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A surge of Black women and young people registering to vote in Pennsylvania spells trouble for Trump
  • But I thought "the black people" loved him because he...*checks notes*... has been indicted numerous times and sells shoes. Are you telling me that's not true? I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

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    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer
  • I dunno. From what I saw it looked intriguing - lots of very bold choices.

    Something of a sidenote: It's interesting that there's so much complaining at large about cookie-cutter movies coming out of hollywood, but when something strange or different from the expectation is even hinted at, there's big outcries like this. Wonder why the studios so rarely take risks...🧐

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    Dennis Quaid’s ‘Reagan’ Is the Worst Movie of the Year
  • I know there's the argument that "Reagan lead to Trump", but I don't think that's particularly applicable. Also, Reagan's "legacy" as it where has had 40 some years to really seep in. Trump has only had 8, and even in just those 8 he's at the very least giving Reagan a run for his money.

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    Condoms can’t be trusted and boys don’t cry in Catholic Paraguay’s first sex ed program
  • Friendly fyi - it's just 'arc'. Arch is used with structural things like bridges. It could also be used to describe the attitude of an over the top antagonist.

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    I wish my house cleaned itself
  • Granted. Everything where it is is now it's designated location. If it or anything else is out of place, it is removed.

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    Starlink tells Brazil regulator it will not comply with X suspension
  • clear collusion

    It's less so "collusion" than it is "a billionaire brat using their obscene wealth and plethora of businesses to strong arm their way out of any accountability". We can't consider starlink a "good thing" because it will always be part of that, and any group or government relying on it to any degree should take note.

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    Donald Trump faces backlash over rally locations: "Sundown towns"
  • Obfuscate? Just because you don't know what something means doesn't mean it's a malicious attempt to hide anything. Sundown towns are widely known as racist ordinances.

  • Not my home instance, but I hope the question is pretty universal. Was hoping to check through some of my hidden posts that I hid for spoiler reasons now that it's not a concern.


    I've been taking a break from Magic since the beginning of Caves of Ixalan for a number of reasons, but am wanting to check out Bloomburrow. Since part of the reason I stepped away was the Play Booster changeup for drafting, I was wondering how people are feeling about it. I'd be particularly interested in reading your thoughts on it if you were a hater that has ultimately come around to the change.


    When I used Reddit is Fun, it really hogged up data unless thumbnails we're disabled. I've noticed that Connect is also using quite a lot of data, but there is no similar setting that I can find (there's an option to disable preloading images, but I'm not seeing what that changes).

    Even if there was just an option to toggle thumbnails manually, it'd be much appreciated.

    0 Lemmy Federation State

    Show federatiion state of lemmy instances

    I noticed a distinct lack of response to comments and looking at the threads from other instances shows that my comments aren't appearing outside of, and going to the link I shared shows there are 0 up-to-date instances with

    This happened around the big update in December, too. Not sure what the cause is, but here's hoping it can be resolved soon!

    *Dunno if this info would be helpful, but the last comment of mine that seems to have federated properly was from 07:15UTC, and the first comment that seems to be missing was from 14:15UTC. So something happened between then.


    One of mine is Commit This to Memory by Motion City Soundtrack. I basically took the title verbatim and know the album word for word. And while I would love if it did, the rest of MCS's stuff just doesn't hit the same way.

    And if you're not an album person, maybe a period of time in the artist's work? Whatever works for you.

    *Lots of mentions of hit debut albums that subsequently petered out, which follows with the dreaded sophomore slump that hits many artists. Anyone with mid or even later career albums that stand alone? Those always intrigue me.


    Just had this thought and I'm caught between the two. Assuming anything being considered were all "good" photos, what would you prefer if it were you?

    *Lots of great responses! I do want to clarify that I am not currently dealing with this scenario myself, but I appreciate the thoughtful comments. Hopefully they can help people that are struggling. I know I'll keep them in mind for the future.


    Late-to-the-party appreciation post for Ted Lasso (spoiler warning goes here)

    I absolutely adored the first 2 seasons as they came out and wasn't confident in how the third season would follow up. And tbh, the first half was somewhat underwhelming. The Zava stuff seemed pointless and it kinda felt like it was running on auto-pilot. But man, starting with the Amsterdam episode it was just banger after banger (with special nods to 'The Strings That Bind Us' with Sam's emotional arc and the finale 'So Long Farwell' with, well...everything). The last show that made me laugh-cry that much was The Good Place.

    I know there's lots of folks sad about it being done so quickly, but I don't think I'd want it any other way. Bill Lawrence, Jason Sudeikis, and everyone else on that show made something truly wonderful, not just for tv, but as a heartfelt examination and embrace of the flaws and strengths in all of us. This story about football that's not really about football (but still really is) will always hold a place in my heart.

    slaps 'Believe!' poster


    For one, even if I wanted to use it, piped never works for me.

    Second, on mobile, my alternative of choice doesn't recognize everyone's non-yt links, so it removes my choice in the matter.

    Third, I have no reason to trust the weird-ass domains I see, and to un-fuck the url takes much more time then just handing out the original YT links and letting people choose for themselves how they view the video.

    23 Tennessee House GOP Blocks Proclamation Honoring Grammy Winner Allison Russell, While Letting Similar Measure for Paramore Pass

    Tennessee's House GOP blocked a proclamation honoring Allison Russell for her Grammy win, while letting a similar honor for Paramore slide though.


    Rediscovered this vid digging around my old youtube playlists. I barely knew who Tom was back then, and with his recent announcement, I thought it was kind of neat to come back to. Hopefully others find it as funny/neat as I do!


    I do this for a few things, movies in particular. For me most recently, I'm planning on watching Bo Burnham's Inside this weekend, for the first time since I watched it shortly post-release. I wasn't really intending to wait \checks watch nearly 3 years on that one, but I definitely felt it needed some space before a rewatch.

    Anyone else treat certain pieces of media similarly?


    I just noticed that all of my comments for the last few days don't show up in the parent instance of the post. It is happening in several different instances, so it seems like it's probably an issue on the side of things.

    So far comments aren't appearing in '', '', or ''

    While looking into this, I also noticed other users posts that aren't appearing when switching instances.

    *Suddenly got some interaction with the lost posts, as well as a few comments from '' on the other account I've been using, which matches up to sunaurus's post on updating to 19.1. Glad to see things appear to be working as expected again. Hopefully 0.19 doesn't have anymore surprises for us!


    Anyway to turn off or control the comment highlighting in 0.19?

    The instance I'm on just did the update and this comment highlighting is really throwing me off. It's super glaring and unpleasant imo and I'd really appreciate the ability to turn it off. I've looked around a bit but haven't found anything myself. Am I missing something?


    Considering the latest rash of spam images plaguing the platform, I decided to figure out how to block embeds entirely since I never really liked them in the first place and am sharing what I got working since I figured it might be something others would like to enable themselves. (Fyi, this method requires uBlock Origin)

    • Open your uBlock settings and navigate to the 'My Filters' section
    • At the bottom of the document, add two breaks and then paste this: > span

    • If your instance is different than, then replace that with the instance you use to have it work.

    With that enabled, images and videos shouldn't load in comments anymore. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, so feel free to share if you know! This is just what I knew how to get work asap. Hope it helps some people!


    *0.19 seems to have borked the method I previously posted, but I was able to find another string that works that seems to be more efficient anyhow. Hopefully this one works for a while! I'm going to leave the old strings at the bottom here just to cover all bases. To reiterate, these are the old strings that, afik, do NOT work anymore. > .md-div > p > [src] > .md-div > p > video

    0 The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Release Notes

    The Release Notes include info about the release of a new set, as well as clarifications and rulings involving that set's cards.

    0 Card Updates Coming with Khans of Tarkir on MTG Arena

    We are continuously reviewing our card catalogue and finding ways to update the game's language and visual representation with the processes, care, and sensitivity built into modern sets.
