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Which distro?
  • I use webcord and ferdium. But I also tried the official apps and even the web apps with Firefox, chromium or zen. Nope.

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    Fuzzel, app launcher and fuzzy finder has feature-packed 1.11 release
  • I never actually measured it, but I switched to fuzzel from wofi, and I can't tell the difference in reaction time. To me it feels instant.

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    Which distro?
  • i use a minimal arch with the zen kernel and hyprland for home, work and play. no kde/gnome. for me it's just right. except screen sharing in teams or discord, which haunts me... now it works, now it doesn't.

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    Docker Raises Prices Up to 80 Percent | ServeTheHome
  • I use docker at home and at work, nexus at work too. I really don't understand... even a malfunctioning service should not pull the image over and over, there should be a cache... It could be some fringe case, but I have never experienced it.

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    Anybody know how to get lossless audio on linux?
  • I don't think it works with Apple, but I really like Streamrip. It works with Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer and SoundCloud. Just adding it to the list of recommendations.

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    Whats on your USB stick? Looking for recommendations for handy tools
  • I'm an arch user, and also have a small proxmox based homelab. I always have a live Ubuntu around, the latest desktop version available. Good for troubleshooting. Also, latest proxmox, opnsense, pfsense, debian.

    Additionally, I have a small USB drive on my keychain with both USB C and USB A, where I keep some encrypted backups of important stuff, and I can access that from both my laptop and my phone.

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    Rome burglar caught after stopping to read book.
  • The Iliad from the point of view of the gods while highlighting the interpretative power of the epic work to understand current events.

    That sounds interesting, but I don't think I would pause to read that... Maybe some Ruocchio...

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    What's your job?
  • Tinker, play, break, fix. Start with docker, a couple virtual machines, use the terminal, even switch to linux. Start automating/scripting mundane or repetitive tasks. For me, this is fun, I actually enjoy the work I do. I have a homelab, a few mini-pcs that I play with, and that I'm not afraid to break. I use ansible and terraform to manage them. Completely overkill for just a few apps and services I run for me and my family, but that's how I learned a bunch of things.

    Getting a job in devops might need a few years of experience as either a sysadmin or a developer, but it's in high demand.

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    What's your job?
  • Started as a tech at a computer shop back in uni, doing diagnostics and assembly for custom PC builds. After I got my bachelor, I started as an IT guy in a factory, and for the next ~20 years worked as a sys admin at a bunch of different companies. Over the last 5 years or so I moved more and more towards Linux, automation, IaC, ansible, docker, k8s, terraform... and now I work as a devops engineer. I work for a small company, so I double as a backup sysadmin/user support guy, because I'm the one that "knows what active directory even is". 🤷

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    Thou shalt not roast thy master
  • 😂🤣

    Looking at your repos, it seems like “fork” is your favorite term, since you’ve mastered the art of taking other people’s work and making it mildly less impressive. Setting up Keychron settings? Wow, groundbreaking stuff. Your “Rimworld mod” could hardly bluff its way to quality of life improvements if it tried. And a “pure Unix shell script”? Sounds like the most exciting way to put people to sleep since counting sheep.
  • it's been a few quadrons for kaleun on the rim. it's a bit crowded now, 9 people and 8 mechs living in a couple of shacks... but we'll have to make due for now. she's a hard worker, sanguine, has a bunch of hobbies with no time to work on, but at least she's passionate about them :)

    (random plus generated, looking for passion in social & intellectual - this was roll 9900)


    The road has been paved

    https:// /forums.php

    One of the best private trackers out there. Sorry to see it go... You can read the reasons why in the link (in Romanian and English).

    UPDATE: it's no longer shutting down:

    >We were overwhelmed by your wishes and messages! > >You know that over the years, I've always said that the community has a significant voice. Your words have always mattered, and we've never been indifferent to them. Your voice has been heard, even now. > >I am delighted to announce that the website will not be shutting down! >Donations are now reactivated, so everything is returning back to normal. > >One of the founders of the website, God, is back and will take over the technical aspect to ensure the site continues to thrive. He is trustworthy, loyal, and things will certainly go well from this point of view. >However, we also needed someone to take care of the other aspects of the work. From now on, Oana will handle everything related to the staff, server payments, and all the internal matters that a SysOp does. She will get promoted to the SysOp class. She is more than capable and competent to maintain control and ensure that everything runs smooth internally. Congratulations! > >Together, they will continue the necessary work to keep this website alive. > >That being said, this announcement will be my last. I, EboLLa, am permanently retiring from the community. >I want to personally thank you all for all the private messages and wishes you've sent me. There have been so many, and I genuinely appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. You are all wonderful, and I appreciate each and every one of you! >I am and have been honored that I could contribute to your well-being! To all of you. Farewell and take care! :love: > >So let's wish Oana and God best of luck! > >With love and appreciation, >EboLLa
