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Bypass Paywall Clean got DMcaD
  • I think you're confused. There is no warning letter, that's just the takedown notice sent at the same time as the takedown.

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    Defences Down! ClamTk is No Longer Maintained - OMG! Ubuntu
  • You can combine both widget toolkits in one app‽

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    YouTube is testing a new design that you'll probably hate instantly
  • IMO the design is actually pretty good in normal mode since you can scroll into the comments but horrendous in theater mode

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    I know how to buy xorg users
  • have you tried plasma 6?

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    Could you please fuckıng not, Urban Dictionary?
  • By default, it's just undo text input when you either do a special swipe or tap the back, useful in e.g. the web browser. However applications can hook into this functionality to do their own stuff when the gesture is called.

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    Could you please fuckıng not, Urban Dictionary?
  • No, the camera and library permissions always have been separate, it's just that Apple's official camera app integrates them. Think about it, one's hardware and the other one's basically software.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • I've just realized a mistake by the signpost headline: It only wants admins and above to do that (which is better I suppose?). I've amended the post body.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Also, reading the 3 pages of recommendations again, I don't think that's what it said:

    Transparent Editing History: Ensure that all changes to articles are transparent and traceable.
    This helps in identifying editors who may consistently introduce bias into articles.

    That sounds like normal editing history for everything to me.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • The Onion writes dumb soot on purpose to amuse people while including a disclaimer of "none of this is real".

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • A 'pedia written by invite only was Nupedia, which has been dead for a very long time. So basically you meant that the article suggests to add a forked history for a more neutral version? Not sure if that makes it dumber or smarter.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • I won't reply further if you can't separate bias from objective facts, especially those that are tangential to the bias, such as the history and key persons of a white supremacist group that doesn't involve Arabs.

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    Wanted Drug Kingpin Keeps Exposing His Location in Mundane Google Reviews
  • The revelation comes two years after a LinkedIn profile associated with Kinahan named “Christopher Vincent”—the same name on the Google account—was uncovered.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Again, Wikipedia's reliable source listings are only concerned about the quality of the source's factual reporting. Having a horrible bias in judgement does not preclude factual reporting.

    had the right to defend itself” before even being attacked

    And many people think that's wrong. Just saying that that's the reason Israel and most publications claim Israel did that is not claiming that it was justified.

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    19-page PDF accuses Wikipedia of bias against Israel, suggests editors be forced to reveal their real names, and demands a new feature allowing people to view the history of Wikipedia articles
  • Not exactly sure what you're arguing about the six-day war, but if you mean that it should be an unjustified invasion instead of "pre-emptive"... My first impression of "pre-emptive" is unjustified and at best marginally better than an invasion, and the UN seems to agree in Article 2 (4) of the UN charter. That "entirely different page" is also summarized in the six-day war–page's "Controversies" section, but I assume you're talking about the lede. "On 5 June 1967, as the UNEF was in the process of leaving the zone, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities, launching its war effort.[28] Egyptian forces were caught by surprise, and nearly all of Egypt's military aerial assets were destroyed, giving Israel air supremacy" does not give me an impression that Egypt planned to invade.

    The ADL is one of the biggest Zionist slander lobbies that call any criticism of israel “anti-Semitic”.

    Even if that were true, "there is consensus that the labelling of organisations and individuals by the ADL (particularly as antisemitic) should be attributed." That converts it into an opinion. Nowhere have you demonstrated that the ADL has a track record of falsifying facts, not opinions such as labeling people.

  • The crying "History" button at the top right sends its regards. Yes, the World Jewish Congress has published a report that demands Wikipedia add a feature to view the history of articles, see what actions were performed by whom, and "host forums and discussions within the Wikipedia community to address concerns about neutrality and gather feedback for policy improvements". It also wants to force all admins and above to reveal their real names.


    I have a screen where I want a lazy-loading card of various items below some necessary information, all of which will scroll down. My initial approach was to nest the lazycolumn under the card which is nested under a Column with a calculated nested height based on the size of the calls list. However, I can't do that, and neither can I do the following.

    ``` @Composable @Preview fun mockup() { val calls = mutableStateListOf(Pair(1..418, 418 downTo 1)) MaterialTheme { LazyColumn(Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState())) { item { Text("Text and some necessary UI elements") Slider(value = .418f, onValueChange = {}) } Card(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) { items(calls.asReversed()) { Row { Text(it.first.toString(), Modifier.fillMaxWidth(0.5f), fontWeight = FontWeight.Black) Text(it.second.toString(), Modifier.fillMaxWidth(0.5f)) } } } } } }


    I found, for which the only viable solution found was to hack a special composable widget so that when combined, it looks like a continuous card. Still, I want to see if there's a "proper way" of doing this...


    They settled for $2.4M and shut everything down.

    > > > We write today to inform you that yuzu and yuzu’s support of Citra are being discontinued, effective immediately. > >

    http:// /2024.03.02-012946/

    > > > The convictions of the two paramedics shook the world of emergency workers who have typically been shielded from criminal prosecution — and it forced questions about the dynamic between the police and paramedics at a scene. > >

    > > > Though Mr. McClain was visibly distressed and in handcuffs, paramedics never spoke to him, touched him or checked his vital signs before diagnosing him with excited delirium, a controversial condition characterized by agitation and exceptional physical strength. Paramedics then injected him with what authorities later said was a dose of ketamine inappropriate for Mr. McClain’s body weight. > >

    http:// /2024.03.02-012946/

    > > > The convictions of the two paramedics shook the world of emergency workers who have typically been shielded from criminal prosecution — and it forced questions about the dynamic between the police and paramedics at a scene. > >

    > > > Though Mr. McClain was visibly distressed and in handcuffs, paramedics never spoke to him, touched him or checked his vital signs before diagnosing him with excited delirium, a controversial condition characterized by agitation and exceptional physical strength. Paramedics then injected him with what authorities later said was a dose of ketamine inappropriate for Mr. McClain’s body weight. > >

    0 Top 10 Movies That Have A Climax Involving a Giant Beam in the Sky

    Movie fads come and go, some stay for a while like superhero movies, and others thankfully go away relatively quickly like young adult novel adaptations.…

    Why was Hollywood so obsessed with sky beams? I mean they cared more about making sky beams evil than making sure we knew how evil their producers were.

    https:// /spurious/correlation/5837_the-number-of-movies-nicolas-cage-appeared-in_correlates-with_the-number-of-transportation-security-screeners-in-north-dakota

    The heightened state of unease over the possibility of a 'Con Air' sequel resulted in an influx of security personnel. It just goes to show, when it comes to Nic Cage, the need for increased security is always 'Raising Arizona.'

    0 Waterfox × TreeStyleTab: A Collaboration for the Waterfox Sidebar

    A look at an upcoming feature in Waterfox -- the sidebar!

    Waterfox is integrating Tree-Style Tabs as a vertical tabs solution, complete with image tab previews and optimizations for tabs outside the scrolling.

    http:// /2024.02.14-230158/

    The intelligence was made public, in part, in a cryptic announcement on Wednesday by Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He called on the Biden administration to declassify the information without saying specifically what it was.

    His committee took the unorthodox move of voting on Monday to make the information available to all members of Congress — a step that alarmed some officials because it is not clear in what context, if any, the intelligence in the panel’s possession was presented. In a note to lawmakers, the House Intelligence Committee said the intelligence was about a “destabilizing foreign military capability.”

    Representative Jim Himes, Democrat of Connecticut and the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the issue was “serious” and that Mr. Turner was right to focus on it. But he added that the threat was “not going to ruin your Thursday.”

    http:// /2024.02.14-230158/

    The intelligence was made public, in part, in a cryptic announcement on Wednesday by Representative Michael R. Turner, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He called on the Biden administration to declassify the information without saying specifically what it was.

    His committee took the unorthodox move of voting on Monday to make the information available to all members of Congress — a step that alarmed some officials because it is not clear in what context, if any, the intelligence in the panel’s possession was presented. In a note to lawmakers, the House Intelligence Committee said the intelligence was about a “destabilizing foreign military capability.”

    Representative Jim Himes, Democrat of Connecticut and the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, said that the issue was “serious” and that Mr. Turner was right to focus on it. But he added that the threat was “not going to ruin your Thursday.”

    1 ‘It’s That Simple’: Mark Meckler Says The Only Way To Secure The Border Is By Invading Mexico | Right Wing Watch

    Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation and a leading proponent of the right-wing movement to get state legislatures to call for a dangerous Article V convention that will consider constitutional …

    Mark Meckler is the president of the Convention of States Foundation and a leading proponent of the right-wing movement to get state legislatures to call for a dangerous Article V convention that will consider constitutional amendments to radically alter American government and society by making much of what the federal government now does unconstitutional.

    “I don’t think there’s any way to solve this permanently without military action,” Meckler declared. “[We need a buffer zone] like the DMZ between the Koreas. It needs to be a kilometer of cleared territory that is a no man zone; you come in here and we believe you have hostile intent, we’re going to clear you out.”

    “We need to exterminate the cartels and that means going into Mexico,” Meckler asserted. “Now people would say, ‘You’re violating a sovereign country’s territory.’ Well, Mexico is not a sovereign country any longer. Mexico is a failed narco state. The federal government is not in control of their military. The federal government is not in control of their police Their state governments are not, their local governments are not in control of their police forces. That is a failed narco-terrorist state and so we have to treat it as such.”

    “To me, this is like Gaza. They’re invading our country. They’re invading our country every day. They’re killing our people, and we have to go in and use maximum force to oust them and create a buffer zone along the border. If we do that, we’ll have border security. It’s that simple.”

    82 Introducing Sudo for Windows!

    Introducing Sudo for Windows We’re excited to announce the release of Sudo for Windows in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052! Sudo for Windows is a new way for users to run elevated commands directly from an unelevated console session. It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want ...

    Shipped in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052. claims it has a big security problem that makes the program accept calls to elevate from anywhere once first run


    1. The security problem has been internally fixed and will be available in the next release
    2. It's not just an alias for 'runas'. It seems to be able to configurably block user input for sudo'd commands, retain the existing environment, ditch it and open a new window, and remember that you've sudo'd in the last minute or so.
    3. It brings up UAC instead of having you input the password
    27 Introducing Sudo for Windows!

    Introducing Sudo for Windows We’re excited to announce the release of Sudo for Windows in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052! Sudo for Windows is a new way for users to run elevated commands directly from an unelevated console session. It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want ...

    Shipped in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052. claims it has a big security problem that makes the program accept calls to elevate from anywhere once first run


    1. The security problem has been internally fixed and will be available in the next release
    2. It's not just an alias for 'runas'. It seems to be able to configurably block user input for sudo'd commands, retain the existing environment, ditch it and open a new window, and remember that you've sudo'd in the last minute or so.
    3. It brings up UAC instead of having you input the password
    61 Silicon Valley county becomes first in U.S. to declare loneliness a health emergency

    A mountain of research has linked loneliness to an increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease, stroke and early death.

    A mountain of research has linked loneliness to an increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease, stroke and early death. The Board of Supervisors of San Mateo county, which includes part of Silicon Valley, passed a resolution on Tuesday that declared loneliness a public health crisis and pledged to explore measures that promote social connection in the community.

    Relative to white people, Black people face a higher risk of premature death linked to social isolation. Older adults have a higher risk of loneliness in general, since they are more likely to live alone or have chronic illnesses that limit their mobility or leave them homebound.

    11 Predicting World Events That Will Happen Before Metroid Prime 4 Releases

    Metroid Prime 4 is a game that Nintendo is supposedly actively working on but I know better. While Metroid fans are delusional enough to…

    As humanity continues to live underground, nature begins to heal itself. The surface becomes more habitable and the humans decide it’s time to rebuild. Luckily there’s a large collective of Fallout 4 fans who know just what to do. Using the knowledge they gained from building their settlements and following their own true God Preston Garvey, they’re able to get to work rebuilding the world for human repopulation. They’ll build towns, they’re build farms, they’ll build New Vegas. It was Joever but with their help, it is so back. Metroid fans will be hoping that Metroid Prime 4 will be revealed at the end of the rebuilding process. It won’t be.
