Not a book suggestion, but I cannot recommend Standard Ebooks highly enough as a source of public domain ebooks. Professionally typeset, with consistent standards, all while being free and volunteer-driven!

Just wait until you hear about toonies

I'll second Small, Angry Planet. It's not always a happy series (one of the books takes place in the aftermath of a catastrophic disaster) but it is always a hopeful series, utterly unlike the sci-fi I usually go for. It's an indifferent universe full of very different people who will ultimately pull together and support each other, and that kindness prevails.
Howl's Moving Castle trilogy was very gentle and got me through one of my darkest times, so I'll always recommend it to people seeking a chill, comforting series.
For something a bit more modern the Legends & Lattes series has proven to be quite cozy, with a healthy dose of adventure mixed in. (It's mostly coffee & pastry porn).
Would you say the first Stormlight arc ended at a good spot? I'm eager to start the series but have been staying away because it's unfinished...

Don't miss out on the other loosely-related books in the trilogy, they're just as cozy.

Well, some members of F-Droid's central board resigned nearly a year ago, citing issues that had been ongoing for a long time prior. Statement posted to Gitlab.
I've been slowly moving my app installations over to Obtainium ever since, and have been using NeoStore for the remaining F-Droid/Izzy installations.

I judge all superhero media against Worm.

Honestly, this is the only thing I miss from Reddit.
But the community was so pleasant that it seemed like a fluke it existed at all.

Anyone know if we've got some kinda brandless/debadging community in the Fediverse? Seems like the sort of place one would thrive, but finding communities isn't very straightforward to a newb like me.

Hey, thanks for the super detailed and useful response, Cloaca! My own attempts to deck build seem to be following similar steps, so I'll definitely be referencing this. The deck snapshots at various points of completion are super helpful. Are those different decks or does TappedOut have a history feature? (That's something I didn't know I wanted until now).

Oof if building up is better I'm going to have to completely change the way I go about building decks, as my mindset has been to take the EDHREC "average deck" for a commander/style and think of it as, essentially, a precon that I then modify.
In the 8x8 theory, what does it mean by "choose 8 different kinds of effects you would like to see played"? Scratch that, I'm assuming they mean the card packs that are in the #8x8 tag on the blog. The first page was all Q&A stuff so I missed that

Deck Building: Making your theoretical deck playable?
I posed this question a few days ago as a comment and was encouraged to make it into a standalone post. I'm asking it specifically within the context of Commander, but suggesting your workflows for other formats would probably be helpful for people who aren't me :P
As someone who has been casually playing MTG for several years, I'm only now starting to try to build my own EDH decks from scratch (as opposed to just buying and tweaking precons). I've tried to do my due diligence and research important topics like ramping & mana bases, read articles & posts about determining wincons & threats, and have scoured through EDHREC and Skryfall for thematic/synergistic cards... And all of that is great for finding cards that *could * work in a deck.
But this is the part that most articles & instructional pieces stop at (or glaze over). So now I have a giant pile of theoretical cards for a theoretical deck, and no idea which ones I should actually purchase or playtest with. **There is no one-

Alright, hit me with your folk punk recommendations

As an extremely casual commander player, I always feel like a noob even though technically I've been playing MTG for over half a decade at this point. My commander decks have all been precons and I've mostly just got cards through drafting with my friends, but this year I've been trying to build my own deck from scratch and it's... exciting but frustrating.
Does anyone have any tips for taking a (commander) deck from the "theoretical pile of cards" stage to a functioning deck? By that I mean, I've done the preliminary research (scryfall searches, EDHREC most used cards for the commander, etc) to find possible cards, and I've read some high level theory stuff about deck building (ramping, threats, etc) to categorize my possible cards... But can't really find any articles/videos showing workflows to actually build the deck.
Currently I'm trying to use tags on Moxfield but it's mostly a confusing mess as I try to trim down ~200 possibilities into a lean, functioning deck.

But I'm going to use them eventually, I swear!

Simple Gallery Pro and OsmAnd+ both follow this methodology as well.