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Once welcoming Germany talks tougher on asylum ahead of elections
  • Is it possible to successfully integrate that amount of refugees from such different cultural background in such short time? Regarding language training - I'm not sure about Germany, but at least in Austria, where the symptoms of "failed integration" are also present (and also with right wing on the rise), you can get free A1+A2 courses and even B1 if you explain it right. When my wife was attending free A1 courses she learned that there were quite a few people who were attending same A1 courses year after year. You can bring the horse to water but you can't make it drink. So it's not right to blame the government only. There also needs to be a cultural shift, and things like that happen on scale of years, tens of.

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    What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?
  • Most common are probably issues with login screen, e.g. not updating it, not showing login field input. I use x11+kde, same as it was on manjaro

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    What is your unbiased opinion on Manjaro?
  • I was forced to switch from manjaro to fedora at work a year ago (we were forced to pick between Ubuntu or Fedora) and I miss it. Things break more often on fedora, I now even lag 1 release behind so that I don't have to deal with breaking updates. I didn't have any problems with manjaro. Still use it at home

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    New feature in nightly? :o
  • I use bitwarden and it works quite well there, the most annoying part are websites that split login and password prompts so that you have to use fill-in feature twice

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    My home office. I couldn’t do it without my plant friends.
  • it's not a deal breaker and after a few days it should go away, also depends on how much you use. I also used to mix it with soil, it might reduce the smell but I don't bother lately since I don't use too much. And it's for sure better than spraying neem oil around lol

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    LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy
  • If it's true that people vote for right wings out of frustration then the tables will turn again at some point because fundamentally most of the voting population have problems with unaffordable housing, low wages, poor healthcare, etc. and these problems are unlikely to be solved by a populist government.

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    YSK: Subscriber count on communities only show the numbers of users subscribed from your specific instance. The real number might be much larger than you think.
  • Not sure how lemmy implements this, but I suppose it's not a trivial task in such decentralized environment. Imagine 10 users from instance A subscribed to instance B and then instance A went permanently down. If B holds number of subscription requests it's now out of date. If B has to poll every instance it's federated with it's additional arguably unnecessary load. So yeah local subscriptions are a low hanging fruit

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    "AI-generated content farms designed to rake in cash are cropping up at an alarming rate"
  • Yes - LLMs generate content, bots "consume" it. Site owner gets $ for ad traffic.

    There's a cool episode on that topic from Malicious Life podcast - called "Ad Fraud" or link.
