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What other movies wouldn't work today?
  • The actual CGI looked fine, its just the art style and general vibe that was bad IMO

    you could tell from watching the trailer that its probably going to be a ton of cringey stuff mostly aimed at 8 year olds

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    What other movies wouldn't work today?
  • People (who knew about it) were generally excited I think before they released the teaser

    I'm pretty sure they announced they were making the movie like 3-4 years ago or something

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  • You can get depth information from parallax, which can come from either capturing multiple moments or using multiple viewpoints. IDK if I would call this seeing in 3D, as you can still only see 2d surfaces, just with an additional data point of depth (Think of it like an array of data, with one eye, you get res^2 * (r+g+b) data points, with two, you get res^2 * (r+g+b+r+g+b+d) instead of actual 3D which would be res^3 * (r+g+b)). Having 3 eyes just means you can estimate depth more accurately. Of course, in real animals with many eyes the eyes serve different purposes, such as having a different fov, resolution, color perception, etc.

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    Ran into this over on Reddit
  • Isn't he also the one that was responsible for overthrowing the democratic governments of a lot of countries he thought were too communist?

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    Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created
  • I actually had a problem where on Chrome, I would be signed out of my google account every time I restart my computer, while on Firefox, everything works normally. I use Firefox now lol.

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    which front-rule is everyone using?
  • lemmy ui on desktop and mobile

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    Watrule tension
  • There’s also viscosity, adhesion

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    Wow, they really attacked gamers. Conservatives speedrunning how to be hated by everybody.
  • the 'computer' part of it is hidden away behind a menu, you can absolutely use the steam deck without ever touching it

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  • I should specify - I would need to cover the whole microphone to block the LED as the LED is inside (picture)

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    #StopKillingGames Update: Germany becomes 4th county to hit threshold
  • To make an online game, you have to write server software. So just give it to people! Its not that hard.

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  • I have a microphone that when plugged into my computer, even if the computer is sleeping, shines a bright blue light that cannot be covered up without removing the sticker covering the screws holding the mesh in, so I just put a pair of socks on top of it as a 'temporary' solution

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  • I don't think red hat is even on the list, so the fact that they're making even bigger bucks doesn't really matter.

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    Health-threat ‘forever chemicals’ removed from water with 3D-printed ceramic ink
  • there are some PLA derivatives designed to compost quickly, PLA itself will probably compost faster than most other plastics, not that that's a very high bar

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    Health-threat ‘forever chemicals’ removed from water with 3D-printed ceramic ink
  • yeah, it is exactly what's happened with plastics since they became a thing

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    Health-threat ‘forever chemicals’ removed from water with 3D-printed ceramic ink
  • its probably not a filament, just like a vat of goop like you see in the concrete and chocolate printers

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  • I would say arch is more of the buzz lightyear shelf meme, you think you're being unique and cool but really its probably the most popular enthusiast distro

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  • I checked the list of 370k english words I downloaded from github a while ago and yeah, its true other than the variants of homeowner (homeowners, homeownership)

    I was looking at some other random words, heres some I found:

    • self: weaselfish, damselfish
    • eye: greyer, honeyed, journeyed, etc
    • bear: beard

    this got me interested so I wrote a program to find each time a small word bridges the gap between two larger words in a compound word, honestly the funnier part of its outputs is the weird 'compound words' its finding, like "asp: aspirating: as, pirating" or "at: deepseated: deepsea, ted" (ted, apparently, meaning 'to scatter hay for drying'). Occasionally it finds good ones, like "ices: apprenticeship: apprentice, ship" or "hen: archenemy: arch, enemy", and it did find the meow one. It does allow the small word to contain the first word in a compound word, because that can still give some interesting ones like "warp: warplanes: war, planes". It probably would have been a lot better if I had actually used a list of compound words, it tries to find its own very slowly which does allow it to find any possible combination for any word

    anyways, here's the list

  • I've often seen this sort of thing in videos advertising GI in minecraft shaders, and tried it out in blender.


    This is at JFK, does anyone know what they are used for? There wasn’t an obvious time when it was taking a picture.




    Prompt: A cyberpunk scifi painting of a floating city in the air above the sea

    It uses a new, fancier, 18GB text encoder (t5) to follow the prompt much more closely. It isn't perfect, but its much better than SDXL in my opinion. It does seem to be a bit worse at photorealistic subjects and has a tendency to create 1-pixel vertical lines.

    Some other images:


    impressionist, a woman sits in the middle of a crowded cyberpunk street, people bustling around, orange and blue glowing signs, warm atmosphere


    a bright cinematic photo of a solarpunk city at midday, skyscrapers, steel, glass, vines and fields of vivid tropical plants


    I get around 1 image every quarter of a second on my 3060. The quality isn't up to par with regular SDXL (not even close) but it follows prompts well and is extremely fast. Here are some of the best images in this batch:

    ! ! !

    Prompt: "impressionist oil painting, watercolor, a crying old southern man eats cheese at sunset in front of a futuristic dystopian cyberpunk city"


    Runs at around 300 FPS on my RTX 3060, WITH realtime global illumination enabled (sdfgi). Sadly still not fast enough for the scene to be playable in VR on my hardware - at least not at native resolution.

    Some additional screenshots:

    ! ! ! !

    I'm pretty new to Godot, and the tower is a model I made for a different project. This is an updated version of the scene I posted here a couple of months ago. I'm posting this to show that you can achieve some pretty nice graphical fidelity in Godot - and you don't need to be a professional artist or have tons of Godot expertise to do it.


    ! ! ! !

    It uses baked ambient occlusion and has 20,070 triangles, 10,576 vertices, 8,752 faces, and is 45mb in total, including textures. It uses 2 4k sprite sheets for the eye to run in Unity without using the Video Player component.


    I'm using SDFGI and TAA for this scene, the one strange thing I've noticed is that rough metallic surfaces like that sphere can look odd, most of it is rough but there are some sharp lines, not realistic behavior for a surface like that. You can see the reflection of the sun is blurred, most of the scene is blurred, but you still get some sharp lines for some reason. This only seems to happen with roughness values between 0.1 and 0.2, a roughness value of 0 looks fine. I'm getting 210-220 FPS in this scene on a 3060 at 1080p.
