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Why were Trump's eyes so small in the debate?
  • Great, now I'm gonna need to see a generated image of Trump wearing old lady glasses with the little librarian-style chains like Satan in the South Park Manbearpig update episode.

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    Why were Trump's eyes so small in the debate?
  • Kamala's looked fine. Also Trump's on stimulants so his would probably outdilate that

    He definitely opened his eyes up when she brought up crowd sizes

  • Bad for you specifically or personally. Did you have to do something to leverage it or did it judt naturally unfold to an optimal outcome?


    By that I mean what are some powerful and simple basic applied techniques or behaviors that are really useful you've developed or discovered in your life that makes things work or improve.

    Lets keep them simple and powerful 🧙‍♂️

    > Let people on the phone know that you don't mind if something is taking a bit longer and that you're cool and with them whatever happens. Say something like, its okay I'm not in a rush ☺️

    They'll appreciate taking some of the pressure off and showing you are a receptive audience (you're rooting for them) and I've found it to get superior outcomes since I started doing it, even tho I was always generally polite previously


    > People who make me feel like crap or worse off then when I encountered them consistently are written off and out of my life

    Doesn't matter if its family, nobody is entitled to your attention and suffering and it does nobody any real good for you to succumb to the inevitable dysfunction it creates in your life and relationships and also material conditions.


    Is making tea a natural humidifier?

    Just noticed the steam from my tea 😅


    It seems like a sort of idée fixe that means something, just like that twinkly bit that plays in the sad introspective theme.

    Sort of like a black starry sky reflecting off an ocean of sadness. I dunno haha, it seems like it signifies something


    I've cleaned/sanitized and let it dry and everything. The audio seems fine and I'm playing that audio track that dislodges the water with sound.

    Anything else I should do? Rice etc?


    I like the idea of being able to convert any audio track into its equivalent piano version.

    Do we have the technology to do this or is it even possible?


    I like pure red light (#FF0000) because its relaxing and lessens visual information overload

    Baker-Miller pink is also interesting, was proposed to reduce violence and promote calmness in prison. Also very relaxing


    1: my job

    2: my pets

    3: apartment

    What a ride its been that I am feeling grateful and for once, at some level of genuine okayness

    Reach down: whats going at least okay that you are thankful to be aligned with?


    I find myself often winging it with "themself/themselves" and it seems to be like themselves is always colloquially correct when there are multiple preceding nouns you're referring to...

    Otherwise if there's only one antecedent or whatever, its themself

    Be gentle haha


    I want to understand it but everything I read about it oscillates impossibly between vulgar metals -> gold and some kind of spiritual transformation metaphysical stuff

    What is it and what can be legit gleaned from it in an empirical or useful sense?

    Does it have utility outside of use as a metaphor or allegory or whatever?


    I'm more referring to when a random person experiences a random craving for something they've had before.

    Does that generally point to something you've had before that unknowingly satisfied a deficiency and which your body tacitly took note of?

    I notice it sometimes, like

    Beef = i "need" a burger (I'm a skinny dude, beef is not a common staple for me)

    Fruit: i need juice or actual berries in yogurt for a smoothie or parfait


    I loved a cafe with super comfy couches and chill ambiance (few years). Would love to have a similar haunt someday again but I don't believe I will find it


    > 24 Hour daily agenda (30 minute blocks)

    This was from David Burns Feeling Good and I found it quite useful at various points. Basically:

    > 1 Use a form or make your own spreadsheet with all 24 hours of the day covered but split up even further into 30 or 15 minute blocks. It also has a section to report what you scheduled vs what you ended up doing

    > 2 Brainstorm all the things you need or would like to get done and give a time estimate for each based on how long its taken you ideally in the past

    > 3 Schedule each item based on how much effort/complexity it requires (earlier = more complex/energy-intensive) and make sure the tasks are spaced so that there is enough time and a little buffer for breathing room (based on your durations)

    Sorta looks like this, can't seem to find the original necessarily but you get the point


    Very useful and practical tool

    Please name the tool/exercise and limit to CBT for this thread (I want to cover and discover others in future topics focused on them). I really want to avoid boilerplate namedropping "this or that therapy but you'd have to pay to see a therapist, you wouldn't understand". That just not helpful, please elaborate Any pedantic replies not answering question won't be entertained


    By stochastic, I mean it randomly ticks on only one arbitrary beat per measure
