He commuted all covid home release, non violent prisoners, I'm guessing none of them were as bad as this woman, but blanket sentance commutation sounds like a really bad policy.
Stealing from pension funds is violence. When we say nonviolent crimes we mean crimes that aren’t morally wrong, but are technically illegal. Like hacking corporate emails or shooting healthcare execs.
I’m guessing none of them were as bad as this woman
What kind of criminals do you think were serving long prison terms but were approved for home detention instead?
Like, you'd have to be able to support yourself, so it's already people relatively well off without ill-gotten gains. And they're not risking jail to shoplift a Snickers.
If they risk jail its for very large amounts of money, especially because they can afford lawyers to get out of most stuff
The lists been out two days, I doubt this is the worst person who got it.
I haven't heard a credible argument against the pardon for his son. Even the lack of conditions was necessary since the new administration will definitely target him if possible. The only shitty part was Biden's need to telegraph his absolute faith in "X" system, which inevitably backfired, again.
He could've pardoned any later trials for crimes dated before the pardon but allow the active trials to continue and let the courts decide the appropriate punishment. Instead he basically just exonerated him and now seems to be handing out pardons to make it seem like he's objectively reviewing these cases instead of abusing his authority.
Not a huge fan of Biden's presidency, but it sounds like his commutations were based on whether society deemed them eligible for home release during covid. I'm assuming he didn't individually look at all 1,500 other commutations. Unless I'm reading it wrong, society deemed her low risk and she has been out of prison since 2021.
And Biden is about to hand over 42 judicial seats to trump because he couldn't even be bothered to nominate 30 of them
They had the numbers a couple times because Republicans kept missing sessions. A month ago Schumer held a vote on one and everyone celebrated instead of asking why he didn't do the other dozen that had nominations.
Moderates by definition will never fight as hard as they can. They don't want to win, they want a delicate balance which includes stopping their own party and helping the opposition.
There's like 1.2 million people in USA prisons. Why this group in particular?? Just do what every dem president does and release all the potheads without actually fixing the war on drugs problem
Did 2 errors get through, or did 1498 people get released as plausible cover to slip in two favors? We'll never know for sure, but judging Biden by the patterns of his other actions, he's flatly unworthy of the benefit of the doubt.
It's like the Dems think "well might as well do a bunch of shit no one will like, we already lost"
As if people won't remember in 4 years when they try and convince everyone to vote for them again.
Which, admittedly, either people probably won't remember or Republicans will have another candidate where it won't really matter how bad the Democrats candidate is because the Republicans will be so much worse.
Unfortunately, die-hard and centrist Democrats are in their own bubble of ignorance. I had an argument with a Democrat who maligns everyone who voted for Trump, including black and Latino and white working-class voters, as dumb, racists, misogynists and any put downs relating to bigotry you can think of under the sun. The centrists put fingers into their ears, utter "la la la" and put their heads into the sand refusing to acknowledge that economic insecurity is the root cause of America's democratic backsliding (because centrist Democrats do not want to admit admit they benefit from the current oligarchic status quo even if they say they are feminists, anti-racists, etc). Anyone worth their salt have been ringing the alarm bells, nearly a decade ago, that the world is entering into another gilded age and there will be another mass revolt coming sooner or later.
People want change but since what the status quo all could say is "I am not my opponent" and throwing few bread crumbs to calm the anger. However, this only delays the inevitable.
The warnings have not been heeded. Like in stocks, perhaps centrists are trying to cash in on the growing wealth inequality for as long as possible before it crashes.
Although there is a ray of hope. Many centrists and die-hard Democrats are finally slowly admitting, with regret, that perhaps they should have let Bernie run instead. Probably the most remarkable thing I heard against Bernie is that he is not able to gather support from black voters; as if the past election that just came didn't show that black and Latino voters are willing to vote for a talking orange. If a misogynist and racist orange could take votes from a demographic that would normally hate him and his party, then imagine what if a man who has always been on the side of social and economic justice had run instead as the Democratic opponent.
At the very least, progressive Democrats have the laugh and "told you so" moment on centrist and corporate Democrats. As soon as Trump won, progressives immediately pointed out the reason for Harris' loss: that the party did not go further left enough-- especially, especially on economic issues. If the Republicans know people want drastic change and have gone further right and won, then there is no reason for Democrats not to go further left and return to their working class roots.
It's not necessarily people who will vote blue no matter who, but rather people who vote blue because red is so good damn intolerable that anyone who is blue cannot possibly be as bad.
As a leftist myself, that is still the correct move. He maybe could have actually won if he weren't horrible though. This is nothing compared to what Trump has already done, and likely that's way less than he will do. I don't like it, but if Biden didn't win Trump would, and he did.
This guy was the best option we were given and we were told we should be happy to have even that. It's no wonder so many of us are at our breaking point.