Do you think brown haired and blonde haired people can be friends?
Do you think brown haired and blonde haired people can be friends?
I have brown hair and I think blondes are so hot I just want to kiss them so so much so I don't think I could ever be friends with one. hbu
26ReplyI'm sorry, are you old enough to be on the internet, kiddo, or are you just high AF?
21ReplyProbably the latter, its a good shitpost though^^
No, my blond haired wife and my brown haired self hate each other with a burning passion.
18ReplyWe appreciate that you tried, but we all knew it was inevitable.
9ReplyI make these mistakes so random internet strangers don't have to.
Low effort post. Locking.
7ReplyNo, only lovers or enemies. Very much a binary.
6ReplyA brown and a blonde, friends? I think I saw an anime like that once.
But no, obviously not. Not in the real world.
3ReplyYes. Seems obvious though.
2ReplyWhy couldn't they?
1ReplyIs this a toilet joke