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after 40 all meals are horror
  • A Br*tish person complaining about lunch, that’s rich.

    Maybe try having a proper one, like the rest of Europe, and you will find the answer to all of your complaints.

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    Maybe this is better for everyone
  • Exactly. There are ethical, environmental and health reasons to decrease humanity’s meat consumption. But screaming slurs with religous zealousy burning in your eyes will not win over the majority of the population. If you push people, they push back. Especially on morals, which is the least efficient argument to have a plant based diet - yet it’s the one some vegans like to push the most, as it makes them feel better about themselves.

    I know exactly what vegans know, about eg. dairy industry and the rape of cows. Seen many sickening documentaries, and I believe that in a 100 years we will look back on exploiting/killing animals for dairy/meat as we do now on slavery.

    Still, I eat meat.

    Much less meat than I did years ago, but I have no intention to fully stop, as the alternatives are not yet practical, affordable, or tasty enough for me. If a lot of people decreased their meat consumption, our planet would be much better - how about we take that first step together, instead of insulting each other?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fair point, I think we know it, just our politicians keep ignoring it. The elites backing moderate governments would rather see fascists on the throne, than to have a democratic, true leftist government.

    Socialism endangers capitalism, fascism doesn’t.

    The solution is definitely not ridicule and mocking, but it’s also not appeasing fascists. Anybody who wants to destroy democracy, has no place in a democracy. In the short term, we should ensure fascist don’t get to power by whatever means necessary, and in mid-/long term, we should enact social changes that decrease the support of these radicals.

    Tbh I’m not sure this is possible peacefully (or at all), and maybe another world war will happen - though not because of Germany, more likely China/Rusia, maybe US if things go bad.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Who should I vote for after unhinged leoliberal capitalism made my life worse?

    • Socialists: Vote for me, so I can tax the rich and spend money on programs to help workers like you
    • Fascist: Vote for me, I promise to deport some brown people (but in reality I will just cut the taxes of rich people and be friendly with Russia)
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    Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford says his hopes on Epic Store were 'overly optimistic or misplaced'
  • I also think that developers/publishers don’t care about the % cut that much, they would rather just sell a lot of games. Which comes back to your point, the value proposition of EGS isn’t appealing to the buyer.

    It’s like I make a competition to Uber with better cuts and working conditions to drivers. That is nice, but if the consumer has to wait 25 mins for my taxi while the Uber is there immediately, than they will not pick me for the same price.

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    Zelensky urges West to let Ukraine hit Russia with long-range weapons
  • Yes, they are “boiling the frog”. The strategic goal of the US is not Ukraine winning, it’s Russia losing. By grinding up Russian resources month after month, the US can maximize the long-term damage to Russia by destroying their resources (e.g. money, military equipment, soldiers/workforce).

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    How is it that Germany and Japan can maintain good urban planning despite being home to some of the largest car companies?
  • Lol, have you been to Germany? It’s not a concrete hellscape like some of the US, but it’s very car centric if you compare it to e.g. Denmark or Netherlands.

    Edit: also, German car lobby is powerful, that’s why their highways are free to use and constantly maintained and kept at a high quality. Trains on the other hand are constantly being delayed and have to slow down due to bad rail quality

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    YouTube before vs. after massive corporate, profit-driven enshittification
  • Very true. The old internet perfectly showed how people are happy to create and share content as enthusiasts, eg. wikipedia, reddit/forums, and lot of X rated amateur stuff.

    Since then, capitalism has decided to leech on and ruin most of these. Now we have more content, but worse quality - because for the end user a genuine reddit review of a product was more useful than a targeted ad, and most ppl prefered to look at the videos of some random couple sharing it as a kink, rather than some endlessly polished fake amateur video.

  • I was debating if I want to buy one, but after trying that remote play worked well with a tablet on my home wifi, I took a leap of faith and ordered one of the last ones nearby. Picked it up yesterday.

    Key points:

    -Very satisfied with the performance so far, no noticable lag on home wifi. Finished Spider-Man 2 and beat the final boss on it, also tried some shooters, no issues with lag in single player games on my 500 Mbit network (meaning: maybe a partial second of stutter every 5-10 mins).

    -So much smoother experience than using e.g. my tablet with a controller. Just pick it up, press 2 buttons, and you can play in a few seconds.

    -The screen is also better than expected. 8 inches is super big for a handheld, around the size of the iPad mini. Very immersive, when playing. Colors are also great, and I’m saying that as an owner of an LG OLED TV. Of course an OLED screen would have been probably better, but also more expensive, and the resolution is still better than most handhelds giving us a great picture.

    -The controller grips are very comfortable for even a longer session. The haptic feedback and trigger resistance feels just like the controller we are used to.

    -The missing BT is annoying if you have a good headset (I don’t), but I understand the concerns with delay, though I have no personal experience on that.

    -The only time connection became bad, is when downloading a game/update on my PS5 while playing, it even completely dropped once. Very annoying if you want to run an update in the background, but also not a dealbreaker, you can just run updates in rest mode.

    -The price is fine, payed 219 EUR for it. I would like it a bit lower, but still okay with it (understanding the privilege that I can waste this money on something that is far from a necessity). I would not want to pay the price of a “proper” handheld for a controller with a screen.


    TV too... everything


    I stopped using reddit when Apollo went down, and 2-3 hours of scrolling and active posting in some niche subs turned into ~30 mins of Lemmy per day, which I find much more healthy.

    I didn’t start doing yoga, painting, or a side business, just feel much better having cut back the last big pillar of my social media addiction.

    So thanks Steve!

    (If it’s not too much to ask, please take a look at how you could improve instagram, you could save another 15 minute of my day)
