Pray we don't update it further ...
Pray we don't update it further ...

Pray we don't update it further ...
This last round was the line for me. Canceled the whole Hulu/D+ mess and haven't looked back. My Jolly Roger is a little tattered these days, but I still know how to fly it.
I quit years ago, back when for me the easiest way to watch what I pirated on my TV was slapping it on a flash drive and walking to the tv like some kind of pleb.
Plex is glorious!
Argh me hearty, fly it with pride.
Honestly it's never been easier
Recently got on board (heh) with all the -arrs and my Plex is now basically all streaming services combined.
I started seeing ads when playing (some) Amazon/paramount videos, plus the Netflix and Disney+ password crackdowns, and the price increases, I'm so over this crap.
I’m feeling the same way. I was getting pissed off that my kids couldn’t watch Netflix when they were at grandmas house first. Now they got mid-roll ads and I’m so over it.
Remember when they’d grandfather accounts in so you keep the old rate and features as a token of appreciation for your loyalty as a customer?
Yeah that’s an ancient relic these days. Your loyalty as a customer means dick.
I don’t even pay for Netflix or Disney. They are covered by my phone (TMobile) and credit card (Amex BCP) respectively.
Still, GabeNs Law has proven accurate once again. Ahoy.
Mmm it’s really sad but some of the nonstandard acquisition sites (even free ones) are better for content discovery than any service has ever been.
Because they don’t fucking recommend each other do they? No.
But the alternative market knows no boundaries. They don’t give a fuck who put what out. “Hey fyi since you like this, you might like this handful of similar things that we make nothing directly off telling you about , but indirectly benefit because you come back”
The Reddit megathread is one of the only things on that site I still reference. Not great, but better than the alternatives (until I get automation set up then it’s all over).
Stremio + Real-Debrid is the way to go imo
Don't forget Torrentio. That's a crucial part of that combo.
Yar har, fiddle de dee Being a pirate is alright with me! Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free You are a pirate!
Join us on the high seas!
Welcome, new user!
I was already on the fence about cancelling Disney, and honestly this is a great excuse.
Those Disney shows are kinda awful. Outside of The Mandalorian, the marvel shows and other side stories are extremely hit and miss.
The last season of the Mandolorian wasn't even good. It spent most of it's time setting up other crap I am not interested in. There really isn't anything they can do that will make the premise for the sequels not a lazy regressive pile of garbage and it's dragging this show down with it. I didn't even bother with Ashoka since that looked like it was going to be even more of that.
I wasn't even planning on cancelling Disney+. I wanted to downsize from the Hulu combo package because I found i never watched Hulu, but it wouldn't let me switch directly. I had to let the combo membership run out before I could start a new D+ membership.
And, well, I just have gotten around to that yet...
The only thing I use Disney for is to rewatch old X-Men
I started flying my jolly roger cause I was out of a job but now I have such a library and I have no desire to ever pay for a subscription again.
I love this image, usually when I talk well about Stremio they think I'm shitting on Kodi, and that couldn't be more far from the truth!
I like this duo beating up companies and I use both!
I use both too!
I remember using Kodi around 2012 and it was a bit of a hassle to get it set up initially (install different repos etc.) since out of the box it was very vanilla. Is it still the same process or has it gotten better where users can hit the ground running after install?
Jellyfin is better if you watch on multiple devices and remotely
Stremio can do that, if you are the only one doing it ofc (no account sharing if you use a debrid service).
But then you have to host all of it yourself right? Why would people want to go through that hassle when Stremio + debrid is cheap as hell?
Would put Plex in there as well if it wasn't for their recent opt-out streaming history visibility update.
No need to use Plex
Comics like this assume that the service in question has anything worth pirating. We're talking about Disney here, though.
Disney owns 30 percent of media. Just because you don't care about what they have doesn't mean it's not worth to someone.
I'm saying this as someone who is in a similar boat where I don't really care for anything they make beyond the occasional marvel movie but not all and also I'll just pirate what I like anyways.
They got the X-Files here
Stremio the GOAT
What'd they do this time? I don't subscribe to them
Password sharing crackdown, a la Netflix
What? Kids are getting free streaming while at college? These millionaire college students have gotten enough of a free ride!
Dunno, I'm not subscribed either. Can't imagine it's anything good though (if it is, I'll delete my post and phone Disney to apologise).
Can you imagine if a streaming service did something good? "We're updating the terms of service. Now each profile under your account can have their own usernames and passwords to access the service, the profile limit has been doubled, and the number of concurrent logins per profile tripled!"
Thank you for the expert answer.
"I have altered the contract. Pray I don't alter it further"
You can get going with Jellyfin if you want a alternative
First setup Jellyfin on a old computer. (Preferabllly Intel with hardware acceleration)
For content follow the following:
Buy the bluray -> rip with MakeMKV -> transcode with Handbreak -> copy into Jellyfin -> update metadata
Or you can use the *arr stack. Blurays are expensive.
me over here using my old bulldozer cpu with a 1060...
transcodes just fine though.
Look at you with your bulldozer and your GTX 1060. What a bloody luxury. I am here with a pile driver and a GTX 970.
Exactly what I'm running. Those FX-8350s are absolute tanks. Hot tanks, but solid
About how long would you say
rip with MakeMKV -> transcode with Handbreak -> copy into Jellyfin -> update metadata
takes? I have a lot of movies.
For my wife's 1300 DVDs, it took me 3 years (it's not an automated process, so obviously this wasn't 3 years of 100% uptime).
The hardest part for me has been dealing with DRM. Some movies will have their scenes scrambled 1000 ways, and then the DRM is just knowing which playlist is the right one. MakeMKV usually handles this, but sometimes it gets it wrong. so I have some scrambled movies that Ive never gone back to re-rip. It's VERY frustrating when it doesn't work, but very simple when it does.
Overall, still worth it for independence to me though. When The Office/Friends/etc got yanked from Netflix, but I still had physical copies and jellyfin, I felt REAL vindicated.
The step that takes the longest is the "transcode with Handbrake" one. On my fairly slow mobile Ryzen 7, it takes about an an hour and a half.
The thing is, you can tweak settings in Handbrake to be faster at the expense of video quality and/or file size.
What I do is to set up a bunch of files and let Handbrake run overnight. In the morning, everything's done and I can work on the next batch. It helps that I work from home.
Ripping from disc takes about 20 minutes. Copying is as fast as your network. Updating metadata can be done whenever.
Its going to take a while but exact estimates are hard to make as it varies heavily
I would just take your time and do 1-2 movies a week
I mean Disney made money on a theme park ride and a never-ending movie series about piracy seems only fair ...
I mean, capt'n, a EULA/TOS is a guideline really
I was trying to think of a way to work in a Pirates of the Caribbean joke about the Terms and Conditions and the pirate code before I realized that was literally what you just said 😩 I’m tired man
The updates are never good for the consumer. The quality of the platform goes down, but the prices goes always up. Canceled.
Save us Hondo!
Trade those subscriptions in and buy the stock instead.
They are altering the deal.
Pray they don’t water it any further.