Okay, so I feel partly guilty because my pov has been that I want to poke at what I think is hivemind behavior and take on devils advocate perspectives.
Bro... Take a look at yourself.
When you're on the same side of Nazis and and they feel like they have a welcoming place with you and your ideas, doesn't that tell you maybe what you're doing is not ideal?
You're not simply playing "devil's advocate". You're enabling fascist, Nazis and other bigots because in your efforts to "fight Marxism" (whatever that means), you're growing more and more extreme towards the right.
And is that really the road you want to take?
I don’t think it’s worth it if literal nazis feel like they have a place to comment here.
It seems like your answer to that question is "no". So why don't you take a moment to step back and ask yourself if to you it's worth being on the same side of Nazis.
I hate it when there are posts that go unchallenged while advocating for clearly disingenuous and misstated opinions.
But they don't go unchallenged. You are being disingenuous here.
I saw your profile, and all your rebuttals at anything remotely Marxist has very often been commented on by fellow Marxists. You either stopped replying when you didn't know what to say. Or their answers were just dismissed by you, without providing any legitimate counter arguments.
But yeah, I think I’ll just block out the Marxist political content instead.
Do that then. I'd rather you just blocked various accounts and communities rather than continuing down the road you're in.
I've seen plenty of people get sucked into the far right pipeline because a Marxist was too mean once or because they didn't agree with the left mentality.
You can of course be another of those people. And additionally, you can of course disagree with left ideas/opinions as well.
But if you're feeling any remorse about being on the same side of Nazi users, I would invite you to ask yourself why are you truly being so passionately against the left that you're willing to align your ideas and worldviews with those of Nazis.
Best of luck to you!
Edit: You don't have to answer my comment either if you don't want to. I just wanted to share my own opinion and an invitation to stop and truly reflect on what's important to you.