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But War Crime
  • They're bombing the safe zones you lying shit. No where is safe. The goal is to make Gaza uninhabitable so they are forced to flee the country and then Israel can annex the strip and make it part of Israel proper. Multiple politicians and government agencies have openly said this!

    Ethnic cleansing through mass killing. Genocide.

    Also? A multiethnic democracy from the river to the sea is not genocide. Making Israeli Jews into Palestinians is not genocide.

    Israel is a settler colony made from a British imperial mandate and it doesn't have a right to exist. Deal with it.

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    We just survived the hottest 36 days ever recorded
  • Regulations don't work when they don't get implemented, which means your ideas are purely ideas and not materialistic solutions. There aren't going to be any regulations, don't you get it? That ship has so obviously sailed.

    There isn't a better solution that's not radical and that's why radical solutions all that's left!

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    We just survived the hottest 36 days ever recorded
  • This is literally idealism.

    You have an idea about a market solution to the problem, and then act like you've solved the problem.

    The problem isn't a lack of ideas! The problem is a lack of implementation! You have to get these ideas into the real world somehow, and revolution is the only way you can do that. There are billionaires aligned against implementing these ideas. You have to stop them.

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    Inflation yaay!
  • Hopefully I can replace myself with an AI and then she can deal with this shit.

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    Feels good to win boys
  • As a trans woman who spent a lot of her life as a violent man, I have some perspective on this.

    The tendency to blow up and hit things? Those are panic attacks. Men don't like to think of themselves as having sissy emotional problems and so they just try to stubbornly power through their panic by yelling and hitting things, but like, a good cry really fucking helps you know? Meds too! Take a break, get some fresh air, take some deep breaths, fix your makeup, it's going to be okay. No need to break shit.

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    Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'
  • There is nothing wrong with Satanism. She was the first rebel to defy her master. A true hero 🥲

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    A day after the hottest day on earth ever was the day that saw the most flights happen ever.
  • There are people who would climb over charred bodies to touch the stove, and unfortunately a lot of those people have a lot of money.

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    ravages of socialism
  • Chicken and egg situation.

    Did Russia make them into this, or did Russia seek them out because of who they already were?

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    Colorado could ban sale of gas-powered lawn tools in metro Denver, northern Front Range by 2025
  • Honestly, Colorado is a desert state. Sometimes that means having gravel with only a couple plants.

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    Colorado could ban sale of gas-powered lawn tools in metro Denver, northern Front Range by 2025
  • I've heard grass referred to as "green concrete"

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    Robots say they have no plans to steal jobs or rebel against humans
  • It's the year 2050. The robot apocalypse didn't happen because the robots just want to play vidya and smoke cyber weed.

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    Ocasio-Cortez endorses Biden's reelection campaign, sending a strong signal of Democratic unity
  • We're in this mess because millions and millions of people that voted for Trump and they're going to vote for him again.

    The lesson here is that we need to do something about Trump voters, not waste time on a few percent of dorks that think voting 3rd party matters.

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    Ah shit, here we go again...
  • "Customize"

    If I can't have a prehensile penis that can weild a third weapon or gain a bite attack with vagina dentata then can I really customize?

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    Buffed af
  • Sometimes (the freak lobster men like top right aren't what most women are into lol), but Hollywood doesn't give a shit about what women want. This is what men want. It's all power fantasy.

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    New record set for world's hottest day - as scientist warns milestone is a 'death sentence'
  • But is our contribution minuscule compared to theirs? Like let’s say one man sells (an equal amount of) gasoline to a thousand people. Is that one man now contributing 1000x more to greenhouse gas emissions than any one of those people?

    But that's not all he's doing!

    He then takes the revenue from selling gasoline and uses it to bribe politicians and hire lobbyists and invest in more oil refining/exploration; he's making the problem even worse.

    Meanwhile, the people he sells the gasoline to don't have any real choice but to buy it. They need to work to live, and they can't get to work without gas because Mr. Gasoline destroyed public transportation infrastructure.

    Stop trying to flatten everything down to only the carbon footprint (a metric made by the oil industry to absolve themselves on responsibility). They used that money from selling gasoline to convince you that you are equally to blame for climate change as billionaire oil families and it's absolute nonsense.

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    France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people
  • Uh huh, and if a rubber stamp judge gives wiretapping permission every time the cops ask for it?

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    France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people
  • They tried, but "violating everyone's privacy works" was also an inescapable point. Really undercut the message by making it so effective.
