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What's your radical opinion?
  • Not sure if this is a thing everywhere, but a lot of bakeries around here will serve baked goods on a plate with a napkin under the baked goods. Not a big problem with things like croissants, but when cakes and stuff with sticky bottoms are served like this, it drives me insane. Both the purpose of the napkin and the plate has been defeated.

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    People who pirated in the late 90s and early 00s what is the most dramatic change from then till now? And if you had the power what would you bring back?
  • I remember that my brother acquired the full collection of every single song which had ever been on the top 20 list of songs for a national newspaper. It dated all the way back to the 60's, which is ancient for my brother and I, both born around the early 90s. I never got close to listening to the full thing, but it was awesome to have a collection of songs which basically no one knew existed and be able to choose a random year and pick a popular song from then to listen to.

    You could do pretty much the same thing now, but the fact that it's so easily available and accesible kills a lot of the magic.

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    Black Widows
  • It's like almond milk, oat milk or soy milk. But when milking spaghetti, the liquid is so clear that we just call it spaghetti water.

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  • Gravity assist with one of the larger planets to make a very narrow orbit seems to be the most efficient way. But you need the planets to align correctly to have an efficient route.

    "I'll launch you into the sun once there is an appropriate transfer window to Jupiter" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

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  • The vessel would still have a lot of speed after escaping earth's orbit, so the trajectory would become a large orbit around the sun. You still have to slow down by about ~30km/s (or ~100 000 km/h) to make that orbit intercept with the sun's surface.

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    Burning Up
  • In Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves, the number of thieves wasn't really necessarily 40. The number was likely just chosen because 40 was an exaggerated number, much like when we'd say "I've told you a hundred million times". So 40 as a shorthand for "a huge amount" seems fitting in celcius.

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  • It's a lot to lose over the mere fact that the headphone jack cable got stuck on door handles and got ripped out of the ears. But I'll concede to that list of issues. I'm sick of several decades of spontaneous and violent loss of audio.

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    As perfect as this is, there is still room for some puns
  • I have an inflatable garden toy - a set of 2 pigs to play a jumbo version of Pass the Pigs. There is a warning on the inflatable toys:

    "This is not an inflatable toy."

    So I wouldn't ve surprised if Cyber Truck had some similar warning. "This is not a car. Do not allow it to get wet."

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    No appreciation [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • My dog solved this issue by fetching the ball, laying down at least 10 meters away from me and guard the ball if we attempt to retrieve it.

    She's not a very playful dog.

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    James Bond
  • Maybe if the fourth panel was removed, it would hold some humor. An expiration date on something so special as a licence go kill could give a soft chuckle. But since the fourth panel suggests that he is about to solve the issue somehow, it just makes it confusing. What is the funny part?

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    Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman
  • I hope I recall correctly: I was watching an episode of wan-show where they looked into a backpack returned from a miner after heavy wear, but little real damage. Live on the show they wanted to showcase the double bottom, so they cut into it (can't recall if this was in the miners backpack or another one) and were surprized to realize there wasn't a double bottom. Linus quickly assured, still live, that this would be handled for all customers.

    LMG did blame the manifactures of the backpack for removing a layer in a late stage design adjustment, but LMG have also alledegly taken a huge cost on assuring customers that they can receive a new backpack for free if the bottom fails for any reason.

    My memoery of this might be fuzzy, and the story I have heard comes fully from LMGs perspective, so take everything with a grain of salt.

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    Linus Tech Tips uploaded a video showing how to block ads on Youtube. Which was removed by Youtube for community guidelines violations.
  • All of their thumbnails are unfortunately click-baity. They spoke about ut in an older video. Apparently, the click-baity images drive too much traffic for them to justify something more subtle.

  • If inciting an insurrection towards their own government is an action without legal repercussions, I don't see how the law would be less lenient about straight up firing a gun at an opponent.

    I by no means want any party to resolve to violent tactics. So even though I play with the thought, I really don't want anything like it to happen. I am just curious if it's actually the case that a sitting president has now effectively a licence to kill.

    What am I missing?


    I created an account on a few days ago. A day after creation, my account was suspended. My appeal was denied and no reason was given. So I assumed was not accepting new accounts, so I moved over to and created an account there. Today that account was suspended as well, again without reason. I didn't post anything from either account. My only actions were to follow a few people within tech.

    Looking at previous posts here, people are laughing at complaints about difficulties of joining mastodon and pushing it away as a simple task. I have now attempted to join two of the highest suggested servers of mastodon and gotten suspended from both. I am uninterested in shotgunning servers until I find one which doesn't suspend me without reason.

    How is the onboarding process of mastodon supposed to work if the top suggested servers are suspending new accounts without warning or reason?
