It resembles Steven's Creek by I-480(?), lemme try to enhance that sign
Edit: oh man this image is compressed all to hell. There's a very similar death trap at Steven's Creek Blvd. and I-280 in Cupertino, but this ain't it.
All around Vic, too. They generally don't even put in a bike lane, just say "use the emergency lane". Here's a sequence of images for one on the freeway in to Melbourne from Ballarat, starting from the onramp:
This whole stretch of freeway is 110 km/h (70mph). There are skid marks where vehicles have bailed out of a failing 110km/h merge.
The shoulder is the emergency lane. It's where drivers pull over into if there's an unavoidable hazard ahead or their brakes are failing or something.
Painted bicycle gutters are car infrastructure. Bicycle infrastructure would be to remove a car lane and have a concrete barrier (or remove the road entirely)
Takes me back to the time I was a kid and got lost riding my bike in my suburb. I ended up on the other side of the town, and to get home my stupid ass rode on the shoulder of the major highway, no helmet, going the wrong direction.
Yup. as a huge truck driver and also as a bicyclist, I'm always very aware of bike lanes, especially these mergey-switchy areas. I have been the bicyclist in this situation before and I have been hit by a car in even less-dangerous traffic patterns before. I'm very conscientious about bicyclists when I'm driving.
Neither. The highway engineer got told to add a bike lane, said "ugh fine" and scribbled it along the side without thinking about it.
Nobody's expecting these to be used, it's some quota where they have to build X number of kms of bike lane so the politicians can placate us and hope nobody notices.
This. Its what happens when city council says do something without actually giving the millions of dollars needed to hire the folks to design an actual solution to improve the bikeability of their district
It looks like the bike lane ends where the engineer started WTFing and starts up again after the confusing spot. It's above his paygrade to figure out how to move the bikes safely from the left of the merging lane to the right of it, I guess.
So not to be a Debbie Downer I'm generally curious I see a lot of posts that I agree with here about how the infrastructure could be better; however here I'm not sure how it could be much better aside from making a full-on ramp to go up and over or a tunnel to go under neither of which are very cost effective. I'm all for biking infrastructure but, I don't know how they could resolve this issue safely without heavy cost