As a Canadian, I was shocked to learn I had feelings
As a Canadian, I was shocked to learn I had feelings

As a Canadian, I was shocked to learn I had feelings
Just watched Elemental last night. The marketing really was the reason it bombed. The trailers made it look like a forbidden love story, but it was actually about the struggles of immigrant families and 2nd generation immigrants’ pressures of living up to their parents’ dreams.
Yeah they really dropped the ball there. I wasn't interested at all by the trailer. It looked like their least inventive yet.
It lacked the wide age range appeal other Pixar movies manage to pull off. I didn't like the fundamental elements as a metaphor for race/culture either, it's sort of racist to imply people of different backgrounds are so fundamentally different like that, although it did serve as a strong visual for the story. It would have been more accurate if the characters were projecting fundamental differences on to the same element, like different phases of water or something. That was the only real thing I thought was actually wrong with it, otherwise it just lacked the magic that other Pixar movies have.
That is 100% why I didn't care. Hell a friend of mine had a copy and I wasn't even interested cuz the trailer made it sound like the most 2008 thing to ever exist
We don't really read the reviews for anything. We pirate everything cause fuck corporations. Our kids never saw anything about elemental but the cover. They love it.
Is it worth watching, though?
If you enjoy animation, yes. It's not the top tier of Pixar but it's not near the bottom either. I was pleasantly surprised.
I'd put it in the ran-out-of-other-things-to-watch category. It's not bad, but not the best either. It had pacing issues, inconsistencies with how their world works, and some plot holes, but the animation was great and there were some genuinely funny lines.
What was your impression of "Clod?"
Lmao I saw that meme a while ago but completely forgot about it until the scene came up. Honestly, the character wasn't on it enough to be annoying. He had like less than a minute of total screen time even with all the dumb pickup lines.
Damn, that sounds cool. As a third culture kid, these stories hit just right.
Tim Hortons is low-mid tier at best... Did you feel anything?
Have you talked to a Canadian in the past 15 years? Tim's is low tier. Perhaps the bottom. McDonald's coffee is even leagues ahead. Tim's changed their bean supplier years ago and I've heard McDonald's now uses it.
Kinda, what happened is Tim Hortons used to get their coffee from a supplier that would roast the beans for them, when they were bought out they switched to roasting their own beans which was cheaper.
When McDonald's entered the market they approached that same supplier and a blend was created for them, its not the same roast as Tim Hortons. But it is a premium roast vs Tim Hortons roasting on the cheap. Which is why Tim Hortons coffee got weaker. McDonald's coffee is more akin to what Tim Hortons used to be.
I feel like someone understands the struggle of my people
Only Chinese-Canadians that turn into red pandas though.
Can we sue pixar for copying from a flash game?
Fire and water aren't even real elements 🤷
They’re elements of a good sauna
They are classical elements, but it would have been funny if the movie had bromine and bismuth folk or something like that instead.
Multi card
Multipass, actually.
Heart is a real element.
What if dinosaurs had feelings? Or are we collectively ignoring that one's existence?
The second one
Can somebody explain the scotland Thing to me?
Thanks for calling me brave because i asked the question!
It's just MA BOOOOOW
Thicc moms also have feelings
Italian mermaids?
They forgot: what if Colombians had feelings
🎵We don't talk about Columbia, nah, nah, nah! We don't talk about Columbiaaaa! 🎵
Not pixar
Should probably just keep listing movies back a century, and then books back for centuries before that, since "having feelings" is just how you tell stories that people like
Yoo they did a movie about that flash game
Oh, so that's why I didn't understand what was going on.... Someone swapped my maple syrup with feelings.
I've got the opposite problem.
Now people hang buckets off me before they break the bad news.
In this economy, the syrup must me helping off set inflation..
Canadians only have two feelings. Being apologetic and being happy to see ya.
Sometimes blood thirsty lumberjacks in a diabetic rage without the diabetes, but only when ya fuck with the maple.
Oh sorry eh, my feelings are showing.
The dress looks photoshopped
Now that you mention it, the pixels...
I am shocked that young children's movies are centered around emotions. Shocked!
Yeah, I mean it's ok but what if children had feelings?
What film is about Canadians having feelings? All I see is Lightyear and Turning Red in 2022.
Forgot Chinese Americans
They’re Canadian
Wasn't that a retelling of "if it bleeds"
Anyone who thinks that was the main plot point didn't actually watch it and just listened to crazy people complaining about the movie.
You forgot Planes and Planes 2.
Pixar didn't animate those movies.
I guess it's only co written and executive produced by Pixar and Walt Disney Studios.
These all boil down to "People have feelings and we're going to explore them."
Sure, this is a meme, but every movie can basically be reduced to "what if [type of person] has feelings." Because stories are always about the human condition.
What if murder clowns had feelings?
Was the what if fellings had feelings movie not made by pixar?
Inside Out was made by Pixar.
the elementar text looks like a tv station
I hope they'll do one about Canada* Geese.
Edit: grammar
Canada geese.
Many different geese are Canadian. But Canada geese are the specialist little assholes.
Good one, thanks!