Nintendo reveals that the new Mario game will have a trans character
Nintendo reveals that the new Mario game will have a trans character

Fans are excited, hoping that this will turn the tide for trans representation.

Nintendo reveals that the new Mario game will have a trans character
Fans are excited, hoping that this will turn the tide for trans representation.
For those who didn't read the article, the game is already released, it's the Paper Mario Thousand Year Door remake. In the Japanese text of the original gamecube release, Vivian was a trans character. The English localisation of the Gamecube release cut out all references to her being trans.
The article is saying the Switch remake's English translation now contains the cut dialogue that fleshes out Vivians backstory.
that's so fugly. gotta love it when stuff gets not lost, but thrown out in translation because some snobby corporate idiotfucker is too condescending to tell you the truth. How many other times has that happened in the last three thousand years, I wonder rhetorically.
I'd like to take a moment so sit right there while we discuss most of the history of anime localization.
In the original Japanese translation, Vivian is referred to as an otokonoko (which also can mean just "boy") and the game often uses otoko (man) and otoutou (little brother) to refer to them - so the intention was most likely to paint them more as a crossdresser.
English localisation completely removed all traces of these, just makin Vivian a girl.
And now the remake, for both languages, makes Vivian explicitly trans.
Wouldn't be the first two decades old Japanese game that had to rethink crossdressing/trans characters in their remakes.
I was assuming your link was addressing Bridget from Guilty Gear
I feel it's worth noting that everyone calling you he/him or "little brother" or "man" doesn't make you not a girl. She's referred to in game as オトコノコ (otokonoko), which is written ambiguously like that so it can either be 男の子 meaning boy or 男の娘 literally meaning "male daughter". When she's referred to as 'man', she feels insulted, and she uses feminine first-person pronouns and calls herself one of "three sisters."
Saying she's "just a crossdresser" is a possible interpretation, but not one that is clear and unassailable. In translation, she's either just a girl, explicitly trans, or somewhat ambiguous more like the original Japanese, so the people publishing the game don't seem to think of her as just a crossdresser.
All that to say, she's been trans for a while, even explicitly, it's just happening in the English version of the game now.
End Birdo Trans Erasure!
I remember reading this in my own Super Mario Bros. 2 manual.
That description is transphobic as fuck
Vivian. The game in question is a remake of TTYD. It's not much of a reveal, since the character was trans in the original game, too.
Came in here to say that. Maybe Birdo doesn't count since Mario II wasn't a "real" Mario game?
Birdo is a permanent character in the main roster of characters and Mario 2 is a real Mario game. I will not tolerate all this Bowser propaganda in here.
Even notwithstanding all of the below (several enemies and other aspects of Mario 2 showed up in later Mario games, so we can only suppose its as "real" as any), Yoshi is also a strong contender for being trans. He is consistently referred to as male but cranks out eggs at an assembly-line pace and thus might be biologically female.
But then, so does Birdo. So who the hell knows how dinosaur-things work in Mario's world.
It was a real Mario game.
Will they have a character that goes to jail because he wanted to play old video games?
It always had a trans character; they're just going to stop pretending that they're not.
I'm sure gAmErS will have a totally reasonable and normal reaction to this.
I'm sure they won't dox developers and voice actors as usual
I know some that will...
It's Zelda. They're putting an end to the age-old mixup once and for all!
Link finna get pegged.
Link was the princess all along
I mean he was already cross dressing in BOTW
They already have Birdo in the games tho, maybe it's a new character 🤔
Birdetta. Don't deadname her.
Did they actually change it? I had no idea 😅
Toad, birdo, the shy guys can't all be guys, they must have a hundred trans characters at this point, right?
That's great, but, I mean, it's Mario. How are we supposed to know?
I haven't played Mario in a while. It seems like, given the general art style, in order to make it obvious enough to notice, they'd have to flirt with stereotyping.
I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking it.
The Paper Mario games are RPGs, so they're a lot more dialogue-heavy than a normal Mario game. In this instance, the character explains their identity to the player, directly.
Ah, That makes more sense. Character creation would help a lot with this issue.
Bowsette confirmed!
This is how Nintendo will get banned in Florida. I hope DeSantis and Ninento sue each other and blow through tons of money on legal fees.
Okay - can we localize mother 3 now then?
This will be the second LGBTQ character Nintendo has had in their games since Gay Bowser in Super Mario Galaxy.
Isn't Vivian trans?
From the article.
revealed that a remake of their 2004 video game Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is slated to revive a character’s transgender identity. The remake has the character Vivian explicitly discuss her gender identity in dialogue with Mario, stating that after she realized she was a girl and not a boy, her evil siblings started to bully her.
Oh jeez those tattoos are awful. Why the fuck do people do that to their bodies?!?
Because they’re free to do whatever the fuck they want when it comes to tattoos?
Horrible horrible horrible.
I’ve always thought throat tattoos looked weird but I’m not sure how that’s relevant here?