while ignoring the cost.

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    Baldur's Gate 3 Mod makes your companions fully AI in combat
  • I get the feeling that the level of popularity was a bit of a surprise, and that its warranted expanding some features beyond what was initially planned. I can see a lot of features becoming massive time sinks with diminishing returns otherwise.

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    Dev behind massive Skyrim multiplayer mod turns their hands to Starfield, gives up because "this game is f***ing trash," uploads everything for someone else to finish
  • Not sure why this is downvoted, radiant quests were a big feature in Skyrim, and were technically kinda impressive, but still repetitive. Likewise, quests for the College of Bards were mostly just a dungeon fetch quests and things.

    It's still a great game, but it was great for the bits that were handcrafted.

    But give it 5-10 years and I'd be very interested to see another pass at procedural generation using machine learning, especially dialogue, could open the doors to more creativity than would be possible when doing it all by hand!

  • Checks date

    Yeah, I want to make use of an IDE floppy drive, which will need to use a SATA adaptor to hook up to the server. I'll probably be using a Debian-based container, and I'll need to automatically read the contents of the disk in some way.

    I'm kinda assuming this is actually viable, and that I can work along the basic process of using an off-the-shelf IDE-SATA adapter, give it a mount point in the system, then monitor that directory.

    I'm still fairly new to Linux, so I'm not aware of all the quirks and astrices that often come up, especially when wanting to do something like this in 2023.

    For the curious, I'm building a centralised music system that will serve multiple speakers, including RF. I'll be managing the music and play lists via whichever modern music server seems the most appropriate, but I thought it would be really neat to use floppy disks as a physical way of selecting playlist, but not exclusively.

    All the disks would contain are small ID tokens that represent the playlist on the digital system. The software will monitor the drive, and when a new token is identified, it will simply trigger the playlist to start, presumably via an API call.

    Completely pointless, but I like tactile shit and the nostalgia factor!

    Just Stop Oil protestors interrupt UK’s biggest games event EGX
  • I agree it's not particularly impactful, and most would have made an exception, but it only takes one person to argue that it' doesn't matter, or to defend it as something deliberate on the news to upset a lot of people.

    Id say the biggest problem with this reasoning is that these protests do not save millions of people, and that that number would be easy to reduce, that the only reason that those occur is that nobody fancies doing anything about it.

    In the same way, my employer going out of business would be a big deal to me, my colleagues and a few others, but it's ultimately unimportant compared to climate change. But if that happened due to these protests, it wouldn't actually fix anything.

    I don't dislike these protests because I don't agree with the core message, I dislike them because I genuinely see them as counter productive. Talking to people about climate issues at the moment feels like I've jumped back in time 20 years, and mainstream beliefs 5 years ago now get you put in the "tree hugging hippie" catagory, as people think about "those protestors".

    This can't change overnight, as I've said, there no 'just' anything when it comes to the fuel and infrastructure that powers our world. The faster we change, the more impact there will be on quality of life, these are sacrifices that everyone will have to bear, and so the main battle is the political will, it's about people across the world choosing to make sacrifices. This is why poisoning the otherwise positive image of environmentalism and pissing lots of people off for intangible 'gains' genuinely concerns me.

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    Just Stop Oil protestors interrupt UK’s biggest games event EGX
  • I really disagree with this premise.

    For example, where I've worked, I've generally found it easy to make improvements that solely benefit the environment, even though they are virtually always more expensive and carry no other advantages, and often additional disadvantages.

    Since the more recent protests, though, and especially after we all nearly lost our jobs due to the antics of a handful of protestors, that support has just gone. Being greener is no longer and end unto itself, and people don't want to either be seen as supporting their cause or 'helping' the people who cause real problems for everyday people.

    It may not be logical, but even I am quieter about my environmentism because I don't really want to be associated with people who proudly block ambulances and cause pain for thousands of regular people.

    Because ultimately, nobody's going to 'just stop'. We're not here due to the scheming of a few people, there are a lot of reasons oil is currently so ubiquitous, and fixing it is going to be a fairly gradual process. Fortunately, oil isn't the only way we can fix emissions, and so progress over spans of a decade or two, when that progress is going in parallel, can yield dramatic results.

    My concern is that antics like these are going to slow or even reverse some of the political will to suffer the short term pain required to make these changes as quickly as we need.

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    All we are saying is, give war a chance
  • It's a failed state that 'elects' terrorists who have destroyed any actual opportunity for economic independence or peace.

    There's no way forward with Hamas in charge IMO. But what can be done. Any kind of 'go in and fix it' from Israel is going to be terrible in terms of optics even if done with complete benevolence, which it won't, even if they're not as bad.

    They could just annex it and move forward with a highly inclusive approach, give Palestine the quality of life they deserve. But that wouldn't sit right with many, for quite fair reasons. Leave a power vacuum? Unlikely to go well.

    I think Palestine needs external support and guidence to stand on its own and be a functional state. I'd say that Egypt or Jordan would 'look' best to do that. But it raises a huge number of problems.

    At the moment it's basically festering, and things will never improve under the current leadership. What they demand is not reasonable or acceptable, and what they will do until they (Hamas) get what they want is also unacceptable.

    So really, it's a question of whether Palestine will ever deal with Hamas themselves, and if not, who else can/should.

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    Lemmy Developers and Tankies encourage violence against Civilians
  • It's not even both side bad. Fuck colonial Russia, fuck the Hamas butchers that wouldn't waste a breath before slitting the throats of anyone that leftists support.

    Why the fuck are these people supporting these absolute scum that stand against any progressive ideals.

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    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 rumors: 2.9 GHz boost clock, 1.5 TB/s bandwidth and 128MB of cache
  • Huh? They don't have a monopoly in any space, and have significant competitors. And I don't really see how they are slowing down innovation. I think it's fair to say that Nvidia are investing significanly in R&D, and is driving innovation more than anyone else in the industry for the moment.

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    NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 rumors: 2.9 GHz boost clock, 1.5 TB/s bandwidth and 128MB of cache
  • Because useful tools that generate income are more valuable than things that make games look more better.

    AI is what's justifying pumping over $7bn into R&D per year, which drives improvements to gaming cards too.

    Every card they sell makes a CEO richer, among a huge swathe of other effects.

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    bluetuith - A TUI based bluetooth manager v0.1.7 is released
  • Coming at this from a very basic level, but I'm wondering if this could help me.

    I have such an unnecessarily hard time with Bluetooth. I have all kinds of devices (usually speakers, headphones and such) which I don't use, because switching them between input devices can be like pulling teeth.

    For example:

    • at my desk with my wired headphones watching something in tbe background I'm enjoying
    • need to do something at my workbench, which has a chromecast on a monitor
    • I can cast the video there, but I don't want to use the big speakers because it's late
    • my small wireless speaker is paired to my phone, I can't remember how to re-pair, don't want to go through Chromecast settings
    • same with my earbuds
    • end up 'watching' on my phone because it's too much effort to use the actual TV!

    I've been thinking about making a physical central BT 'broadcaster' which I pair everything to. It would be able to take multiple aux or bluetooth inputs, and would have a switch or mixer to control the inputs.

    Would something like this help with any of those issues without having to build something like that (which also wouldn't be optimal)?

    Im on mobile, and some of those features have gone way over my head!

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    Gaming in Proxmox VM, feasible?
  • I think that's what they're saying, in that, use proxmox to host a gaming vm. But choosing a hypervisor that can run games well bare-metal does sidestep some potential headaches.

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    Oh my god,okay it's happening,everybody stay calm
  • Lol like Ukraine did with their nukes?

    So who's going to disarm first? If the Russians disarm and fuck off home then yeah, war's over. But what you've actually got are genocidal murderers and rapists trying to destroy a nation of people, and you in your armchair saying that we should allow it to continue. These are actual, real people. But feel free to head over there and spread the good word.

    The aggressors can stop whenever they want to. Suggesting that Ukraine shouldn't have the means to protect itself is utterly ignorant.

    What the fuck has this got to do with right or left wing?

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    Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing
  • Then I'd argue that reviews don't give a complete picture, if that's the case. Because it's hard to argue that Overwatch is really the worst game on Steam.

  • I'm a noob who thought they knew what they were doing!

    My trusty unraid server running off some ancient consumer hardware finally gave up the ghost due to hardware failure. Needing an alternative in a hurry, I thought I'd do things properly, and got an incredible deal on an R720XD with shitloads of RAM and storage, couldn't be happier with the hardware.

    It came with TrueNAS Scale already installed as it's what the previous owner was running. Got everything NAS set up in a couple of hours and have been running an SMB share quite happily.

    However, I also run a fair few Docker containers, and this is where the pain starts. I've spent so long trying to get things working, and have simply hit a brick wall. Everything I try yields another bizarre error message that requires hours to resolve, and I feel like I'm trying to track down the solution for some obscure edge case rather than doing something incredibly standard. But I'm trying to piece things together from multiple guides and videos, none of which contain the whole story, and most of them result in more errors that aren't covered.

    The TrueNAS forums look like a bit of a dumpster fire when it comes to these issues, particularly around containers, with things getting quite heated. The 'official apps' are extremely limited, TrueCharts extends functionality, but still limited, and not really working well for me. There seems to be a lot of friction with the devs of TrueCharts, and between people wanting to virtualise stuff and those who's solution to these issues is running TrueNAS bare metal and not using virtualisation or containers. It's like, yeah, you're less likely to have issues if you ignore half the feature set. And if it's only 'supposed' to be a file server, then it's frustrating that running it in a VM is also 'not officially supported' too.

    I tried spinning up a Debian VM and managed to get Portainer running, but once again hit an absolute mess with filesystems and permissions for any other containers I tried running. I know it's to do with the quirks of TrueNAS and that the setup makes sense, especially for an enterprise focus, but this stuff just worked in Unraid as smooth as butter. I know it can be easier, and I'm just not having a good time. I want to be using containers, VMs and developing, not spending my 4th evening this week losing my mind over permissions so I can progress to the next error message!


    I am a noob, I liked Unraid, it worked, and TrueNAS Scale was probably never the right choice for me. But now I need to get redeployed quickly, and I'm looking for a path forward that gives me flexibility.

    As I said, I like UnRaid, I'd quite like to give TrueNAS Core a try purely as a NAS, but I'm happy to stick with Unraid if that's going to save some headache. I'd quite like to try both to be honest, set up a hypervisor so I can get Unraid functional quickly, then slowly work on TrueNAS.

    So I'm thinking XCP-ng or Proxmox bare-metal, Unraid for NAS + Docker, TrueNAS to work on, and the ability to spin up more VMs.

    Problem there is that Unraid is only 'supposed' to be booted off a USB. Once again, any discussion of any other way is 'not supported' and discussions on the forums inevitably lead to 'why would you want to?' or 'you don't understand', implying you're trying to get better speed or something. I know it runs in RAM, I just don't really like having my config and license dangling off my server permanently (although I could try the internal USB), and virtualising it would be incredibly useful.

    I could use Unraid as a hypervisor, I've heard of people adding a Proxmox VM to Unraid, which seems a bit bass ackwards on the surface, and doesn't 'feel' right, but I guess if it works it's fine. Unraid was absolutely rock solid stable for me, after all!

    Again, I don't think I've particularly been fair here, in fact, TrueNAS has impressed me in lots of ways, and I shouldn't be critical of those doing development and answering the same questions over and over from people like me. I just need to get running, don't have a huge amount of free time at the moment, and just want to get NAS+Docker functioning, but ideally in VMs to reduce the upheaval when/if I change things again!

    Your help would be appreciated, as would the extra sleep!


    I currently have a workstation I use for productivity and gaming, as well as a 'server' running on an old Athlon CPU primarily functioning as a file server running Unraid, with several Docker containers.

    For much beyond NAS functionality, this server is very underpowered, it's running an array of old HDDs, and where I'm messing around more with different environments, I could really use the ability to quickly spin up and switch between OS's.

    Upgrading the server seems kinda silly when my workstation already has enough power and is always up. I'm thinking about running the workstation as the server using Unraid, setting it up with a HBA and some SAS drives I already have, then running several VMs.

    I'd be daily driving these VMs, planning on Windows still for now, with things like CAD and gaming remaining the primary functions. I'd like to experiment with Linux more for regular use, and will likely be running additional VMs for development and experiments.

    This sounds like a logical idea, but I'm concerned about some of the potential technicalities that could cause me problems. I know anticheat can be a concern, but I don't think that will effect any games I play.

    Are there any additional things I should consider here? Am I best interfacing via thin client, or can I connect directly?
