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  • I think there were already projects of this with ChatGPT

    • I was gonna say Netherlands as that's the kind of shit I expect from Dutch architects, but upon further inspection, Germany?

      • Austria, Museum of Modern Art in Vienna. I have no information about the substances or medications the architect has taken.

        Well, meanwhile in Canada....

  • Within my lifetime we will see a significant chunk of building site labour be replaced by robots.

    Let's not forget this isn't unprecedented - plenty of jobs went away with we introduced the last big technological innovation, heavy machinery, to the building site. Suddenly one guy in a JCB can do the work of 20 guys with spades, etc.

    I'm not talking about replacing everyone, not within my lifetime, that's likely silly unless there's a technological leap we can't yet predict.

    But the simpler the labour, the more likely it'll go, and not every site job is specialised enough that it can't be replaced by a well trained, well developed AI system in the year 2050 built into a similarly well developed body -which exist today, are already dropping in price due to refinements and ramping up production, and by then will be as competitively priced as the cost of a human.

    This is a good thing though, capitalist politics aside. The more jobs we can replace, especially hard on the body, unhealthy, often very dangerous jobs like construction, the better. Assuming we can evolve society away from our capitalist overlords and into a society that works for the people.

    Anyhoo, I wouldn't rush to retrain in another sector just yet if you're a brickie, but if you're just getting in to the biz, keep your options open for sure.

    If you're a lorry driver and you're young? Spend some of your spare time retraining for a new career now, because while lorry drivers will still be needed in 30 years time before you're set to retire, the vast majority of the work will be automated, and driver jobs will be extremely scarce compared to the large number of workers trying to get them.

    Like the coal miners of yesteryear, you don't want to wait until it's far too late to retrain and then complain that your career is ruined. Prepare now.

    Best case scenario? Your main job never goes away, but now your skill set is diversified and you've always got options. Worst case? Your main job does, and you luckily can fall back on your alternative options.

  • Have you seen the newest South Park special cuz your post made me think of it.

  • Wow, what a stupid construction company (if they are the ones behind this.) AI will come for manual labor in a way that makes what's happening right now look unimpactful. And what's going on right now is very fucked up.