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Nvidia CEO: "We can't do computer graphics anymore without artificial intelligence"
  • You better look for a new job then and let someone tale over who can, then.

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  • Ein bengalisches Restaurant bei uns schreibt in seiner Speisekarte "deutsch-scharf", was (für jemanden, der scharfes Essen einigermaßen gewöhnt ist) "man merkt, dass es scharf sein soll" heißt 😸

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    Woman in a sexual relationship with a plane for nine years says she's finally broken up with it
  • Ew, the source for this is the German rightwing tabloid "Bild", it looks like she gave them an interview (might be entirely made up, never know with these publications). That kinda taints this story for me ...

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    Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' | Business Insider India
  • Thank you all for these comments, they have made another horrible piece of news a bit less horrible (by knowing people are apaled by this shit).

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    Grenzkontrollen: Was kosten sie die Wirtschaft?
  • Ja, weil das is das Einzige, was ein menschenverachtendens Land wie Deutschland von irgendwas überzeugen kann 👍

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  • And somehow we haven't driven it to extinction yet? That's wild!

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  • Time for people to start putting their videos on

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  • Yes, is so cool!Their prices always really hurt me when I buy stuff but I guess it's the same as with local/organic food, things costs more when there isn't an international evilcorp behind it evading taxes, paying employees only pennies and all the evil shit calitalism enables ...

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    Sozialabgaben für Gutverdiener könnten deutlich steigen
  • Ich hoffe Lindner is grad wieder zu beschäftigt irgendnen Bullshit zu fordern, der ihn nix angeht (Abschaffung von Telefonkrankschreibung etc.) um auch das hier kaputtzumachen aber ich befürchte, das ist nur ein Traum.

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  • Aber nur weil der Kaffee halt so mies is das alles andere beaser is?

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  • Bei mir funzen Drucker, die per USB angeschlossen sind unter Linux fast immer, bei Wlan muss ich https-ähnliche Adressen angeben, wo ich nichma ansetzweise nen Plan hab, wie ich die rausfinden soll ...

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    Unity is canceling the Runtime Fee
  • Along with Krita's one of the best docs I know, it's so good!

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    Mad respect
  • What a nerd, amazing ✨

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    Marcy and Falin (by Evaleen D)
  • That is one fucking weird boob-window, holy cow.

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    Lindner fordert Abschaffung telefonischer Krankschreibung
  • Ja, es ist echt unfassbar mit was für Scheindebatten wir uns rumschlagen müssen. Das die Medien sowas für berichtenswert halten finde ich auch abstoßend. Ignoriert doch einfach, was aus Lindners Mund wieder für Humbug tropft, da wär schon viel gewonnen.

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  • Set relationship-status with programming to it's complicated".

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  • Jupp, wollt ich auch sagen, in den 80ern war schon echt klar, das was falsch läuft. Im Grunde ja eher seit den 60ern oder 70ern.

  • After the update to 0.2.1 I can't view any posts via Eternity (writing this on Raccoon, my account is on Beehaw). Tried logging out and back in, then deleting and reinstalling the app and then logging back in. Still "No posts found", I can see my subscribes communities from left sidebar but they all have no posts as well. Same thing happened for me on Voyager a few months back, haven't used that since..

    Any ideas what to do? Thanks! 😺


    Been messing with Godot a few weeks ago, now I fired it up again and my project was marked as missing for some reason in the project list. Weird.

    I cleared the missing project, imported it again (you can't do that with opening it at the same time?(1)) did some stuff, closed to Project Manager, the project is not in the list.


    Reimported it again, closed to Project Manager again. Still not in the list. Restarted Godot, still nothing.

    Any idea what could be going on? Using Godot 4.1.1 Stable on Fedora.

    Thanks for any hints ^ __ ^

    (1) The button says „Import and Edit“

    EDIT: Lol nevermind, it's there, it's just called „Basic FPS“ for some reason and has a weird logo 🤦‍♀️


    EDIT: Lol, it doesn't actually work +___+ It is enabled in KeepassXC but it just doesn't do anything. Welp.

    Here's a neat trick I just found out (with a hint from here):

    In Wayland you can't use KeepassXC's very cool Auto-Type feature (it's somehow Qt's fault?) but if you installed it as a Flatpak you can go into KDE Settings, search for "Flatpak Permission Settings" and in the settings for KeepassXC under "Advanced" you can disable "Wayland Windowing System" to make it work. Nice!


    Basically what the title says: Is it possible to make Jellyfin not start at episode one of a series but on the next unwatched episode (so the same as in Next Up?) when clicking play on a series (in home or in a library)?

    I always seem to do this this a lot and it really confused me that it starts in the beginning and not the next episode I want to watch.

    Thanks for any help!
