If you make the point simpler it works. "We are banning tiktok because it is a social media platform we have no ability to censor" with this in mind it makes sense to say "its because of isreal-palastine" because that is just a facet of not having control over platform censorship.
If you really believe that when they say they are getting rid of tiktok it is for national security you're a fucking rube, they have been taking away our freedoms for decades under the guise of national security, they sure as fuck dont consider it any sort of threat that any of the American social media platform would sell your data do a hostile foreign power. They want it gone because A) they cannot control what spreads on it, and B) their rich owners arnt profiting from it.
If you want to argue that any social media platform dying is a good thing, then i can at least sympathize (thought id argue this isnt a step in the direction of getting rid of social media in general), but if you think banning tiktok is about anything more than corruption you're a rube.