Hexbear DNS issue
Hexbear DNS issue
See this post (chapo.chat is an alternate domain name for Hexbear).
Hexbear also has an official Mastodon account, where admins post updates. You can append .rss to the URL to get an RSS feed.
Hexbear DNS issue
See this post (chapo.chat is an alternate domain name for Hexbear).
Hexbear also has an official Mastodon account, where admins post updates. You can append .rss to the URL to get an RSS feed.
Hexbear down when USAID got shut down?
the funding ran out, we really dragged our feet on diversifying into Xi Bucks 😔
What's the ratio of Stanley nickles to Xi Bucks?
It's always something with hexbear
Thread on where they go from here:
Right now the registrar stands to make over $2000 from auctioning this site. That's a lot more than whatever renewal HB were going to pay and once it sells for that whoever buys it then has a much higher renewal fee thereafter (hundreds of dollars a year probably) as a result of that valuation which they can in theory reap year after year. Even should the person buying it drop it immediately their hosting company stands to reap more from this one auction and year than if they'd continued to host with them for 10 years.
This was entirely a self-own on HexBear's part. A list:
(To be fair to 4 their userbase does need guidance given how many left-libs and people who haven't read theory are there, they have let in a lot of liberalism but too often these struggles and edicts are not on principled meaningful matters like addressing the misogyny issue but on pet causes, minor tiffs, arguments over phrasing, etc)
Let alone saying nothing to the community about the impending issue and mitigations (fallback sites, risk of cyberattack if continuing to use the old domain, ...)
The lack of warning when they knew of this issue well ahead of time, the lack of accountability after it happened, and the lack of clear information have frankly undermined my trust in Hexbear's moderation team. Ultimately I still favor Hexbear's culture over Lemmygrad's, and don't know how much more trustworthy the admins here are, though.
Why bother doing a vote if its only going to be open for 12 hrs? Its a world wide site with users that dont log in every day.
They've done this a number of times about a bunch of issues. The admins/mods must think everyone is as online as they are. I was very online on hexbear back in the day but even this would always make me go 🤔
(To be fair to 4 their userbase does need guidance given how many left-libs and people who haven’t read theory are there, they have let in a lot of liberalism but too often these struggles and edicts are not on principled meaningful matters like addressing the misogyny issue but on pet causes, minor tiffs, arguments over phrasing, etc)
this assumes that the admin/mod team are more advanced than the userbase, for which there is very little evidence
as far as i know, only 1 member of the admin team is even in a party, which i would consider the bare minimum for anyone trying to "steer the ship" so to speak
Honestly, if they're posting stuff anonymously, that does speaks to some lack of transparency on their part, whether they knew or not ahead of time.
The one thing that I always hated about those votes on Hexbear was how they intentionally used the most difficult to visually discern emojis for each of the options (Really, look at how similar option 1 and 3 are from each other) and they also try to put their thumb on the scale by making option 2 the emoji with the more positive expression. The most bullshit, baby brained consent manufacturing I've ever seen.
Yeah it's pretty weird how they use emojis like that for voting and all of the same character at that with different expressions. And I completely agree it's biasing and something the mods can manipulate a bit because one of them is literally a character frowning, another a character grinning and those have influences I'm sure. Very unserious if I have to be honest and part of why I'm glad we have lemmygrad because it's kind of a never-ending festival of leftist trolling/memeing over there a lot of the time and that gets draining. There are times it feels a little nice of course, I'm not saying there's no room for it as it can be a good thing after a long day or week but it reaches its limits at times.
The most bullshit, baby brained consent manufacturing I’ve ever seen.
Lmao I think you might be overreacting a little bit to a goofy vote polling system on a shitposting site
To be fair to 4 their userbase does need guidance given how many left-libs and people who haven’t read theory are there, they have let in a lot of liberalism but too often these struggles and edicts are not on principled meaningful matters like addressing the misogyny issue but on pet causes, minor tiffs, arguments over phrasing, etc)
Actually... I agree with this.
We could do without calling it a "self-own."
Hexbear had problems, but come on, let's be a bit respectful.
This is why we must have laws against the buying and selling of domains. Domains that are unused must become collective property.
I feel like if a domain is active the auction should defer to the current domain users instead of immediately going public.
How can I avoid this situation with my Internet forum?
Pay the bills on time lol
5 bidders in a bid war that ends in 9 days and its already at $505
I wonder if there's just a ring of people who just bid up domains in collusion with the registrar.
God what a fucking shitty company. Holding your domain hostage and then you get to "bid" to get your domain back.
Fuck these assholes.
Might also mostly be domain scavenging bots that slap garbage ad sites up on high-ish traffic sites.
Wait, isn't the domain independent?
Ugh, how do I get an independent domain?!
I need one for my forum.
Could also be one of those freaks who have the free time and disposable money to buy the lemmygrad.com domain
i was Not prepared to see where that redirected to. fuck
oh fuck
It's at nearly $700 now. I am not one to peddle baseless weirdo conspiracy theories but this seems sus af.
What we know: The user that previously held ownership of the OG domain has ceased contact and the domain is now up for auction.
Tinfoil hat time: The deep state is going to start targeting sites and communities like this because we offer a very meager threat to them and much like us they know dissent must be eradicated at its roots.
I really have no idea what a high traffic domain name is worth in terms of revenue from throwing garbage ads up on it. Maybe $700 isn’t out of the ordinary.
Simplest answer: it's the crypto scammers of hexbear.io driving it up
Let them have it, at least they cant do worse with that money. Pathetic idiots
Damn, today's the last day?
Time to migrate to pigpoop.ball
this would be an excellent new domain name lol
Lol. What a beautiful dumpster fire of a website.
Hexbear has an official Mastodon account at https://toots.matapacos.dog/@hexbear
Hexbear admins intermittently post updates there in case of emergencies such as this one. People wanting to follow the state of Hexbear as told by official sources should look into following this account. You can also append .rss
to the URL to get an RSS feed.
@GrainEater@lemmygrad.ml please edit this information into the main post.
Wow they are being pretty light on the details on their Mastodon. Is "Hexbear is back up at Chapo.chat" really a good summary of this situation? Interesting choices all around
Was the person that owned the domain Carcosa?
We don't know and we don't want to involve ourselves in their internal matters as they are trying to figure a way out of the problem.
Bruh it's at 2400 dollars HOW
rip i was wondering why i couldn't access the site through jerboa, -_-
So.. where will we go now???
yer there.
Update: new domain name - hexbear.chat
I wish I could return as I liked certain people there, though there were definite problems.
Were they able to avert the crisis?
I’m so confused so is lemmygrad done for or?
Lemmygrad is unrelated to Hexbear, just ideologically aligned.
After reading @darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml and what they said, I've said the following below in a reply to them (let me know if I got the pronouns right; I myself am queer and take the correct way to refer to someone seriously):
Yeah, I was apart of the mod team, but they just betrayed me, and barely listened to me. There was one that seemed to hate me and they accused me of doxxing someone when I accidentally revealed, but quickly deleted, the state that they were living in. Keep in mind that I was informed multiple times that that's not doxxing and that doxxing would involve, say, the address, first and last name, town, family members, etc., etc., etc. I apologized multiple times, they said I didn't, and that was the end of it, and later, I was banned.
My issue was that they didn't resolve this till months afterward. I would've preferred that they just banned me right there and then when I made the mistake rather than just let six months pass after the fact or at least give enact some sort of punishment then. But if they were going to let a mod like me get away with it, one they treated rudely from the get-go, then maybe they shouldn't have been mods and admins to begin with...
Oh yeah, and, unfortunately, "dunk culture" was a real issue, but the mods barely did anything until later and by that point it just rankled people, rightly, for how they handled it.
They weren't good administrators. They allowed things to pass for people or issues until they got popular in the moment (usually, this meant that enough people at the time were there and could get others to participate in making a stink about it at that point in time so the popularity of such a thing was always dubious), but barely did anything for the little gal, so to speak. They only did stuff if the community made a big ruckus over it. I saw many people bullied over trifling shit. And many left in my time as mod and afterward, when I was still a member.
I liked Carcosa, but she (I hope I got the pronouns right, I will correct if need be) just listened to others, and deferred to others. You know those leaders sometimes that just defer to their subordinates do or say? That was Carcosa and it showed. She just repeated what others told her.
I liked Othello and we were good friends, but they were barely listened to either by the other mods, and one of the mods in the inner circle shot down any proposals that didn't jive with the rest of the mods, who weren't BIPOC. And Othello was BIPOC like me. Go figure.
Many gave "cease and desist" orders but it was barely used or enforced so people got badgered and left.
I do want to clarify that I really liked my time there, but there were definite problems, and I hope they've resolved them, but whether they would is another matter.
Not all the staff was bad and not everyone there was a "bully," like I said above. There were a lot of great projects being made too. I liked it. I just thought it could be better.
I think this post is very useful. You have mentioned you are considering deleting, but I would appreciate it staying up.
I spent a long time over at hexbear and this really jives with my experiences.
Yeah, glad my post had a sense of agreeableness to it.
What does DNS stand for?
I have a forum ready if anyone wants to join. Well, not ready, but it's getting there.
Let me know if anyone can help me out with it.