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  • But the times are not tougher by themselves, they become tougher because of capitalism itself. So it was Homelander all along

    • "I'm the natural evolution of unchecked you."

      • Even checked Capitalism results in fascism, as Capitalism is entirely unsustainable and eventually results in the crisis that enables the rise of fascism.

    • Fascism is simply the conclusion of capitalism. Antifa is a bunch of socialists because socialism is the only cure. Anticomm and Fascism have so much overlap as movements because they're the same movement. Even in the historical context of the first rise of fascism, who took the reins of power was people promising the capital holders they'd protect them from those scary laborers. And do you know what we don't talk about enough in America? We don't talk enough about why fascism didn't take hold here. Its because in the 1920s the capital holders had seen what would happen in America if they tried to do a fascism: the coal miners rose up in violent revolt. We had what legitimately qualified as a civil war in West Virginia with the labor movement. It's one of only two times american citizens on home soil have been bombed by an air force.

      My concern is this: we don't have enough people in this country right now who love their brethren enough to stand against fascism. I ask everyone to do this: look at the Black Lives Matter movement. Realize what the African American communities right next to you are doing to resist the police brutality they experience, the fascism they are already experiencing and resisting. Join them. Link arms with them. The reality is the antifascist movement in America is nothing new. How we prevent fascism from rising is we make sure the violent weirdos know we are many and they are few. Make sure they know they don't have the man power to take over

  • ToUgH tImEs BrEeD ToUgH mEn

    • God I hate that so much! Yes Brady, you are the tough guy who will safe us all while being afraid of plant based food and pronouns.

  • Surely it was a tough pick between using Superman or Captain America in the top panel.