Skip Navigation UK orders 150,000 mpox vaccine doses amid spread of new strain in Africa

Health officials say jabs needed to bolster UK’s resilience after WHO declares clade Ib outbreak a global emergency

1 Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'

Billionaire Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison said he expects AI surveillance systems to reach a point where all citizens are under constant watch.

What do you love about Lemmy, compared to Reddit?
  • I don't think it is only techy nerds, I am a granny and much prefer Lemmy. I no longer feel nervous when posting here at all as people are polite and are actually interested in discussion rather than simply arguing. And the premise that there can never be only one person in control is refreshing.

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    Israeli soldiers besiege Jenin on fourth day of West Bank assault
  • It has,this is a land grab. Israel is creating hard infrastructure for a prolonged occupation and to create more settlements. They are quite open about it.

  • Special relationship at risk if UK bans arms sales to Israel, says Trump adviser

    Robert O’Brien says UK could face US counter-embargos and put its role in F-35 fighter jet project in danger

    Zuckerberg expressed regret for not being more vocal about "government pressure" to censor COVID-19-related content
  • Asking them to take down stuff that is clearly false and can endanger people is not censorship.

  • In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past

    The CEO of Amazon Web Services suggested in leaked audio that human devs may not be coding in as little as two years.

    201 Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips

    Billionaire’s comments come after neurotech startup unveils new capabilities of its brain-computer interface

    153 Journalist Richard Medhurst arrested under Britain’s Terrorism Act

    Medhurst revealed that six police officers were waiting for him at the entrance to the aircraft when it landed at London’s Heathrow Airport.

    27 Kemi Badenoch Accepts £10,000 From Chair of Tufton Street Climate Denial Group

    Conservative Party leadership hopeful Kemi Badenoch received £10,000 towards her campaign from the chair of a climate science denial group, DeSmog can reveal.  Neil Record, a millionaire Tory donor and founder of the investment firm Record Financial Group, is chair of Net Zero Watch (NZW), the campa...

    Imagine a "woke mob": Who's in it? What do they look like? What would they do?
  • A woke mob, aka a bunch of people who think everyone should be treated with decency and respect People who will make sure everyone is comfortable and included in their woke mob .

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    Microsoft 'temporarily' pumps the brakes on its intrusive Windows 11 ads after receiving constant backlash from Windows 10 users
  • I am switching to Linux, and I am not all that techy and am a really old lady. You know Windows is bad when your grandparents are jumping ship. And it is not because I have a burning desire to learn a new operating system, or have taken on a side hustle as an international spy that mandates a more secure system nor did I decide I needed to supplement my pension with some drug deals and Linux was a safer system to coordinate my new worldwide cartel. No I am switching to Linux because every time Windows updates there is a not insignificant chance it will brick my laptop the way it happened to my daughter. Or how after one update my sound stopped working after another, the microphone. There is always something. So yeah the old ones are jumping ship even though I am not exited about it.I really hope it is not too techy...

  • Disney Seeking Dismissal of Raglan Road Death Lawsuit Because Victim Was Disney+ Subscriber

    Disney has asked a Florida court to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit filed earlier this year regarding a woman who passed away due to anaphylaxis after a meal at Disney Springs, citing an arbitration waiver in the terms and conditions for Disney+. Disney Springs Wrongful Death Lawsuit Update

    ‘You feel like you’re suffocating’: Florida outdoor workers are collapsing in the heat without water and shade
  • I think that those in power really don't care about the people working in our fields and roads.

  • Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits

    Reddit just wrapped up its second earnings call as a public company and CEO Steve Huffman hinted at some significant changes that could be coming to the platform. 3

    For those attending UK counter protests, bring a Bust Card
  • This is exellent advice.Write the number of a solicitor on your arm. Because if you are arrested and searched,they will often hold on to your bags and things found in pockets,so having the number written on your arm can help a lot.

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    "Old and quite weird": Democrats finally discover new effective attack — and Republicans hate it
  • Oh, they are dangerous alright because they consider themselves righteous and having God and "Tradition" on their side. People who consider themselves righteous have no doubts that everything the do ,regardless how vicious, is meant to be by God. So all logic goes out the window. I think not all are like that, but they are a huge useful pool of people who can be used and manipulated with ease. Just like a cult, none of the decisions their leaders make are questioned.

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    "Old and quite weird": Democrats finally discover new effective attack — and Republicans hate it
  • Laughter is a great weapon, as even the Irish Bards of old knew. And the plus point is that it is true, they are old and weird. They want to go round inspecting children's genitals.....definitely weird. They rather mothers die than get medical treatment in an event of a dangerous pregnancy. Likewise, they think child marriages are OK. They think forcing women to have babies is OK but passing laws to help those babies live is not. They want to go back in time and roll back all the progress society has made in being kinder, fairer and more inclusive. They love conspiracies and think they have special secret knowledge . There is so much more,I hope someone turns it all into a catchy song that goes viral.

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    Where are the old (30s) granpa gamers?
  • Nearly 60 and a grandma.

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    Freaky Friday - what was the last thing your child was afraid about?
  • The dark. She is 27 and still sleeps with the bedside lamp on. I suspect everyone is still afraid of certain things, well into adulthood.

  • Google Is the Only Search Engine That Works on Reddit Now Thanks to AI Deal

    DuckDuckGo, Bing, Mojeek, and other search engines are not returning full Reddit results any more.

    It's time again, What are some cool things you've saved on the fediverse?
  • Yes/ I am glad they are gone. This piece was so fascinating to me because their kind and their way of thinking is so alien to me. How, how can these brilliantly educate people not able to see what they have done to this country?

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    It's time again, What are some cool things you've saved on the fediverse?
  • I saved this article by a Tory politician where he is wondering if they might be the bad guys. He nearly gets it, but then...... Fascinating insight in how their minds work. Article:

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    If you could design your own body and hit a button and have it immediately implemented, would you keep your natural self or would you make changes?
  • I would dial the clock back 35 years and fix my teeth. A tail would be nice too and a sot pelt and maybe cat ears to go with the tail.

  • Steve Wright, former Radio 2 DJ, died from ruptured stomach ulcer

    Death certificate seen by BBC says broadcaster, 69, died from acute peritonitis and a perforated gastric peptic ulcer

    6 ‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza

    Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please.

    The six sources — all except one of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity — recounted how Israeli soldiers routinely executed Palestinian civilians simply because they entered an area that the military defined as a “no-go zone.” The testimonies paint a picture of a landscape littered with civilian corpses, which are left to rot or be eaten by stray animals; the army only hides them from view ahead of the arrival of international aid convoys, so that “images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out.” Two of the soldiers also testified to a systematic policy of setting Palestinian homes on fire after occupying them.

    Biden tells Netanyahu: It's "time to close" Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal
  • I think there is little to no trust between the parties. I imagine that even with a ceasefire there is a real risk that as long as Netanyahu and his right wing government are in power. They will break it whenever they please. They will make up some reason. Maybe a three-year-old gave them a nasty look or picked up a rock. There will need to be neutral observers allowed in and journalists, to create transparency and trust. I can't see it holding unless both parties are made to follow international law and participate in reconciliation, like they did in Rwanda.

  • Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail

    Activist claims she was threatened with release of the footage in order to silence her, amid multiple reports of sexual violence inflicted upon imprisoned Afghan women

    51 “They Didn’t Spare Anyone”: The Story of an Israeli Massacre in Gaza

    In December, Israeli ground troops entered a Gaza apartment building filled with innocent people. Survivors told Al Jazeera that the soldiers left a “bloodbath” in their wake.

    0 Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Rehabilitation

    Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!

    26 New Jersey gamer flew to Florida and beat fellow player with hammer, say police

    Edward Kang, 20, allegedly broke in to the home of the victim and attacked him over an online feud

    25 Farage urges Zelenskiy to seek Ukraine peace deal with Russia

    Reform UK leader says president should rethink goal of reclaiming all territory lost after Moscow’s invasion

    20 Children are dying of starvation in their parents’ arms as famine spreads through Gaza | CNN

    Younis lays disorientated on a green mattress in Nasser Hospital, in southern Gaza. His long brown eyelashes rest delicately on his pale sunken face, as he drifts in and out of sleep.

    This stuff about the price reductions after 4 years of blatant gouging is really freaking me out
  • There are at least three of us...but probably more.
