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my bitch wife harharule
  • Idk, if I’m being honest, almost every relationship I’ve been in with any gender has always wound up at some level of manipulation and loss of autonomy. I realize it doesn’t have to but it truly is sad

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    What's your "old person" trait?
  • Experientially, sending the whole party to their phones is a buzz kill and I’d reckon likely causes delays in ordering and consensus as people get distracted. Conversely, some places let you pay the check on mobile which is choice as fuck.

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    What's your "old person" trait?
  • “If you think technology will solve your problems, you don't understand technology—and you don't understand your problems.” - Bruce Schneier

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    We can all agree on that, right?
  • Yes, or at a bare minimum, CEO-proof everything and put more power in the hands of users of monolithic infrastructural utility products like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit

  • Lions are the brainiest of cats Lions are the Brainiest of the Big Cats

    They can solve puzzles that solitary leopards and tigers can’t—evidence that sociality promotes high-level cognition

    They can solve puzzles that solitary leopards and tigers can’t—evidence that sociality promotes high-level cognition


    Some lions have to pay extra for this


    Lickin his chops

    Like a lion does


    Anyone know if it’s possible to have custom-styled newsletter signup forms in gatsby sites? Having a hard time. Thank you.

    What screams "poorly educated"?
  • Why does this show lack of education over lack of interest in linguistics? I’ve studied linguistics, and I don’t categorize languages that way, but I could see how a pragmatist wouldn’t see value in learning Esperanto or Papiamento.
