Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.
Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.

Hexbear admin just sent me this. lol. lmao even.
And that person (me) is an anarchist to boot lol
Freedom of association on internet communities go brrrr
Could you link me some examples of this? I haven't been moderating these past couple days, as I've been very busy. These are heavy accusations, as I greatly value the right to discussion so if you can link me to some examples I would be more than happy to restore them and have a stern talking to with my moderators.
You've got to rein your team in then because shit sucks
You're so full of shit lmao
Fuck off
Assuming you're asking this in good faith, then here's my response. When I look at this thread, with over 200 comments, I see about 30-50 comments, mostly by Hexbear users, that just say "removed by mod". If every single one of those removed posts contain a racial slur or other banned language, then that's legit. They should be removed. But it's hard to believe all of those dozens of comments all break the rules. It seems much more likely that this is a Reddit-like thread where mass censorship is being applied with a mod-machine-gun. And to reply to your request more specifically, I don't actually know why specific posts were removed, because I can't see them, because they have been removed. Only the mods/admins can see them, and see their reasons for removal. So I'm sorry I can't give you more specific examples. But thank you for taking the matter seriously.
Are Cuba and Vietnam considered good or bad? Nicaragua? How about the new coup leaders in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger? Any successful revolution has demonstrated the necessity of authority, to enforce an ideological will on society and stop the bourgeois class from re-appearing requires authority. Any revolution with be authoritarian, even and especially if it is the oppressed overthrowing the oppressor.
Sure, say you don't like China, the Soviet Union, or the DPRK for your own reasons, but why use a term that encompasses any successful revolution, as even the CNT-FAI was finding a need for things like secret police during the awful times of a revolution.
You should maintain your site culture, but there's a reason anti-communists and fascists use the term tankie as well, it's imprecise and volatile.
Edit: I apologize if this is not a post meant to invite discussion, I just don't see this perspective shared very often in these conversations.
Look I am sure many of those places have done great things, like China's recent wage cuts for rich bankers and pay rises for those lower on the totem pole, a good thing give credit where credit is due. But. How can you possibly remove the Bourgeois then place yourself at the top of the totem pole and not think of yourself as the new Bourgeoisie?
Yes every violent revolution is going to be authoritarian because you have lined people against the wall and you are not going to get every dissenter in the first round and unsurprisingly they are going to be pissed. So now you have a violent government and and a violent opposition, not exactly fun times for everyone stuck in the middle, Which once that happens is not just the liberals as many hexbears use as an insult for everyone not Auth-Left but basically the whole political spectrum that aren't on the far ends.
A benevolent dictatorship is going to be the absolute best form of government you could possibly ever have but. You are never going to have one. The people at the top want to be at the top, and the people who want to be at the top are always going to be bastards.
You think that Authoritarianism is needed to keep the revolution going. Definitely correct if you do it through a coup. I don't want to be under a nation that will silence me or worse because I criticise them. You can call that counter-revolutionary if you like but I would rather have incremental improvements where things get better slowly than everything is worse now and you just got to believe that things will get better, and our leaders plans will all just work out.
Tankie is a slur against Auth-Left. If you are Auth-Left well that's the slur people who don't like you are going to use.
To pivot on what this original post was likely created for (admittedly in a pretty bad way). Hexbear is full of some really crazy people who have very strong opinions and shout memes that make sense in Hexbear but don't really out of it. 90% of Hexbears just seem so unhinged. If I see someone from Hexbear it makes me skittish to actually start a discussion with that person as there is a high chance they are just going to be hostile.
That's a lot but I can try and address some bite size chunks!
Look I am sure many of those places have done great things, like China's recent wage cuts for rich bankers and pay rises for those lower on the totem pole, a good thing give credit where credit is due. But. How can you possibly remove the Bourgeois then place yourself at the top of the totem pole and not think of yourself as the new Bourgeoisie?
While it's true that in China specifically members of the CPC get many benefits in life as a result, the only true safeguard that can prevent this in reality is anti-corruption campaigns, something impossible to do if a simple bourgeois class was in charge. For example, as far as I can understand, Jiang Zemin's represented the "Shanghai Clique", which is very much like this. Shanghai tends to have a culture of liberalism and as a city prides itself on it's liberal approach to things, this is why Shanghai had a uniquely awful COVID lockdown last year as their liberal politics prevented them from doing what was bad for the economy immediately. In China, it's viewed that it's better to have these folks members of the CPC and fuck up sometimes with liberalism rather than allow them to become separatists and fall into enemy hands.
This is why the market policies of Deng's reforms nearly led to the fall of socialism under Jiang Zemin, corruption was admittedly very high and so was the view of CPC members as a sort of "second bourgeois". The only way this has been prevented is with real rollback and anti-corruption campaigns which have happened under Xi's presidency. During this period members of the CPC who have betrayed the common good have been given the kinda sentences they deserve, expulsion from the party and imprisonment or even the death penalty if their decisions allowed for great social harm. I can only link imperfect sources as of now as I don't have the time, but, here's an SCMP topic page on the topic.
To be clear, the only way that the communist party's members of a revolutionary nation can not become a "new bourgeoisie" is through vigorous anti-corruption campaigns, self criticism, and adherence to the mass line (a Democratic line to the people). The point is that it is not a permanent state, so it doesn't have to last forever, just that they have to keep it going for long enough to defeat capital. The CPSU failed at this, but the CPC is currently succeeding, and that's why their socialist nation has not fallen apart.
Tankie is a slur against Auth-Left. If you are Auth-Left well that's the slur people who don't like you are going to use.
This betrays a sense that the political compass is a valid way to view the world. It isn't. The political compass was created by a libertarian as explicit libertarian propaganda, and those guys are more deluded than the LibDems when it comes to political reality. Auth-Left, is uh, not a thing. Nor is Lib-Right. The entire point of socialism as a project and it's historical examples have been to extend the will of the working class; that's the opposite of what "Authoritarian" has come to represent in popular mind. You should ask other hexbears on the history of the political compass as propaganda though, as I can tell you that it's nothing except a propaganda tool, but I'm not personally educated enough on it's history to give you a good refutation.
I'mma do this in mutliple comments as I'm in the shitter and my phone screen isn't that big lmao sorry
Yes every violent revolution is going to be authoritarian because you have lined people against the wall and you are not going to get every dissenter in the first round and unsurprisingly they are going to be pissed. So now you have a violent government and and a violent opposition, not exactly fun times for everyone stuck in the middle, Which once that happens is not just the liberals as many hexbears use as an insult for everyone not Auth-Left but basically the whole political spectrum that aren't on the far ends.
Actually liberal is something with a very precise definition, both inside and out if Marxism. The way we use it at the end of the day comes down to our views on ideology and class, or the "trashcan of ideology". Lenin defined ideology as an unreal thing, a big vague blob of ideas that's hard to pin down but at the end of the day results in the supremacy of one class over another. Liberalism is not merely the adherence to private property, believing in a free market, etc as those can all be very nebulous and have been shown to change in the past, liberalism is at the end of the day the ideology of the supremacy of the bourgeois class. Much in the same way if we still had monarchists or something their ideology would at the end of the day result in the supremacy of the aristocratic class (but scarce few really believe in that anymore).
So even an ideology that does not view itself as liberal, like fascism, would in our eyes be liberal because it is entirely all about the supremacy of the bourgeois class over every other. You may also hear us consider some anarchists as "liberal" as well because their ideas would, at the end of the day, not create something strong enough to truly lead to the liberation of the proletarian and peasant classes. This is not true of all anarchists, and I really appreciate those who are capable of the rigorous self criticism required, but many folks who get their start with radical politics in the global north go from the dominant ideology (liberalism) to something that is revolutionary but not enough to truly challenge the status quo (large swaths of anarchism). This was my path, and I eventually became an ML out of seeing the failure of real life organizations I myself was a member of.
Additionally, yes, most of what you're describing in the first part of this paragraph is a civil war, and those almost always happen when a socialist government comes into charge and always have, it's an unavoidable misery of the change we need immediately. Revolution is a bad and dangerous thing only soothed by the fact it will bring necessary victories to the working class, and there's no way around that.
Fuck goddammnit I wrote a whole ass thing and my phone died so here's the next best re-write of what I wrote fuck goddamnit.
A benevolent dictatorship is going to be the absolute best form of government you could possibly ever have but. You are never going to have one. The people at the top want to be at the top, and the people who want to be at the top are always going to be bastards.
Yeah that's true, that's why no socialist believes in a "benevolent dictatorship". We believe in a "dictatorship of the proletariat", a society in where the "proletariat" dictates society. It does not mean rule by one man, or rule by a special executive, no project could have survived as such with as many socialists among it's ranks. For example, today we live in a "dictatorship of the bourgeoisie" where the bourgeois class can dictate society's whims, but we desire a "dictatorship of the proletariat" where the proletarian class dictates society.
Even historically, we saw a bit of consolidation of power, but it was no match for the way that democracy was extended to society during those periods of time as well. Almost universally, except for Czechia, every single socialist project went from a thoroughly anti-democratic backwater to a democratic society. Batista's Cuba, Tsarist Russia, Fascist Poland and Romania, Yugoslavia, China, the imperialized lands of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, etc. These are all lands that were able to make a great leap forward in terms of democratic progress.
For more information on how the imperfect soviet democracy functioned, I recommend the book Workers' Participation in the Soviet Union. As opposed to being a stalinist backwater, in reality the Soviet Union was an imperfect but quite functional democracy which was capable of many things the United States even now finds itself unable to do.
China's history of Democracy is far too complicated and full of ups and downs for me to share just one book, the entire Cultural Revolution can be seen as an example of democracy being extended too far and spilling out into violence on the streets. This necessitated a kind of regression of democracy, which now has gone forward and progressed again into Whole Process People's Democracy. China changes far too often for me as an outsider to give an accurate record of what it currently is like on a whole (as every province does it a little different as well), but one thing I can share is that the thoroughly American institution of Harvard has even conducted studies on democratic satisfaction in China and found that 95.5% of people in China view the state of things as satisfactory or even good! Far better than the numbers we get here at the end of the day in the states.
Democracy in Cuba is still roughly according to how it was in this video. Things have been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic, and there's certainly issues that exist don't get me wrong, but it's still far more democratic than the United States by far.
I'm beginning to run out of steam and need to focus on other things in my day now so I may become less responsive lol
You think that Authoritarianism is needed to keep the revolution going. Definitely correct if you do it through a coup. I don't want to be under a nation that will silence me or worse because I criticise them. You can call that counter-revolutionary if you like but I would rather have incremental improvements where things get better slowly than everything is worse now and you just got to believe that things will get better, and our leaders plans will all just work out.
This debate of Revolution vs Reform has been had time and time again, these debates were solved 100 years ago. First off, Allende's Chile did what you were talking about in a global south country and he got couped within three years by the United States; this path of "social democracy" is only possible within the imperial core, so for the vast majority of humanity it's something locked off that as much as they struggled for it could not achieve it. All else I can share is this additional video by Azurescapegoat on how the social democracy as you describe it will inevitably fall apart and how it actively is in Sweden and many other European countries. The progress they gave was very small and now, with the Soviet Union gone, is being completely rolled back.
The only consistent way shown to enact progress is through the ML system, the only socialist system that's been shown to consistently result in progress. The Soviet Union went from a tsarist backwater to the nation that ended the holocaust and became the leader of the space race in under 40 years. Now, China has eradicated Extreme Poverty and become the world's leader in greenhouse reductions (despite needing to build up their economy themselves). As it's been shown, yes, ML nations are those that have been able to enact the kind of incremental change you desire and more importantly keep it.
What kind of zoomer mod posts their fights publicly like this instead of solving them. Ineffective American habit-forming behavior.
They are democratizing the means of passive agression.
hey! weβre not all cowardly liberals!
I just realized it's pinned. 0 self awareness.
This shit does not reflect well on the mods here.
If this is not addressed we will be defederating until this issue is resolved. https://hexbear.net/post/367898
I've held community polls and discussions for every major decision or event in this community. I figured that this was a major enough event that the public should be brought in to the discussion.
This isn't zoomer whatever the fuck this is me sticking to the way the community has operated for the past 3 months.
So you've been a complete failure for three months, that's hardly something to be proud of.
Dont let the hexbear people fool you! You are doing a great job moderating here :)
I thought y'all liked spreading out authority. Shouldn't the community witness the machinery of progress?
vaush is a paedophile
and a chaser
What does vaush have to do with anything
just making everyone aware, considering his modus operandi is to guide his viewers to swarm and takeover online communities in an authoritarian manner instead of encouraging them to do any real-world action
i would hope that no one in this community is being influenced by such a disgusting individual
The amount of upvotes on some truly heinous replies in this thread (and many other threads here) should be alarming to anyone.
Shut up tankie, we can all see your comment history
Anti-communism is an open door to fascism. Vulgar anti-communism IS fascism.
The Soviet Union and The People's Republic of China are #1 and #2 for the greatest reductions in poverty and improvements to living standards in human history.
Hell yeah, I'm glad you checked out all my great posts
sHuT uP tAnKie
You're a literal baby
Lmao fuckin loser
I am a Communist, and I will always be a Communist.
I support the political sovereignty of workers' states across the world, and I will always do so.
You are a Western Chauvinist, a reactionary, and an Imperialist; however you can choose to be otherwise by engaging in international workers solidarity, and defending workers' states against Capitalist encroachment.
eventually you will stop being 14. hopefully your brain develops enough by then that you understand why everyone is dunking on you.
some people want to post here but are repelled by "fuck tankies?"
that is the intended functionality of the banner.
Generally speaking, people offended by this are either:
maybe having something leftist in the banner or some place like that could help the former, but I wouldnt remove the message, as it acts as a soft filter for the latter.
Fuck anyone who works for the Dept of Naval Intelligence or the FBI. Fuck their social media interns, even. Anyone who interferes with the internet to filter out left-wing political content is scum.
If that offends you more than "fuck tankies," you have the same problem but worse.
You're a human or a fed. Are we on the same page? If not, that'd be odd, since this is just a trans-friendly forum for harmless shitposting, right? There shouldn't be any feds here.
Bro watch your ankles when you pivot like that :3
I dont understand what this means. What does the dept of naval intelligence have to do with this post on lemmy.blahaj.zone
How about fuck anyone who works for the Chinese disinformation and propaganda arm. Fuck anyone who censors their citizenβs internet. Fuck anyone who is actively committing genocide against minorities within their country.
Works both ways!
I say I have to agree. Leftist infighting is cringe AF. Disagree w/ people all you want, but gatekeeping and name calling is just silly
I think it's reasonable to want to have a space that's free from people that defend authoritarian regimes. From my perspective, at least, 196 has always been a more anarchist-oriented space, and I think it makes sense to try to preserve that.
I'd also make the distinction that they are not banned from this forum, in the same way that libs are not banned from posting on their instance -- but those that post there are generally met with hostility, and that preserves the character of their space. I don't see why we shouldn't do the same.
Not to mention that this sub is unapologetically pro LGBT while practically every authoritarian government (including particularly those that tankies support) has been anti LGBT. eg, China prohibits same sex marriage and adoption, while forcing trans people to get permission from their family to transition (spoiler alert: they ain't progressive).
Democratic socialism with actual equality for all (which goes hand in hand with the root issue socialism is supposed to solve) makes sense and is reasonable. But that's not what tankies support. They're defined by support for authoritarian states that have nothing to do with equality except pretending that they care about it.
Based just on what's in this post and not knowing much history about it, I'm where you are right now too. If their concern is "tankie" includes unobjectionable stuff, we can at least give them the opportunity to give us some examples to make their point. If they can come up with stuff that we agree often gets the "tankie" label applied to it but is actually consistent with this instance's core principles, then we should hear them out. But if they are like "well, CCP is actually based," then no thanks.
Just go to hexbear.net for 5 minutes and you will see that it is full of people going "CCP/Russia/North Korea is based"
yeah. fuck tankies. that's the thoughts.
Come on... This is just immature
The fact they feel the phrase fuck tankies is acting as a barrier to their participation in 196 should be a wake up call for them to examine their political views.
Unlike their use of the word liberal, which they use to refer to everyone to the right of them on the political spectrum, we are using the word tankie for a single specific group. Tankie means authoritarian communist. Please keep the sign.
I have been called a tankie for supporting Cuba, I have been called a tankie for saying the fall of Rhodesia was a good thing, I have been called a tankie for saying landlord isn't a legitimate profession, I have been called a tankie for saying Elon Musk doesn't deserve his wealth. "Tankie" is just "woke", but for centre left soc-dems
woke = (-β, center]
tankie = (-β, progressive liberal)
I agree with all of these takes. You're still a tankie though.
Unlike their use of the word liberal, which they use to refer to everyone to the right of them on the political spectrum, we are using the word tankie for a single specific group
Yes, for everybody to the left of you.
i"m not an anticommunist, i just hate and denounce like 95% of communists and communist parties worldwide rn and historicaly (they are and were some variation of leninist)
Yeah you are against a very specific group, communists, no need to hide it
There is no one to the right of authoritarians who want to silence dissent and use violence to right the inequalities in society.
To be clear, what I asked for, was that the direct contents of a DM not be shared without the other parties permission. You can absolutely summarise the contents of the discussion.
Oh boy, more of Moss starting shit. This is literally bait that doesn't actually communicate anything, along with communicating something you never actually said. Moss, quit with the shitty bait posts and ableist slurs, you are a drama starter in your own community and it isn't appreciated. Malicious compliance towards Ada is a dick move.
Yeah at every turn Moss comes off as immature. Really not painting blahaj in a great light
Shoot I didn't mean to start any shit with ada. I didn't have time for a whole write up this morning the scribbled image was all I had time to do during my commute. I think it's coming off as a lot dickier than I meant to
So are you going to keep this person on as a mod?
I think if a person feels offended by a generic "fuck tankies" in the banner, then that person is probably a tankie. Fuck tankies.
Fuck tankies π
Tankies will never be welcome
lmao fuck tankies
Tankies deserve to be made fun of
Honestly I think we should change our banner.
On the app Jerboa at least it's hard to see that it says fuck tankies, it really should be more clear.
Perhaps having it off to one side, split across both sides, mentioned on both sides, across the bottom 3 times, etc. IDK graphic design is hard.
If anything you are a tankie, I've seen you literally advocate for sending tanks to Ukraine.
Yeah bro that'll definitely fix it. That'll show those Tankies.
Yeah, nah, yeah, FUCK TANKIES
ah yes the famous admin @C4RC0S4@lemmy.blahaj.zone
That is their account afaik, it was registered to foster cross-space cooperation
Rather than trying to start a conspiracy, why not just ask your admin if they sent the message in question?
I can think of a simple explanation. The mod in the screen shot, C4RC0S4, copied and pasted the original message they received from the Hexbear admin and sent it as a message to the mod, Moss's alt, who posted that message as a screen shot. edit: typo
No that's just their admin's alt. A quick glance at their comment history confirms it. It was made before hexbear federated
Yeah that's literally your admin
Blahaj ain't hexbear, if they want to auth com it up they can do it on their instance - nothing stopping them from making a tankie 196
Fun fact, there's a tankie version of 196 on Lemmygrad
I know because when browsing all I stumbled onto it
I blocked it when I found it
Fuck tankies
"Tankies" is used to mean several different things, from the horrible pro-Putin stuff over on lemmygrad to anything left of liberal. I'm reminded of how the right wing of the UK labour party called their sabotage of Corbyn "Trot hunting"
no true leftist btw
Moss don't be leaking DM's in the future. You need to be tactical to be socially responsible. You could ask us - should we remove the banner? Or make a post saying that it may be upsetting Hexbears. I think the sentiment would have gone absolutely the same without showing your cards.
Yeah I agree. Leaking dms was totally the wrong move
How about removing my comments criticizing ableism and using ableist language in your modlog response? Was that also a bad move? Or you gonna stick by that one?
The wrong move was you ever getting on the internet
Hexbears are depleting their year's supply of copium. Oh, I just remembered: I joined this instance because of Vaush.
I'm sorry but is the Vaush thing supposed to be a positive thing? I'm confused.
I'm so glad Hexbear exists and we have a zero tolerance policy for vaushite pedophiles.
That reflects poorly on you, tbh. Struggle to name a single good thing
Ew Vaush. He's transphobic and racist and a loooot of other things.
I want less politics in my feed and I'm tired of their veiled attempt to put more in mine ::: spoiler (which includes politics from this community) I came here for memes that are positive LGBTQ, not memes that are negative against other people (by politics, I mean negative posts)
I should also probably mention that I am not pro-tankie, putin's invasion is a horrifying massacre and should be treated as such
I suppose there's a struggle in my head between not wanting negative content in my feed, and actively wanting to know about and help with issues, as well as wanting to address those working against what I care about (i.e. tankies) :::
Sorry but the reality is that pro-queer content is always going to be intertwined with politics. Especially trans positive stuff.
I feel you on the wanting less political stuff but still wanting to be informed.
Honestly it was the main reason for making multiple accounts on multiple instances for me.
One account subbed to memes, one subbed to news, etc.
I've got a few alt accounts and I'd recommend it so that you can more control news hitting your feed vs memes.
I've tried stuff like that, but the issue is that there are politics/conflict everywhere, even in memes communities
how about you leave our instance with your spam community (that happens to be the only place on blahaj lemmy I've seen blatant transphobia be posted)
Edit: remembered the block button exists, also i haven't seen transphobia on 196 since Ada's scolding a few weeks ago
196 on reddit was full of chasers and Va*shites so it's entirely unsurprising.
If you see any transphobia pls report it
What the fuck is a tankie?
anybody to the left of Vaush
Lmao I really do not like Vaush and also do not like tankies for their authoritarianism (which is not "more left").
A person who praises authoritarianism with a communist bend. Think people who like North Korea and it's great leader, but live somewhere like the USA.
This is like how a republican mom explains Communists to a 10 year old kid who asked, lol. Do you stand for anything?
If the person saying it is a leftist, they mean authoritarian leftists, the sort of people who unironically praise Mao and are very positive towards modern-day China. If the person saying this is more right-wing, replace "tankie" with "commie scum" when you're reading and you'll get what they mean just fine.
You're correct in that the usage of the term tankie is largely identical to rightwing anti-communism. Thinking that being a Maoist is the same as supporting modern day China is pretty wild as far as political takes go, though. You're missing several decades of leftist infighting history both in China and the West there.
Accurate as fuck
I agree with not tolerating tankies.
This seems a little.... dramatic, however. Please take care of yourself - I know how drama can be and if you are anything like me the urge to reply ASAP can cause anxiety and stress and taking time to breathe may be helpful. Especially with tankies and a more general variety of internet folks who can make people feel the need to constantly watch anything you say cus they tend to pick up on some tiny thing and run with it or engage in bad faith :/ nya
It's almost as if the tAnKiEs aren't the problem here.
I think all instances should block the tankies treat them the same as you would alt right because really there no different they both support facist ideologies
you're right, the people who built auschwitz and the people who liberated it are exactly the same.
Stalin killed jews as well stop acting like Stalin is some champion of the people he's just as much a monster as Hitler
In post WW2 Poland (as late as 1950 I think) there were around 200 work camps, organized by the new 'Communist' government, and some organized by the red army or/and NKVD. At least around 75 thousand people have died in them, most of them Germans, but a non marginal amount of them were Ukrainians, Poles and Lemkos. Not the same scale as the holocaust, no death camps, but it did happen.
Sure feels like 1950s again in here. Are you going to start asking people if they've now, or have ever been, members of the Communist Party?
Considering the background of hexbear members its more or you now a member of the putin z party
Not exactly. Communists are welcome, tankies are not.
But I wouldn't vote to defederate from them. I left lemmy.world because it blocked dbzer0. Not one for an instance choosing what I can and can't see unless it's straight up spam or malware.
the funny thing is that "tankies" is a term from 1950s Communist Party of Great Britain members arguing over whether or not it was correct for Khruschev to invade Hungary.... because the Hungarians were having a "revolution" in which the CIA was funneling money to nazis.
Idiots then and Idiots today you are right tankies are Idiots