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My eyes and attention are for me to waste, they are not for ads.
  • If everybody starts doing it (and trust me they will, it's free money after all) we'll be kinda forced to.

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    Important Choices
  • What are you going to do about it? Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?

    You don't like slavery, yet you're using Latin characters, who were invented by the Romans? Checkmate!

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    Analysis: China’s clean energy pushes coal to record-low 53% share of power in May 2024
  • Yea, wish we had a green race just like we had a space race during the 1st cold war, at leadt something useful would come out of it.

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    good morning fellow americanskis
  • The liberal veneer of civility goes away in the moment you criticize their idols.they cant fathom somebody that doesn't like mr joe "saviour of the world" biden or mrs kamala "sent here by god himself" harris since they live in political ecochambers, so the only possibile explanation is that Russia pays a bunch of people to post normal people's opinions online (most people are not hardliner diehard democrats)

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    EU limits anonymous cash payments to €3k and all cash payments to €10k. Pirate party reacts.
  • How will they enforce it? I'm sure big/medium businesses will comply, but how can you track a cash transaction between private citizens?

    Furthermore in the country where I live (Italy, one of EU founding members) more than 60% of independent professionals (partite iva) evade/elude taxes in some way or another, and it's very common (so common that every Italian experienced it many times in their lives, me included) for small businesses and professionals to offer you a slight discount if you pay cash under the table (no receipt, so no taxes) and, even if we have an entire police force dedicated to financial crimes, the submerged economy is just so big that they can't deal with it now, imagine when they'll have to arrest/fine everybody that accepts more than €3000 in cash.

    What somebody writes on a piece of paper and what happens in the real world are 2 very distinct things, many stores in Italy don't accept credit cards even if it's against them law, and only a minuscule fraction of them gets fined.

    The EU has extremely nazi-esque control on the private financial life of its citizens (the state monitors your bank account, to open a bank account you need to give every info about u in the future they'll ask for your DNA probably, if you withdraw/deposit a "suspect" amount of money our IRS will come after your ass, ane you need to prove your innocence basically guilty untill proven otherwise, ecc, there are a thousand examples, I'm sure EU citizens can relate) but I can't see how they'll be able to track pieces of paper.

    TLDR I can't even see how they will be able to enforce this law, especially when we talk about small businesses/independent contractors, and the situation gets even funnier when its a transaction between 2 private individuals.

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    Global IT outage shows dangers of cashless society, campaigners say
  • Amazon didnt pay a penny in taxes where i live, theyre giant criminals yet they dont need to use cash to evade taxes.

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    A message to wavering Democrats
  • Biden cant even run, let alone run a country

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    Chinese Brands Will Sell A Third Of The World's Cars By 2030: Study
  • I think we need more govt subsidies to green tech and less subsidies to the fossil industry, i don't care if it's all a big 8d chess move to make us all speak Mandarin Chinese, the important bit is not dying rn.

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    Are you a 'tankie'
  • And they sometimes get called "tankies" too by people to the right of them. That's why I both think it's a useless term (if everybody is a tankie, then nobody is) and why I think I fall in the definition (as most leftists do, I've seen pretty mild social democrats being called "tankies" by liberals)

    Plus ultimately these blanket descriptions are pretty useless IMO, you'll find extremely heated debates between "tankies" themselves on many topics, there's no consensus, and there are many different ideologies "tankies" subscribe to. It would be like saying that Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Greens are all the same thing. We could call them "dronies" maybe.

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    Are you a 'tankie'
  • YES

    Everybody to the left of biden is considered a tankie nowdays, and I'm proud of being to the left of (and opposed to) genocide enablers.

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    The weight of different breeds of chicken over their lifespan
  • Cocks are getting bigger

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    about china
  • I can't say for sure but it's certainly one of the countries in the world.

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    US-built Gaza pier, valued at $320 million, swept away by sea waves
  • The Mediterranean has a right to defend itself! Are you anti-seamitic?

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    The memes leftists don't want you to see
  • Brimstone

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    President Biden announces a series of tariffs on green energy products from China.
  • Collcata verba sunt accuratius modulatiusque.

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  • What's your favorite color? The choice is yours! Benito Trumpolini or Benito Bidenlini?

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  • 🤓☝️

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    Top Secret: In a 2018 letter, Netanyahu asks Qatar to fund Hamas
  • No wonder, all far-right projects like his need a common enemy to unite against. If there's none, just buy one.

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    Israel Dropped US-Made Bombs on Lebanon Medical Center
  • They're on that killing whistleblowers and making weapons that murder innocents grindset

  • O.J. Simpson, Athlete Whose Trial Riveted the Nation, Dies at 76

    He ran to football fame on the field and made fortunes in movies. Then a trial in which he was charged with killing his former wife and her friend changed everything.


    Hello people in my screen. During my few years as a commie i've always noticed a flaw with the Communist movement in my country (Italy).

    People, expecially young people (who are, not always, but most of the times the ones of higher radicalization potential) tend to spend copious amounts of time on the Internet. My mom used to read books, now she listens to them while doing stuff, i used to hang out with my friends IRL, now we play on discord and other boomer (although true TBH) examples.

    The right is exploiting the Internet-space to a far greater extent than us (often in quantity and "relatability" and not quality), their propaganda is everywhere, with millions of eyes looking at it. It's sometimes veiled with a coat of "liberalism" and "progressivism" but, in the end, does nothing but promote the status quo, just by means of a different tendril of capital. (such is the case with an IG page I wont mention, who calls themselves a "liberal institute" and constalty post quotes by the likes of Thatcher, Raegan and similar demons, it has thousands of followers, mostly young people who think the state and the evil EU regulations are the reasons of their misery.)

    Our Italian left-wing is doing a piss-poor job at exploiting the massive outreach opportunity the internet is, me myself am part of a student's org, our website has been offline for years now. People in the org know but don't particularly care. And looking at the spaces with the most eyes on them, the corporate social platforms, the situation is dire: The few people who try to engage with the "commoners" are either sick with the left-wing communism disease: euro-communists, leftcoms, anarcho-libs, people who are far too sectarian, or who focus on appearance more than substance, and actually relating to the mass and their grievances, making the fact of being a communist a status symbol or a lifestyle instead of an Ideology. Or well-meaning Marxists who, unfortunately, are shunned by the masses because they just don't get that the masses are largely de-politicised, they don't want/aren't ready to hear about complex theory concepts or things that are "too far" for them (you can't really go to the average worker and sing praises of Stalin, as much as me and you wished) Plus all content produced by these Comrades is infected with the oh-so-common TikTok plague. Sometimes an IG infographic, if it's not liberal in nature, can get the point across. But more often than not an in-depth analysis is needed, while still trying to keep it engaging and not too long. Nothing over +or- 20 min, ppl have stuff to do. In fact there are exactly 0 communist channels to speak of on YT, all the content is on Instagram and TikTok, Short-form oriented platforms who, although very popular, don't really allow for the deep exploration some kind of topics deserve. can't really divulgate the whole history of the cold war, with all it's nuances, happenings and US... actions in 1min or less.

    Now comes my idea: Filling the niche of Italian YouTube long-but-not-too-much form communist content for beginners, the majority of de-politicized people betrayed by electoral politics, and just people looking for entratainment and information.

    I believe there's potential. People are betrayed on the daily and are looking for answers, and when they find them they're often finding them in not the best of places. Instead of focusing on openly marxist content, the endless debates on the topics who always divide us, I'd rather talk about real-world issues the majority of people face and try to relate them to capitalism and it's tentacles. Think of something like "Second Thought" on YT. The current state of our communist movement is miserabe, people don't know who we are and what we actually want. I think that by making people understand that we aren't baby-eating freedom-hating monsters, but we actually agree with the masses on most issues, and by making them reflect on the fact all these separated issues are part of a "bigger picture" we can get somewhere.

    I don't really expect much. Big Tech is notoriously allergic to politics let alone Marxism, and the people are brainwashed and propagandized since birth. But i hope to at least get somewhere. Is my idea stupid? Maybe. Will i try anyway? Yea. I'm not fooling myself into thinking that "Breadtube streamers will bring about the People's Revolution" to be clear. I just want to get the few people i'll reach thinking and re-thinking about stuff.

    Now come the questions:

    What's the acceptable level of "far from my zone of comfort" for the average depoliticised person?

    Which are the "universal" issues, which all (western) proles face, and are most suited to get the masses engaged and listening? (ties in with 1st point) I have a few topics in mind but they're all National/EUropean issues

    In general, how to not "scare" people who have been told to fear us all their life?

    OPSEC tips? I know a YouTuber who produced very good and informative content, which actually got me to think a lot, BayArea415, had to leave YT because he got doxxed... I use Linux, a VPN and Free Software for all steps of production. But if there's more i'm all ears.

    And finally, if any of you has experience in the video sector, please share tips! i'd be glad.

    These are just the questions who come to mind. Feel free to share everything you want!



    What a bad day to have internet.


    Seriously, "Ensure the CEO sleeps before a certain time"

    With all those skills, tasks and resposabilites they're asking for a fucking full-stack babysitter...


    So, I'm looking to rent a VPS to host a site and stuff, there's a reasonably priced provider in my country, the only thing is when I went to check the OS the machine runs I was expecting something like Ubuntu server, Debian or maybe some RHEL-compatible, what TF is cloud Linux? All that I could find online is the company's site and not much more. Somebody knows if it's a debian or a RHEL-like? What package system they use and such? Thanks.


    I'm a financial advisor and you should take this seriously


    Made with Krita, licensed under the MGPLv3 (a memetic license i just made up, if you saw this meme you must share it everywhere you can, and under the same license. Possibly citing me :) transcript from here


    Remì proceeded to bite Pollo, but Pollo invaded Remì's private sleeping space (my bed) at least I captured a cute moment.

    PS: Pollo means chicken, bcs he looks like a raw chicken breast lol _


    So, I host some songs on my jellyfin server, When I reproduce them on my android phone with the screen on the music is fine, no problem at all, but when the screen turns off or when I press the button to turn it off, the music sounds all corrupted, when I power the screen back on the music sounds fine, any solutions?


    Translation isn't accurate since cruschi is a dialect word from Basilicata, the Italian region where this dish originates.

    They're dried peppers briefly dipped in frying oil and then cooled and served or packed. They're really good.
