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I just love collecting them all!
  • It’s such a garbage-tier app and always has been. Credit to Valve for busting open online app stores, but I have no idea why people like Steam so much.

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    Big Tech be like
  • The FBI don’t need a back door, they just to find the plaintext default password some unpaid intern built into the product for testing purposes before Russia does.

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    In a U.S. First, a Commercial Plant Starts Pulling Carbon From the Air
  • If you build enough solar and wind to kick fossils off the grid, they’re going to overproduce at times of peak operation. Rather than wasting that peak production, use it to process CO2.

    Also, Canada’s forests burned so hard, they were a net emitter this year. I’m not sure how reliable a carbon sink trees really are as the warming gets worse…

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    Though Bat'leths are way cooler than guns.
  • I always figured the block and struggle maneuver was the whole point. Like arm wrestling except the loser gets his eye poked out.

  • Screen cap shamelessly stolen from the delightful


    We only have to convince people to hate one more car than they already despise.
