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Sleep habits
  • Bullshit. There are way more spiders in suits of armor than there are on my body.

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    Locked in rule
  • Ever tried turning the handle up?

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    What should we call him?
  • Does he have wings one week out of four?

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    What do you call this animation archetype?
  • This is the Stoic Father.

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    Ever wanted to see a human hand under a microscope?
  • I always thought I'd be able to see more hand, not less.

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    Why are Minnesotans the only ones to play Duck, Duck, Gray Duck?
  • Because midwesterners don't honk.

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    mystery meat pizza
  • Grubwurst.

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    That's what they think.
  • I only want gatto.

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    Could you selectively breed humans to he able to breathe water ?
  • Yes. You will need trillions of dollars and operate outside of any country so you're not subject to pesky ethics and humanitarian laws. Good luck, I hope I never see you.

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    the ick
  • I won't discount that possibility, but I think they get sold on a miraculous idea and simply don't understand the reasons why it's not a good idea. The more zealous one simply don't want to believe it's not the perfect solution.

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    the ick
  • Unbridled enthusiasm can be cute to a point, but those hydrogen folks are way beyond that. Yikes.

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    Having to pay for giving solar energy back
  • Get an insulated water tank, dump all the energy in there for free hot water.

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    I want freedom from every form of wages
  • Give you the means to live, prosper, and grow, and the tools and resources to let you help others do the same? I can get on board with that.

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    Mazda confirms its first global EV sedan: Will it land in the US?
  • I'll concede "North America", as "zee" has infected Canada too. Not sure about Mexico.

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    Mazda confirms its first global EV sedan: Will it land in the US?
  • Mazda Easy Sex.

    I'd say "they knew", but I'd they did they wouldn't have.

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    In what year were you born?
  • Want my mother's maiden name and my favourite pet's name too?

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    Elon Musk's support
  • Oh, sure, make me cheer for Elon now. FINE. Just this once.

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    What should I look for in a university? (Canada)
  • Reputation in industry. If they're viewed as crap, your degree could actually hurt you in the job market.

    First year residence guarantee. Unless you're commuting from home, see who guarantees first year residence. Depending on the city, housing could be hard to come by.

    Related: distance between housing and your lecture halls. If there's multiple campuses, make sure your housing is near the one you'll be at.

    Co-op. If applicable, you want this.

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    Behold! The Best Negotiator Strikes Again
  • Spoiler alert: Mexico's paying for it.

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    EV Skeptics Clinging to Anything to Try to Deny Obvious Tech Transition
  • I'm with you, but that's just not going to be the case, sadly. Cities would need to be entirely restructured, and that's going to inconvenience major real estate holders, which means it's going to be a fight every step of the way.

  • This is a shitty idea because anyone driving under the influence deserves to be tried and punished for their actions. But if this could be done, you'd have no trouble selling each pill for $1000.

    Or, sell the pills for way less to those that want to get drunk off bread or pasta. Either way it's a totally plausible, feasible, potentially lucrative shitty idea.


    I thought this group might be able to appreciate this part. I ordered 5 from PCBWay. They are 1/4" mild steel. For just over $30USD each I got them in 16 days. But I have SO MANY questions about their process.

    I wanted to share my incredulity with group that might also have their minds blown with this.
