Semi interesting story. Was driving my exwife around the city and noted how the color tint on one of the buildings as cool. It was a checkerboard pattern or something in different shades of blue/green. She couldn’t see it and said it was “glass colored”. She couldn’t really get how the glass was tinted a color.
Anyways printed out a handful of these and yep, she had partial color blindness. That’s how she found out.
So this is either something vulgar which I (a person experiencing colorblindness) cannot see, or, there are no shapes in those bubbles at all. I think it's the latter since I can't see shapes in either bubble.
I could truly only make out D, and I still already knew.
Edit: lol, what are you people down voting for? The fact that I'm actually color blind or the fact that I recognized an incredibly overused meme with only one of the 4 panels?