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What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?
  • This is the accepted writing style at my work, and it's been driving me nuts for years. I'm talking about the copy we put on all our public facing materials. Even our resident linguists hate it, but apparently someone high up thinks it's industry standard.

    Remembering this just made me happier to be leaving soon. They're so resistant to challenging entrenched habits. I should have seen these signs when I started.

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    3 days 🤯
  • The trick is for those other AIs to reserve a few bucks, so they can repeat the process but this time cash out early. Keep repeating until everybody wins.

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    Can't transfer companion eggs from creatures adopted out in the wild - Omega Expedition
  • You would think so, but it won't let your companions lay more eggs when you're at the limit. This is separate to the companion slot limit. I assume it doesn't let you redeem eggs when you're at the limit either.

    If I had to guess, eggs require more data than a typical inventory item, due to the complexities of creatures. They're probably implemented differently with some hacks to make it work, and limiting numbers is the simplest way to avoid complications.

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    Can't transfer companion eggs from creatures adopted out in the wild - Omega Expedition
  • There's a hard limit on how many eggs you can have in one save. They probably restricted transfer for eggs from expeditions to avoid going over this limit.

    It would be worth raising anyway, as they may able to allow the transfer but not allow collecting them in the main save until you make room. Or allow transfer when the main save is below the limit.

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    Pope Francis: ‘Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology’
  • Many many years ago, I saw a doco during a high school health class. It had stuff about gender identity, and included an interview from the 80's with George Pell. He was ranting about how fashion these days was too androgynous, and you couldn't tell the girls from the boys.

    That was the first I ever heard from that man, and immediately disliked him.

    Interesting to see where he ended up.

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    What would a world where gravity is a weather condition look like?
  • Just brainstorming a semi-plausible explanations here. What if the variation is due to massive portals/wormholes to other planets? If you're standing near one that goes to a place with much higher gravity when it opens up, it could cause you to be pulled toward it, or increase gravity around that area. If these portals are kept secret, the gravity fluctuations as they open and close might appear to be as random as weather patterns.

    Could be an interesting plot point too, if your story includes races that have secretly come through these portals. Their existence could be discovered by triangulating the gravity changes during an event. Lots of interesting possibilities.
